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Destiny |OT34| Stop Hammer Time!

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Need 3 for a fresh raid starting in about 30 min

King's Fall - 10pm CET - 8pm GMT

1. jayforone
2. Mindlog
3. SilvardCt
4. A guardian looking for a 300 ghost
5. A guardian looking for 300 boots
6. A guardian looking for 310 Auto Rifle

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Holy shit. I've finally found my gun that works for me in IB, it's the Tlaloc, went in as a SS to see how it would go and the Tlaloc is amazing. Like having a permanent super almost.

Yep, it's OP. I expect it to be hit with a nerf at some point in PVP.
Tlaloc seems inherently broken in that the super charged perk allows it to completely break the dps archetype. I expect to see people using bad Juju for a few rounds in trials then switch to Tlaloc when super is up.


Anywho, im looking for a quick Oryx kill in about 5-10min before i head on to do some more Iron Banana.

1) Me
2) Jafku?


So what's the preferred or is there a preffered spec for hunters raiding? I'm light 295 hoping to get some raids in when I'm done with midterms.

E92 M3

You can infuse most pieces (besides boots) with exotics if you're just looking for a set.

Yeah, but I'm saving my engrams lol and don't like infusing with exotics unless it is the final step.

I'm gonna take my foot and ram it up Bungies ass if they don't do some explaining in this weekly update.

Until then I'll take a break.

I appreciate your passion and drive for this game


So what's the preferred or is there a preffered spec for hunters raiding? I'm light 295 hoping to get some raids in when I'm done with midterms.


Use the perks that allow your tether to last longer and generate orbs for teammates.

Use smoke bombs to turn invis when you're about to die.

Pretty straightforward.
So what's the preferred or is there a preffered spec for hunters raiding? I'm light 295 hoping to get some raids in when I'm done with midterms.

Tethering everything!
You'll be fine. Spec for Agility during jumping puzzles. I usually keep agility maxed throughout the whole raid. High impact snipers are preferred.


So what's the preferred or is there a preffered spec for hunters raiding? I'm light 295 hoping to get some raids in when I'm done with midterms.

What was already mentioned by others. Tether, tether, tether. Some have used Bones (4x jump) boots for the ship jumping portion. Makes it easier.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I hadn't seen this tweet

I approve! Make it real. Shotguns should be shotguns.
You are probably right. I'd like to know if the rng is fair. But I do also remember many times in nightfall the lowest player gets the exotic. I've also only seen a handful of exotics drop in crucible, always one of the lowest scoring players. It's all anecdotal evidence though.
RNG is not remotely close to fair because the concept of randomness is completely divorced from the concept of fairness, which is inherently nonrandom and based on subjective human nuances rather than math. I could counteract your anecdotal evidence with my own of having received a Hawkmoon and a Gheleon's Demise in the Crucible/IB in matches where I was the top or nearly the top scorer, but both sources of evidence would be totally missing the point.

It's all too easy to conflate how a non-weighted random distribution looks with a huge sample size, wherein i.e. rolling a die 100,000 times will result in somewhere around 16,500 rolls for each of the six possible outcomes, thus feeling "fair" to an observer, with an individual's experience of the sum of their X number of rolls of their lifetime playing the game, which will show wild variance when compared to nearly any other individual player.

I have received 15 Monte Carlos since I began playing Destiny. Thus far, I haven't encountered anyone else who has experienced this result. I spoke to someone else who said they had 11, but that's the closest I've encountered. Yet unlike many I speak to in the playerbase, I don't assume this is the game logic intentionally and insidiously throwing Monte Carlos at me with malice aforethought. I interpret it as a simple statistical anomaly that is well within the realm of possibility when dealing with random numbers on the scale we are in a game like this. There might be, say, a 1 in 3 million chance of having received this many Monte Carlos over the total number of drops I've received since I started playing... but there are well over 3 million people playing this game. Any individual player is fairly likely to have experienced some crazy (from our perspective) statistical anomaly because of how many different possibilities for this exist. The math doesn't care how unfair it is.

If the system were designed to be fair according to our standards there wouldn't be "good luck" or "bad luck," every player would have the same luck (effectively eliminating the notion of luck altogether of course). Everyone would get the exact same amount of drops at exactly the same rate, which always sounds phenomenal to the individual. But unintuitive as it might seem, lots of behavioral science experiments have demonstrated that more esoteric reward schedules involving at least some degree of random chance (variable-ratio reinforcement) are much more effective at evoking high, stable, consistent response rates.

I know from experience that I stand very little chance of convincing anyone on these topics and I understand why, psychologically. But I'm still going to give it a shot every few months. :p


I think I'm going to bail on Iron Banner-I don't get much time per day to devote to it and the rewards don't seem all that different-plus it's just hard as hell for me as I suck at PVP anyways.


Holy shit. I've finally found my gun that works for me in IB, it's the Tlaloc, went in as a SS to see how it would go and the Tlaloc is amazing. Like having a permanent super almost.

Ahh, another Tlaloc convert! :) I've been singing its praises since I got it. It not only wrecks in PvP, but in PvE too. The fire rate, stability and range are so good when your super is charged, the dps you can do with it is insane. It's my go-to gun in the raid and I only change it out when I'm charging my super or changing to the ToM at the daughters and Oryx.

Navy Bean

Forget IB rewards, let's talk about the real travesty: killing Oryx and getting 2 shards! Not 2 useful shards, mind you, but 2 useless shards that are only good for...killing Oryx.

Yeah, RNG and all, but the lack of gear drops from the raid sucks. I've fully completed the thing 10 times across 2 characters and have received exactly two chests and one helmet total. Bleh, YMMV.


I hadn't seen this tweet

I approve! Make it real. Shotguns should be shotguns.
I'm not sure if Shot Package was the real issue because my new Shotty with Rangefinder kills in one hit like my Matador 64... I didn't see that difference.

Unless they changed from 99% chance to 90% lol
Need 3 for a fresh raid starting in about 30 min

King's Fall - 10pm CET - 8pm GMT

1. jayforone
2. Mindlog
3. SilvardCt
4. A guardian looking for a 300 ghost
5. A guardian looking for 300 boots
6. A guardian looking for 310 Auto Rifle

Quote me and sign up. Please send me a FR if you sign up

Aye, i will join

Psn RadicalVelocity


This is the mission that's good for farming an endless amount of exploding Hive.

This is the actual "We've woken The Hive!" mission that sends a stream of Thrall at you.

Last night my ghost said to me when we arrived on the Moon "Do you ever wish sometimes that we didn't wake the Hive?


Need 2 for a fresh raid starting in about 20 min

King's Fall - 10pm CET - 8pm GMT

1. jayforone
2. Mindlog
3. SilvardCt
4. RadicalVelocity
5. A guardian looking for 300 boots
6. A guardian looking for 310 Auto Rifle

Quote me and sign up. Please send me a FR if you sign up
Not Dark Beyond. There was one for Earth. Was a constant stream of thralls in the underground Rasputin area.

I believe that was the first Rasputin Bunker mission with Omnigul, but it wasn't an unlimited amount of Thrall. It's like.. 5 or 6 waves of them.

Last night my ghost said to me when we arrived on the Moon "Do you ever wish sometimes that we didn't wake the Hive?

Lol yeah I've heard that one. He sounds reminiscent when he says it too.
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