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Destiny |OT34| Stop Hammer Time!

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Idk what but something has to be done about all the PvP midmatch quitters. 1 or 2 leave and it turns into a domino effect...two more quit, then ppl spawn in see what's going on and they quit. Tired of ending up in 3v6 matches in IB.


If they had a "RNG probability curve" that made it so you were less likely to get a useful (close to 310) piece of armor the closer you get to 310 that would be like the cruelest reward system ever... ...and if they further applied it to exotic engrams that you pay for with strange coins that would be truly awful... if they did that then they should internally call it the "you should really stop playing curve"... I really don't see a useful gameplay reason to have a curve like that.

it exists at 290-300 to encourage people to raid. At 290 you can do the raid just fine, so it becomes more optimal to play the harder content to make that last gap - which is pretty standard game design.

I think he said it doesn't slow down after 300. Just that 290-300 jump.


he also mentions in this post that he was going to look into raid gear being able to drop at 300



IMO the reason 310 exists is due to the new light level math. 310 is to give you a 'crumple zone' of sorts to hit the max content level of 300, so high rolls can pull you up over it even if you have sub-300 items on you still.
Just reading up about the shadowshot glitch now. Not much time today for GAF for me.

So, when I get home to play some banner, I should expect to be bulldozed by shadowshot everywhere constantly?
Yay, got the iron banner mark.

Fuck blueberries on pantheon, they must have 1 brain cell combined. I clear out the entire enemy team around B with my OP hammers and they still sit back doing jack shit(well that's a lie, they just died). Seriously, fuck off.

Very few people play the objectives. Lots of people too worried about their k/d ratio to risk capping a point.


Idk what but something has to be done about all the PvP midmatch quitters. 1 or 2 leave and it turns into a domino effect...two more quit, then ppl spawn in see what's going on and they quit. Tired of ending up in 3v6 matches in IB.

Leave strike and/or PvP match after it has began or middle => get 1-2 hour long ban from all PvE and PvP playlists.

UGHHH This is frustrating

Raid going roughly?

So, when I get home to play some banner, I should expect to be bulldozed by shadowshot everywhere constantly?

Saw few glitchers in normal Crucible, but none in IB over too many hours of gameplay. Your mileage may be different.

E92 M3

it exists at 290-300 to encourage people to raid. At 290 you can do the raid just fine, so it becomes more optimal to play the harder content to make that last gap - which is pretty standard game design.

I think he said it doesn't slow down after 300. Just that 290-300 jump.


he also mentions in this post that he was going to look into raid gear being able to drop at 300

Getting a raid piece at 300 is so shitty that I'd rather not get anything.


No I can't... unless they think it makes good business sense to encourage people to stop playing.

Most people that stick with Destiny beyond the story and the quests are people that are fundamentally addicted to the loot grind. We all love pulling the slot machine in the raid, hoping that the 3 cherries line up and we get a 310 piece of that missing armor. You give people a taste by dropping 1 or 2 pieces. You keep people content be keeping the light increase process continuous. It's in their best interest to slow you down before 310, so you still feel the drive to run 1 more raid to get that missing piece.

There are literally tons of psychological studies on this stuff, specifically with gaming. It's actually not all that much different from how casino machines are programmed.
I logged off last night about 200 points away from Rank 3. I wanted to keep pushing, but I was pretty tired and I feel it was affecting my performance. It's my goal to get 3/4 of the way to Rank 4 tonight. If luck is on my side, I'll be rewarded with the boots and I can save my legendary marks for the Pulse Rifle.

I spend 120 last night on the New Monarchy helmet.


Leave strike and/or PvP match after it has began or middle => get 1-2 hour long ban from all PvE and PvP playlists.

Raid going roughly?

Saw few glitchers in normal Crucible, but none in IB over too many hours of gameplay. Your mileage may be different.

Usually the raid only takes an hour, seems like Oryx takes an hour alone


Whoop just got a 292 Ironwreath-D, not even phased by it though literally gave up hope of getting any drops during this match, came bottom of the team and game, yet was rewarded for being terrible? The loot reward system in Crucible combined with the IB drop rate is beyond broken.

E92 M3

Whoop just got a 292 Ironwreath-D, not even phased by it though literally gave up hope of getting any drops during this match, came bottom of the team and game, yet was rewarded for being terrible? The loot reward system in Crucible combined with the IB drop rate is beyond broken.

All players need to be rewarded in crucible, if only the tops ones are then there will be even more quitters. I say just keep throwing rewards at everyone, just like HoW did it.
Whoop just got a 292 Ironwreath-D, not even phased by it though literally gave up hope of getting any drops during this match, came bottom of the team and game, yet was rewarded for being terrible? The loot reward system in Crucible combined with the IB drop rate is beyond broken.

