Wait they're fixing it?! I didn't know that. I wish they'd fix the raid drops. Getting 300 light drops is pretty disappointing.
Haha oh no! I must have missed it. Inthrall sent me a "request to watch gameplay" so I just clicked that. I'm a scrub streamer. What did it say?
The worst/best/worst thing about the current meta is that there's no counter to shotguns in close range. Shotguns are a low skill weapon that excel with good spacial awareness and movement.
Basically, skating absolutely destroys right now.
7th defeat. This never happened to me before in any IB. I can't believe it...
It was fun playing with all of you guys who came into the IB train. Got 299 wolf cloak and 296 boots to drop. This pleases me.
I'll be down for some more Banana tonight.Edit: ^ I'm on the outside looking in! Haha
Lol nice, you adding some background music to your streams? Groovy.
You doing more Banner tonight or NS cheaters make it not worthwhile? I guess we already did today's bounties.
Yeah, outside of the few people teleporting and the fucking wankers that were shadowshot glitching it was somewhat fun, won 14/17 games. Shame I got shit drops from it all but whatever.
The worst/best/worst thing about the current meta is that there's no counter to shotguns in close range. Shotguns are a low skill weapon that excel with good spacial awareness and movement.
Basically, skating absolutely destroys right now.
Which weapons are dropping this season?
I'll be back on IB in a little bit. PSN: Catfax
Anyone willing to help me finish Fears Embrace for Touch of Malice right now? I'm in the boss room now and have been trying to solo it for the past 40 minutes. Have gotten real close having the wizard spawn but there are just so many adds and the environmental hazards are insane.
Just one person over 290 and it should be a lot easier.
Psn: Lpwnsome
I should get on that. I've been holding onto legendary hc's I will likely wind up dismantling anyway, just haven't gotten any rare ones to drop. I've switched between Hung Jury, Suros, and Hawkmoon - Hawkmoon feels the best, but it's definitely slow and I get wrecked before I can get off my second bullet against guys using quicker weapons. What makes Ace of Spades better?I continue to recommend Ace of Spades to anyoneHunter looking for a fun primary.
what if Bungie intentionally added the shadowshot glitch to combat sunbreakers this week?
Luke tweeted that they know NF rewards are garbage now. Hope they fix it asap cuz it's not worth playing right now.
Edit: Unstable pls
Are there any IB trains going on right now or about to depart that I could get a ticket for?
Yep. I'm not sure why this happens, but whenever I play against famous community members or streamers, I go super try hard and become Unstabie, Destroyer of Pros. (Make really good plays, land majority of my shots, and perform some of my best skating I've ever done.)You forgot to mention we were playing all super try-hards from famous Destiny clans (Triplewreck's, Datto's and Luminosity's). Crazy match, glad I managed to go positive.
that nightfall was absolute comedy gold.
Yep. I'm not sure why this happens, but whenever I play against famous community members or streamers, I go super try hard and become Unstabie, Destroyer of Pros. (Make really good plays, land majority of my shots, and perform some of my best skating I've ever done.)
I wish I could trigger this mode all of the time.
Watching someone play Chivalry. This game is cracking me up.
Watching someone play Chivalry. This game is cracking me up.
Thanks for that damn fine runs IB Gaf train!
undefeated ��
I'm getting this thing where if I aim I lag for a split second.
Aside from the Mythoclast craze, PvP was legit up until December when Thorn was buffed.
I'd mostly agree with you but back then I felt like Pulse and Scout rifles were kind of meh. But back then I didn't really give them a shot so maybe they were better than I remember. All I know is Suros Regime was epic back then and shotguns weren't bullshit.
Matchmaking put me in a game that was 1 minute away from a landslide loss.
I had 1 kill, RNG gives me the Ironwreath-D drop.
Once I get the wolf cloak. There's no going back.
I miss TLW. It was my counter to shotguns.
Drizzy knows all about that side-arm metaWhen that sidearm meta comes along, you'll be ready!
It's a lost dream.You just gotta get the comfy Draksis cloak
It's a dream~
yeah i enjoyed it alot before 2.0 but it was best the first three months...
last time I was doing pvp for stuff, i went 3 and 18 playing with randoms.
that's not a typo.
3 wins....18 losses. Winning didnt really matter for my needs at the time, but still...pretty ridiculous run.
The issue was that I think Bungie was overall sensitive to the whining and complaining.
Basically. The game was ripped to shreds. Non of it was unwarranted.They were probably more sensitive in the first few months because the game didn't release to universal acclaim and they were eager to rectify things people didn't like.
Once I get the wolf cloak. There's no going back.
I miss TLW. It was my counter to shotguns.
IB train made a stop, 2 spots available
*sobs inside*TLW is a primary Havoc Pigeon, get used to it
The counter to shotguns is to shotgun first
7th defeat. This never happened to me before in any IB. I can't believe it...