Thx for the info, can buy as many cards as you want? The ToO gear expected to be 290?
Looking forward to it, must Gaf people have their teams set? I'm up for a run or two if anyone is running. Thx again
You can buy as many cards as you want but you need coins to buy the boons. 9 total to start with a win, forgive a loss and your next win counts as double. So if you start a fresh card and win the first game you'll be 3-0
I haven't seen many coins drop from rewards in regular crucible but after one card you should have enough to buy all 3 (and always will get more coins than you put in if you lose 3/4 games)
Its easy to pick up a group for running a card, though success comes down to a lot of factors; luck in matchmaking (though this has been negated to a degree now you'll be matched against teams with the same win record as you), skill/guns and the most important how you play as a team
Edit, try and have a high impact sniper that can revive kill (1000yd, stillpiercer, eirene) though this might not be needed as much as before due to changes in revive timers, try to have a 300 build that includes fast rez gear (alpha lupi, light beyond nemesis) and match your chest piece to your subclass for extra armour