You could win an Iron Banner or Crucible match 1 vs. 6 and still only be rewarded with a Mote of Light.
Whoop just got a 292 Ironwreath-D, not even phased by it though literally gave up hope of getting any drops during this match, came bottom of the team and game, yet was rewarded for being terrible? The loot reward system in Crucible combined with the IB drop rate is beyond broken.

The last place player on my team (we lost) got the pulse when I was playing last night.


All players need to be rewarded in crucible, if only the tops ones are then there will be even more quitters. I say just keep throwing rewards at everyone, just like HoW did it.

But I basically realised half way through the match, why am I even trying? I've not got a better chance of loot if I win or if I come top on my team. I've been playing well all day and getting jack shit, first game I basically give up and wander around I get rewarded haha, hard to argue with that.

Deku Tree

it exists at 290-300 to encourage people to raid. At 290 you can do the raid just fine, so it becomes more optimal to play the harder content to make that last gap - which is pretty standard game design.

I think he said it doesn't slow down after 300. Just that 290-300 jump.


he also mentions in this post that he was going to look into raid gear being able to drop at 300



IMO the reason 310 exists is due to the new light level math. 310 is to give you a 'crumple zone' of sorts to hit the max content level of 300, so high rolls can pull you up over it even if you have sub-300 items on you still.

Most people that stick with Destiny beyond the story and the quests are people that are fundamentally addicted to the loot grind. We all love pulling the slot machine in the raid, hoping that the 3 cherries line up and we get a 310 piece of that missing armor. You give people a taste by dropping 1 or 2 pieces. You keep people content be keeping the light increase process continuous. It's in their best interest to slow you down before 310, so you still feel the drive to run 1 more raid to get that missing piece.

There are literally tons of psychological studies on this stuff, specifically with gaming. It's actually not all that much different from how casino machines are programmed.

I feel like I understand how the "smart loot" at the cryptarch works as much as I can, and I remember reading Luke Smith's posts back when he made them...

And it makes sense to me that you have a higher probability to get better gear when you are below 290 so that you can get ready to raid. However this works seems to be "smoothed out" so that you can't game the system by reducing your light level when you decrypt engrams at the cryptarch.

It seems to me that it would be awful and not helpful as a gameplay mechanic to have a system where when you got to 305+ then the odds of decrypting an exotic engram to be a 310 went from 50% (at 300-305) to 25% (at 306-310) (or something like that). People would figure that out anyway and just put on lower light gear when they decrypted engrams. This is my point. It's responding directly to what flkraven originally posted.


Yes. But maybe the ones at the literal bottom of the scoreboard don't need the best rewards?

Whoop just got a 292 Ironwreath-D, not even phased by it though literally gave up hope of getting any drops during this match, came bottom of the team and game, yet was rewarded for being terrible? The loot reward system in Crucible combined with the IB drop rate is beyond broken.

It's random. Crucible rewards aren't to be based on performance. There's supposed to be a slightly higher chance the better you do, but that's it. Nothing wrong with that.
Whoop just got a 292 Ironwreath-D, not even phased by it though literally gave up hope of getting any drops during this match, came bottom of the team and game, yet was rewarded for being terrible? The loot reward system in Crucible combined with the IB drop rate is beyond broken.

I joined a game where my team was getting stomped. I stayed in because I figure a free medalion was worth it for 3 min of hiding in a corner. I finished the game with 2 deaths, 0 kills, probably 0 points? I got the bond.

I'm convinced that the worse you do the better chance of a good reward, it's always seemed that way.


Just went by the Court of Oryx and tried to do it with randoms. Mini Crota showed up and no one seemed to understand how the hell the fight works. So it was mostly me chilling with the sword while everyone was killing adds.

Really fun. :|

I love my Oh Please.

Its absolutely baffling to see that in my last 15 tries, no one understood this battle. That can't be real.


it exists at 290-300 to encourage people to raid. At 290 you can do the raid just fine, so it becomes more optimal to play the harder content to make that last gap - which is pretty standard game design.

I think he said it doesn't slow down after 300. Just that 290-300 jump.


he also mentions in this post that he was going to look into raid gear being able to drop at 300



IMO the reason 310 exists is due to the new light level math. 310 is to give you a 'crumple zone' of sorts to hit the max content level of 300, so high rolls can pull you up over it even if you have sub-300 items on you still.
This makes a lot of sense (and I particularly like the phrasing "crumple zone" for some reason). IIRC, this is actually the only time in Destiny's run so far when you can be over-leveled for the highest difficulty activity, which maxes out at 300. Pushing to max out at 310 is kind of a fruitless endeavor, but we're all conditioned to chase it. Me, I just wanna hit 300.

