Bungie needs to fix their light level drop engrams from random mobs and focus on quest rewards instead, Blue engrams and Purple engrams are based on your current light level to help you leveling throught the game, in vanilla only blue engrams were affected by that mechanic but in TTK, Purple engrams take in consideration your current light level too. Which is really awkward because you can get better engrams in the wild and lame rewards for doing a 9 steps quest line.
I don't think it's much of a problem.
Some quests have completely unique rewards that you can't get out of 1000 engrams. Some quests
do give relevant Light rewards, especially if you start cutting into them early on as newer players- starting from 1 or 25 rather than 34, are likely to do. Many of them award Marks, which can be used for upgrades outright from the vendors, preferred weapons to infuse and stay at a high Light level, and engrams from Rahool that can be legendary or Exotic upgrades themselves. Almost all of them give Rep, which leads to rank up packages, which can contain outright upgrades or engrams.
It's a good thing that you can find progress in any engram in the wild as well.
I am quite surprised no one attempted to do a loot cave farm on venus or another populated area with mobs and just farm blue engrams which can contain 295 light gear for infusions.
I'm not.
Dollars to rupees, a loot cave situation isn't fun unless there's either 1) enormous reward for time invested (see 3oC boss suicide farming) or 2) a huge social component based on popularity (see Skywatch farming which was ultimately based on a misconception about the game).
You can get those blue engrams or more while doing other things that also earn you progression. Marks. Rep. Legendary engrams from the Vanguard streak. Exotic chances from 3oC.
Also Bungie messed up the Exotic gear too in this expansion, Exotic gear aside from random stats now contains random perks so you can get a shitty Praxic Fire 290 exotic with Strength or a int/dis stat with fusion rifle ammo perk
Sorry to disagree on every point in your post, but... weird, all this is to me is the notion that you can chance into a better version of the Exotic you want over time versus being locked into one that permanently doesn't have the stats or perks you want.
I like fusion rifle ammo.
I've been using 3oC on strikes allll weekend in hopes of getting a new exotic weapon. Only one that dropped was TLW, which I'd be ecstatic about but yeah we know what happened to that weapon. Every other one was armor Game keeps giving me Alpha Lupi for Titan but I never play as one and if I did I don't think that would be the exotic I want. Did get The Stag, Obs. Mind, and Claws for my Warlock and the shadestep helmet and spine gloves for my hunter. Pretty awesome getting so much exotic armor in a few days even if I didn't get the weapons I wanted. Not looking forward to a 3oC nerf because of all the people farming Draksis
pls just giff cooldown bungie
bungie pls
I love 3oC