thanks! that might be it
You have to reach Rank 4 to turn in one of the weekly IB bounties. I don't think anyone is actually AT rank 4 yet.
No way. But then I got the weekly bounties. For one of them you need Rank 4 to hand it in.
>Increased the number of potential Shards and added additional materials in the first King's Fall chest
>Blighted Light explosion size has been changed to encompass the entire Arena
Did anyone figure out exactly what these two patch notes points mean exactly in the game?
Need 1 for GAF IB RAID
Join on me. We'll have 4 worries...
startin a new train...
1 ne0ism-
add meh or join...its open.....
So there are weekly and daily bounties?
This is confusing lol
I think the entire sidearm class should have quickdraw and snapshot built in. It is wasted perk slots and sidearms should inherently be very quick on the draw and aim. That is why they are a side...arm. The damage they deal probably only needs a tiny bit of tweaking to make them super useful. Adding some more unique perks would go a long way to make sidearms much more interesting and useful. Full auto perk is definitely one that would get a lot of people excited. I think headseeker would work for sidearms as well, and I am not sure if it rolls on sidearms atm. I would also love to see an exotic side arm that is two pistols at once, where they are two different elementals at once. That shit would be dooooooooooooooooooope.
It took them more than 2 weeks to patch this out, messing up with people who didn't get their small memo about it and infused their Black Spindle.
The sane reaction would have been to patch the kiosk version to 280 and call it a day.
Nah, there are four steps to that bounty and one of them requires you to be rank 4 to hand it in. I'm almost rank 2.Woah...rank 4 in one day? Bounties and medals???
So there are weekly and daily bounties?
Hopping inno worries...
startin a new train...
1 ne0ism-
2 Vctor182
add meh or join...its open.....
Invite cominginvite me for IB train please
i think the disappointment comes from the guys who tried to be smartest then bungie and infused the "collection" version of it to 310 thinking it would be free of the nerf.
yeah i dont see it being worth it... the sidearm looks cool though
RealcZk comes through in the clutch
OT◇35|The Black Swindle
I fixed it, plis join
What am I supposed to do with medallion of irons
Also Iron Banner is so awful, I keep getting put into games where the enemy is winning by double our score. And it always seems to be when I activate gunslinger an enemy comes around the corner with a shotgun.
Nah, there are four steps to that bounty and one of them requires you to be rank 4 to hand it in. I'm almost rank 2.
At work
But i still dont know if its ib or a raid lol
On a forum post.They told people the day the Spindle was available that it was bugged and that it's attack value would be dropped.
Monte Carlo... what's a high RoF legendary shotgun that I can keep an eye out for, anyone?Invective + No Backup Plans + Strength build
It has maxed stability. Has 3rd Eye & Outlaw. And is the Smite/Red Death/Villainy archetype, which is quite strong.
Totally worth the grind.
Both of the IB weapons are very appealing to me. I wonder what items are dropping from match rewards.
Monte Carlo... what's a high RoF legendary shotgun that I can keep an eye out for, anyone?
Monte Carlo... what's a high RoF legendary shotgun that I can keep an eye out for, anyone?
HAWKIANMonte Carlo... what's a high RoF legendary shotgun that I can keep an eye out for, anyone?
It has maxed stability. Has 3rd Eye & Outlaw. And is the Smite/Red Death/Villainy archetype, which is quite strong.
Totally worth the grind.
but but meh hawksaw...
What's funny is that it really isn't totally worth the grind. The weapons we have now are definitely good enough and this isn't even really an upgrade over anything. I remember grinding out weapons in past IBs... and then putting them in my vault as I used my normal weapons still.
I'll play IB because GAF trains are fun and I like shooting people.
You've already put more thought into sidearms then Bungie ever has. There's not even a raid sidearm, so that should say a lot.
I've seen lots of motes and sc.
Lucky for me, I scored a SWEET 263 shotgun after one of my matches. Pretty legit so far.
Just played four matches, then took a break to kill Draksis. Got an exotic engram, so now it's back to IB.
RealcZk comes through in the clutch
OT◇35|The Black Swindle