how did you do 3 this week?
The IB weekly bounties count towards the total
how did you do 3 this week?
By only getting one last week, but nobody cares about that information, apparently.
The dumbest part of the weapons parts nerf is that for many weapons you can't even tell if it's any good until you unlock the perks...and now it's just not worth leveling up a weapon unless you are sure ahead of time. Just a bad design choice.
Is unfortunate that some decisions are tainting the overall good will. "Fuck Bungie" is obviously a poor shortcut to show disappointment, BUT I really hope the message gets back to the number crunchers that they are single handedly sucking the fun out of the game.
Good deal, thanks.
So does XP gradually increase every day like old IB? Just wondering if I should turn these bad boys in now or wait.
Is the 'Carry more Rocket Launcher ammo' perk busted in PvP? I am only getting two rockets - using mostly The Vertigo to this point.
The 3 Iron Banner weekly bounties count towards the complete Shaxx 5 bounties bounty as well for some reason, that might be why.
Still looking? I need arc as well. (Void too on another separate character if you are down for two runs.)
Psn is same as gaf.
Do we know if waiting to turn in the weekly IB bounties increases the rep gains?
If you are on low rank, <4, sit on them. They give more XP as week goes on. I turned them in today to get from Rank 4 and 1/4th to 5.
Hoarding has been paying off in dividends for me since I started playing Destiny. Still have nearly 3k in ascended materials. I'll keep saying this until it changes, but Bungie made a game where a minimalist (not upgrading anything extra) playstyle pays off.
A two-burst, all crit does 192 damage. So it's not really a 2-burst weapon. But!
From this excellent Pulse Rifle breakdown:
The Lowdown on 66 ROF weapons
If we're talking bodies... These guns are foolproof, plentiful, and consistent, as the most represented Pulse Rifle archetype in the game right now. Just ONE of the 9 bullets you shoot has to hit the head to guarantee a 3-burst KO with these guns. However, low downside means low upside - you'll never match the ideal kill times of the faster-firing 3-burst Pulse Rifles, or the slower-firing 2-burst Pulse Rifles. Jack of all trades, master of none.
The particular weapons are impressive - Nirwen's Mercy steals the show with 71 Stability and 65 Aim Assist, but closely behind is FWC's The Villainy at 65 Stability and 60 Aim Assist (but with 5 more Range than Nirwen's). Don't count out the SUROS PDX-41 though - with 48 Range, 68 Stability, and 55 Aim Assist, stacking it with double Stability perks gives you a feasible road to a much harder hitting version of the 73 RoF "laser" weapons discussed in the previous section.
My Hunter has been perpetually low on weapon parts for 3 weeks now. The infuse system is good but it's a weapon part hog, and for the 250-290 portion, progress was very incremental - I was infusing weapons to get them up 2-5 levels because those were the best drops I was getting. I had no idea I'd 1) get quests that asked for buckets of them, 2) run out of parts before I got to those quests, and 3) have the supply nerfed when I did run out. Right now my Hunter has two.
Dismantling blue engrams this morning and getting one weapon part for each was a big bucket of sadness. While not on the same level, it's the most explicit 'grind more' decision Bungie has made since asking us to reset our exotics in order to upgrade them.
Naturally, I'm on the level 3 Gunsmith quest right now. He wants hand cannon weapon parts. This is going to take a long time. :\
This drop rate is ridiculously bad. Best in game and I did't get anything. Yet to get a IB drop at all.
My Hunter has been perpetually low on weapon parts for 3 weeks now. The infuse system is good but it's a weapon part hog, and for the 250-290 portion, progress was very incremental - I was infusing weapons to get them up 2-5 levels because those were the best drops I was getting. I had no idea I'd 1) get quests that asked for buckets of them, 2) run out of parts before I got to those quests, and 3) have the supply nerfed when I did run out. Right now my Hunter has two.
Dismantling blue engrams this morning and getting one weapon part for each was a big bucket of sadness. While not on the same level, it's the most explicit 'grind more' decision Bungie has made since asking us to reset our exotics in order to upgrade them. They earned a lot of goodwill for their overall TTK design and progression philosophy and I feel like this is a major step backward.
Naturally, I'm on the level 3 Gunsmith quest right now. He wants hand cannon weapon parts. This is going to take a long time. :\
Honestly I think that's your problem right there. Rng seems to show mercy for the weak to keep us going. I mean you wouldn't give Donald trump 5 dollars over some homeless starving guy right.
I can't seem to use hand cannons in PvP. When the weapon fires and I'm looking down the sights, the weapon coming up always screws with my aim. I'm still working on the hand cannon part of the pvp quest. :-(I love using the Hawkmoon in PvP - really wish I got to try it out during its glory days...
When it procs and you're aim is true the thing destroys...of course the opposite is also true and you can hit some real rough patches because of how slow it is.
I understand the frustrations as well, I just would hope we can find ways to express it in a less hostile manner. And not to put too fine of a point on it:While I don't defend the "fuck XXX" lines, even though I can sometimes understand the anger (or rather frustration) that make them happen, I hope Bungie folks can see past this and notice how the answers to the recent interventions of Luke Smith in here were all light-hearted and in good spirit.![]()
"civil discourse" =/= "fuck xyz developer"NeoGAF said:NeoGAF is a nexus of hardcore gamers, enthusiast press, and video game industry developers and publishers. This is a neutral ground where facts and evidence, presented within the confines of civil, inclusive discourse, prevail through careful moderation.
