What "area" tends to have a lot of chests?
The main patrol area where you spawn. There's a couple of chest spawns.
Check the rooms and the Cabal ship, a symbol will pop up when you're close to a chest.
What "area" tends to have a lot of chests?
anyone want to do the Taken Assault: Earth quest? seems like you need a fireteam for the next step.
Redditors reporting that you don't need a fireteam. It spawns like any public event and will if you're solo, it's just impossible to complete on your own.
the feels of being stuck at work when all you want to be doing is playing destiny![]()
I have the sword quest.
Basically I finished the story.
Back to the Tower to speak to Cayde.
Then everyone wanted a piece of me.
Speaking to Eris sent me to Shaxx.
Quest get.
Okay guys, I know this has probably been asked before, but I just purchased the Taken King and I am in the process of installing now. I played the Destiny Beta prior to release last year, but this will be my first time with the full game, so obviously I am starting as a new player. What class does everyone recommend to start with, and does anyone have any pointers to help me get off to a good start. I am really looking forward to pouring the hours into this game, and I am hopeful that with the story expansion that it will really pull me into the lore. If you played the beta, were there any type of extras that were rewarded with that in the full game? Thanks in advance for the advice.
It's not too bad if you're really good at crucible. The key is to play Rumble and camp the spawns so it's one on one where you might actually win a last word battle. Medals give big boosts to points too. I did one rumble match and am now 52% done. Had a 3.43 k/d though.
Getting the 20 radiance kills in one strike with randoms is more frustrating than the Thorn bounty.
any thoughts on new sub class performance in crucible? any of the three standing out as yet
I have done the event a lot of times but the champ never spawned. Is there some trick?
We were three who killed the two yellow health mobs, and then it just ended. No champ.
i am so so bad at rumble, but i also know none of those sweet tricks
There are three lieutenants, before the champion. Must have missed one and it timed out before you could find him.
Just going post a reminder here because we need two more Guardians!
Friday, 9/18 - (around) 09:00 PM EST - King's Fall - Normal Mode - Blind raid!
So far it's:
Pick the class that appeals to you the mostOkay guys, I know this has probably been asked before, but I just purchased the Taken King and I am in the process of installing now. I played the Destiny Beta prior to release last year, but this will be my first time with the full game, so obviously I am starting as a new player. What class does everyone recommend to start with, and does anyone have any pointers to help me get off to a good start. I am really looking forward to pouring the hours into this game, and I am hopeful that with the story expansion that it will really pull me into the lore. If you played the beta, were there any type of extras that were rewarded with that in the full game? Thanks in advance for the advice.
Night stalker has an enhanced radarThat's pretty cryptic
I'll join it just to reserve the spot for him.I have a friend who wants to join us as well, he didn't sign up on the100 site, can you somehow reserve a spot for him?
Does anyone want to run some Heroic Strikes??
Beat Shield Brothers and Zavala will send you to DO guy. He will send you to a mission on the Dreadnaught. Beat that and you get it as a reward. Got it half an hour ago.Dread Explorer Shell
I need dis in ma life. Where is this thing?
I'll join it just to reserve the spot for him.
The CE Upgrade is up!
My friend (over 2 decades) that got me into Destiny is on his way to Brazil. He can't take not being able to play during a release. I keep texting him non-spoilery things. It's killing him.I'm so jealous right now. I went on my friends list and saw probably more than I wanted to on there alone so I said eff it. Everything can't get spoiled and went to this last page. I'm dying!
Gamestop still has it here.. Maybe get it tonight but it'd be the worst night since I have an 11 hour trip tomorrow that involves a 4.5 mile hike.
Really? I am stupid. Thanks. I must have missed it every time.
You have given me hope - thanks!
My friend (over 2 decades) that got me into Destiny is on his way to Brazil. He can't take not being able to play during a release. I keep texting him non-spoilery things. It's killing him.
I saw someone mention about getting a free Exotic for getting TTK, what was that about?
Titan and Warlock supers are easily their best. Hunter is OK
Isn't Shaxx the crucible dude? Do you have to pvp to get the sword?
Do the Veteran's questline and you'll eventually get a Year 1 exotic.