Sure. Have to go to tower firstAdd me Kadey1up. In a row for better loot.
Sure. Have to go to tower firstAdd me Kadey1up. In a row for better loot.
Add me Kadey1up. In a row for better loot.
Cool. PSN is DarknyssI just got this mission if you need a 3rd still.
Found these on the Hall of Souls, do they have any purpose? Don't remember seeing them before
Is Shaxx the only vendor that sells ghosts?
I expected to see a vanguard version too
Is it worth to buy the vanguard ghost?
Vanguard mentors sell them and they have great PvE rolls.
Are you still looking to do this? I'm on the same step if you want to team up. Val is on the same step as well.
There's a few OK route for farming, as well as a slightly glitched chest you can farm:
The Paradox mission on Venus has Consumed Vex in there.
I had the lieutenants land at Ember caves
On XB1 mind you
Is it worth to buy the vanguard ghost?
I have 90 legendary marks. No idea what to do with it.
Yes, where is this fellow???
Is it worth to buy the vanguard ghost?
I have 90 legendary marks. No idea what to do with it.
Saber strike is impossible underleveled.
Me and Val are sitting at the spot waiting for him to spawn if you want to join up.
Are you on my list? DrDrizzay101
Yes. Best use of early Marks imo. High Light Ghosts don't seem to drop often. I'm at 290 now and the 290 I bought is still my best one. I've gotten plenty of higher Light stuff for every other spot.
Also a great investment early on because your Light will jump a bunch which means you will start getting better Light gear to drop for you earlier.
Me and Val are sitting at the spot waiting for him to spawn if you want to join up.
Are you on my list? DrDrizzay101
Yes. Best use of early Marks imo. High Light Ghosts don't seem to drop often. I'm at 290 now and the 290 I bought is still my best one. I've gotten plenty of higher Light stuff for every other spot.
Also a great investment early on because your Light will jump a bunch which means you will start getting better Light gear to drop for you earlier.
Me and Val are sitting at the spot waiting for him to spawn if you want to join up.
Are you on my list? DrDrizzay101
Yes. Best use of early Marks imo. High Light Ghosts don't seem to drop often. I'm at 290 now and the 290 I bought is still my best one. I've gotten plenty of higher Light stuff for every other spot.
Also a great investment early on because your Light will jump a bunch which means you will start getting better Light gear to drop for you earlier.
Nightfall complete!
We all got crap. WTF Bungie....
Class items, Strange Coins and Runes.
What. The. Fuck.
Saber strike is impossible underleveled.
They should have done what they did with PoE and make your first NF a guaranteed exotic. Even if it's account wide.Nightfall complete!
We all got crap. WTF Bungie....
Class items, Strange Coins and Runes.
What. The. Fuck.
I've got 254 light. Getting killedWhat was the level? I just did it with everyone at 220 and it pretty fun. Will need to learn the patterns to ever do it as a nightfall.
Still not getting drops any higher than my current level though![]()
Okay thanks anyways! If anyone backs out or misses feel free to add me TJ_Electronica on PSN.
How many more parts does this quest has?! I'm at killing the Wolves Archon Priest on Mars part.
The heroic. Too many majors. Weak weapons don't do anything. Need found verdict.
They're under vendor light level because your character is under the vendor light level. As you progress faction packages get better light values, even above the vendor ones once you get high enough.Damn! I went from rank 0-> 4 in FWC just from trading motes and old armor materials. I never bothered leveling factions before because it took forever, cut into my crucible rep and had shit rewards. Now I instantly have two new armor pieces and a (shitty) rocket launcher. Maybe I'll get the hand cannon before I can actually afford it.
They are all under the light level that the vendor sells though, sitting at 243 currently
Sorry, gonna do the taken war quest with therealminime
Figured. but good to know it can go even above vendor light level. It still bumped me up a bit and I might want to infuse one of the pieces. Stuck with an ugly green/blue Crucible class item at the moment though, otherwise I'm looking goodThey're under vendor light level because your character is under the vendor light level. As you progress faction packages get better light values, even above the vendor ones once you get high enough.