Yup, can't wait for the Weekly today to explain the reasoning behind the economy nerf. The community wants answers.
Honestly I think that's your problem right there. Rng seems to show mercy for the weak to keep us going. I mean you wouldn't give Donald trump 5 dollars over some homeless starving guy right.
My Hunter has been perpetually low on weapon parts for 3 weeks now. The infuse system is good but it's a weapon part hog, and for the 250-290 portion, progress was very incremental - I was infusing weapons to get them up 2-5 levels because those were the best drops I was getting. I had no idea I'd 1) get quests that asked for buckets of them, 2) run out of parts before I got to those quests, and 3) have the supply nerfed when I did run out. Right now my Hunter has two.
Dismantling blue engrams this morning and getting one weapon part for each was a big bucket of sadness. While not on the same level, it's the most explicit 'grind more' decision Bungie has made since asking us to reset our exotics in order to upgrade them.
Naturally, I'm on the level 3 Gunsmith quest right now. He wants hand cannon weapon parts. This is going to take a long time. :\
Overall, I think the the infusion system needs some tweaking. Way too much RNG involved for my taste.
It struck me really fast when I first started playing Destiny: Ascended materials are rare and we need 18 to max out an item. I noticed that having the last 3 nodes empty worked for the majority of the game and the most important weapons would get upgraded. Never understood why some people maxed out weapons just do it. Hell, my Shadow Price and old Juju is still not maxed out lol.
Yup, can't wait for the Weekly today to explain the reasoning behind the economy nerf. The community wants answers.
Yellow boarders.
Yep, they don't want us testing new weapons.
I can categorically say that any active player of Destiny would not have made this economy change. I am 100% sure about that. Show a single player that said "oh man, why are these weapon parts so abundant and easy to get?"
Number crunchers tend to ruin a lot. I know Luke won't comment on what goes on inside Bungie HQ, but I sure am hopeful it gets fixed within a month, max.
Anyone for the exotic void sword strike?
Yep, they don't want us testing new weapons.
I can categorically say that any active player of Destiny would not have made this economy change. I am 100% sure about that. Show a single player that said "oh man, why are these weapon parts so abundant and easy to get?"
Number crunchers tend to ruin a lot. I know Luke won't comment on what goes on inside Bungie HQ, but I sure am hopeful it gets fixed within a month, max.
Me. You on PSN?
It struck me really fast when I first started playing Destiny: Ascended materials are rare and we need 18 to max out an item. I noticed that having the last 3 nodes empty worked for the majority of the game and the most important weapons would get upgraded. Never understood why some people maxed out weapons just do it. Hell, my Shadow Price and old Juju is still not maxed out lol.
Yea, I mean a lot of us have raged over something whether it's a questline, mission, RNG/Smart Loot, etc. It's obvious you can't please everyone. Some people either are really (un)lucky or have been fortunate to not level up weapons for whatever reason and has a huge source of weapon parts.
I do agree with not generalizing and saying "screw ____" when something bad happens. It's good to try to say how you feel in a more descriptive (and maybe professional) manner.
My opinion on weapon parts: So far with TTK, I've had enough to skate by because Blue Weapons gave 2 each most of the time. Now that they give 1 most of the time, I instantly find myself short. I like to level up a multitude of primary and special weapons, for science. Now I'm dismantling Year 1 stuff like Word of Crota and Abyss Defiant just to get weapon parts and it sucks.
It's insane, right? TTK finally turned around the general public's perception about Destiny: It has actually become a pretty good game! Not only were outside observers impressed, but Bungie/Activision had the goodwill of nearly every member of the community. So much goodwill in fact, that almost no one batted an eyelash at the news that micro-transactions were being added. Very few people complained (relatively speaking). Then the surprise economy nerf hits, and in one instant wipe away a bunch of the goodwill they just earned.
Why would they do this? Everything else in the update was mentioned ahead of time (microtransactions, spindle nerf), but this was a surprise. That's pretty telling, isn't it? They knew it was a bad idea, but did it anyway.
So it's true then, the only stuff that drops in iron banner is the stuff for sale..
So once you hit rank 5 there is no point what so ever to continue playing it..
Do you only get 1 Spindle?
I'm in, psn same as gaf.One more needed for void exotic sword strike!
That's like a desperate drug addict selling their antique stuff for a shot of heroine lol.
I totally agree with this point, yep.I understand the frustrations as well, I just would hope we can find ways to express it in a less hostile manner. And not to put too fine of a point on it:
"civil discourse" =/= "fuck xyz developer"
they have a chance to drop at a higher value during IB.
I hope I end up eating crow here, but I don't think Bungie will even address the weapon part nerf. Everyone waiting for an explanation needs to brace themselves for that very real possibility.
He is pretty fun to listen to, was a hardcore WoW and casual Hearthstone for a long time. He just started playing Destiny but I enjoy listening to his stream while working in the mornings.