Also, I had a Hacksaw drop with Perfect Balance, Hidden Hand, and Small Bore. Good to go?
Anyone, is this worth using?
Also, I had a Hacksaw drop with Perfect Balance, Hidden Hand, and Small Bore. Good to go?
Well are you eating pie or cake? Your whole story is falling apart.
Sound advice, but it's trials and IB this week. I need to work on my PvP skillz and don't have time to grind strikes.
that quest-line was brutal but I've actually managed to complete it , unlike the exotic sword & sleeper quests. farming materials for hours is worse than almost anything in the game and I've probably spent 4 hours on mars waiting for that non-existant warsat to repair the sleeper lol
I wish IB featured some old maps more often. Really tired of playing the new ones, ESPECIALLY Exodus Blue.
You guys can have that one back.
I actually didn't think it was that difficult, but it was tedious as all hell. It wouldn't end. It's like they were just padding it with objectives and when you finally finish the reward is a 150 weapon? Wtf?
How does the raid signup work? I've never run it to completion and Id like to knock it out tomorrow so I can step away from this game until they fix the economy.
Scolded is such an ugly word. I just mearly comment on it.
In all honesty I know you're a great sniper and stopping people reaching B is almost as good as capturing a zone, almost. ;P
Safe to say I'm not getting this top overall score part of the weekly bounty done lol.
Hmmmm Bad Juju or Red Death GAF?
Or curveball, Hawkmoon.
I don't take it that serious. IB is just a good way to spend some time for a little while every day. Competition is enjoyable. Besides PvP isn't any worse than it's ever been. There have always been BS supers, OP metas, lag, etc from jump street.
I actually didn't think it was that difficult, but it was tedious as all hell. It wouldn't end. It's like they were just padding it with objectives and when you finally finish the reward is a 150 weapon? Wtf?
How does the raid signup work? I've never run it to completion and Id like to knock it out tomorrow so I can step away from this game until they fix the economy.
I would pay silver for that
not really
yeah the rewards throughout the questline were questionable, seems like they were targetting fresh players. at least the questline unlocks the shaxx bounties which give you nightfall tier (lmao) rewards.
Man I am so glad I never sunk down that hole. I'm sitting on like 350 wps wondering what all the fuss is about.
lol we played like 20 games or somethin like that last night, we played twilight crap 3-5 times in a row... and rusted lands a bunch of times but thankfully rusted lands is one of the better OG maps. they do need to mix up the old maps and the new maps a little better, but we never played on a new map but once i think...reaaaally wish they would throw in clash in IB that way more maps could be in the playlist.
Is everybody saving their weekly IB bounties for later in the week when the buff is bigger?
Is everybody saving their weekly IB bounties for later in the week when the buff is bigger?
Week One Trials Map
Really? I thought the Jackal mask was great.
GTFo... it looks awesome.
>GAF shits on Side Arms
>GutZ proceeds to 13 kill streak with Side Arm alone
>GAF shits on Side Arms
Give them the D,
The Jabberhakke-D.
>GAF shits on Side Arms
>GutZ proceeds to 13 kill streak with Side Arm alone
>GAF shits on Side Arms
Give them the D,
The Jabberhakke-D.
Is everybody saving their weekly IB bounties for later in the week when the buff is bigger?
I don't think it's guaranteed that it will be rerollable. Also, they've added some cool Trials specific perks like extra agility when you're the last member alive on your fireteam.
Good advice - does anyone know how much the armor boost is?
I don't think being 300 is going to mean much of anything. .
Is everybody saving their weekly IB bounties for later in the week when the buff is bigger?
Hey Bogey, phone won't let me PM you so okay that I request placement on the list like this?Spindle Group #5(?) Complete. Hoho for breakfast and ZServ are next. Reminder to send me a PM to get on the Waiting List for help obtaining your Black Spindle.
Further reminder, do not use the Nightstalker glitch if I'm helping you or you will be booted from the fireteam.
From what I notice most people do. Just quote someone who is doing a fresh raid and mention its your first time.
Or make a listing such as
Fresh King's fall raid on Y
1) Beep
2) bop
3) boo
4) pew
5) blah blah
need X more or any extra information blah blah blah
That FWC 'The Vanity' HC has sick perks too actually.
Week One Trials Map
Is everybody saving their weekly IB bounties for later in the week when the buff is bigger?
That long thing... neck? part of helmet makes it look bad to my eye. I hoped / expected something more in lines of Stargåte design.
Beats me. Maybe one of the IB bounties triggered it? That's the only thing I can think of. Hopefully I can get a double reward once I finish the last one in a couple days.
pretty chaotic 6 v 6 map--but for 3v3 elimination there's going to be lots of nice sightlines, and tons of lanes to run away from a sunbreaker super
This just happened to me as well.
Oh I wasn't being serious xp
That's the last map I would want to see in Trials rotation.
I hear you. Only in the last day or two did I feel like I was in any kind of a flow with the new PvP. I think I settled on Jade Rabbit or 310 Hawkmoon (probably my best raid drop to date, to be honest) as primary, but I'm still kind of unsure. I'm excited though, at least to see how it turns out. The old Trials routine got a bit stale after a while.
Maybe we'll get to run a card or two this weekend.
Week One Trials Map
Week One Trials Map
The brown IB bounties count towards the shaxx weekly ones when you turn them in
so with the three IB bounties done and two of the shaxx weekly ones, you'll get the nightfall motes
Shit I just deleted my Hung Jury and Dealbreaker.
Fucking hell.
I actually got a spare change with glass half full, four shots, and braced frame. Hmmm. I will give it a shot.
can someone clarify me in one question about the first curse?
in the quest, i can use any weapon or i have to use the test one?