Getting a raid piece at 300 is so shitty that I'd rather not get anything.
Case in point. My 300 ghost is one of my best pieces of gear. :lol
Whoop just got a 292 Ironwreath-D, not even phased by it though literally gave up hope of getting any drops during this match, came bottom of the team and game, yet was rewarded for being terrible? The loot reward system in Crucible combined with the IB drop rate is beyond broken.

Everytime I hear this, I wonder how well this sentiment is thought through.

Best players get the best loot? Why? So the people who are already best can get even better drops (that they have just proven they don't need?)

Ok then, how about give the best drops to the worst players so they can get the tools to do better? Obviously this isn't the best solution either as we'd just see all kind of people throwing the game to get drops.

RNG for better or worse is still the best answer here (IMHO of course). You could probably keep track of who got what and make it so that they don't randomly get a bunch of great drops one after another I suppose. But ultimately everyone who played should get a shot at getting good drops if they are up for grabs.


I joined a game where my team was getting stomped. I stayed in because I figure a free medalion was worth it for 3 min of hiding in a corner. I finished the game with 2 deaths, 0 kills, probably 0 points? I got the bond.

I'm convinced that the worse you do the better chance of a good reward, it's always seemed that way.

Nah, it's just that people like to harp on those situations when they happen. How many times do we see people here saying "Yay, top score AND got the class item!". Not much because people would much rather run to the boards when they need to rant. It's not that it doesn't happen.


It seems to me that it would be awful and not helpful as a gameplay mechanic to have a system where when you got to 305+ then the odds of decrypting an exotic engram to be a 310 went from 50% (at 300-305) to 25% (at 306-310) (or something like that). People would figure that out anyway and just put on lower light gear when they decrypted engrams. This is my point. It's responding directly to what flkraven originally posted.

Since we don't know for sure, any one of us could be right. There could be tons of systems at play. Based on how the auto-leveling to 34 thing worked just before TTK dropped, Bungie showed that their algorithms could work simply based on gear that is in your inventory (not just equipped), so who knows if that comes into play as well in different circumstances.


Everytime I hear this, I wonder how well this sentiment is thought through.

Best players get the best loot? Why? So the people who are already best can get even better drops (that they have just proven they don't need?)

Ok then, how about give the best drops to the worst players so they can get the tools to do better? Obviously this isn't the best solution either as we'd just see all kind of people throwing the game to get drops.

RNG for better or worse is still the best answer here (IMHO of course). You could probably keep track of who got what and make it so that they don't randomly get a bunch of great drops one after another I suppose. But ultimately everyone who played should get a shot at getting good drops if they are up for grabs.

I'm not playing well because of my gear though, my skill at the game is what should be rewarded. If I'm trying more and contributing more to winning the game than my team mates, then yes I should have much better chances of being rewarded.

Screw this it's fair for everyone approach, it rewards not improving at the game.


Looking to start a fresh raid in about 70 min to run my baby Warlock

King's Fall - 10pm CET - 8pm GMT

1. jayforone
2. Mindlog?
3. A guardian looking for some of those rare rare shards
4. A guardian looking for a 300 ghost
5. A guardian looking for 300 boots
6. A guardian looking for 310 Auto Rifle

So I ll need 4 or 5 of you. Vibe is cool.
Cleared Oryx yesterday with Ethomaz in about 6 min!

Quote me and sign up. Please send me a FR if you sign up


Looking to start a fresh raid in about 70 min to run my baby Warlock

King's Fall - 10pm CET - 8pm GMT

1. jayforone
2. Mindlog?
3. A guardian looking for some of those rare rare shards
4. A guardian looking for a 300 ghost
5. A guardian looking for 300 boots
6. A guardian looking for 310 Auto Rifle

So I ll need 4 or 5 of you. Vibe is cool.
Cleared Oryx yesterday with Ethomaz in about 6 min!

Quote me and sign up[/QUOTnvm


This makes a lot of sense (and I particularly like the phrasing "crumple zone" for some reason). IIRC, this is actually the only time in Destiny's run so far when you can be over-leveled for the highest difficulty activity, which maxes out at 300. Pushing to max out at 310 is kind of a fruitless endeavor, but we're all conditioned to chase it. Me, I just wanna hit 300.

I am just building out in preparation. All the content hasn't even been released yet, with hard mode raid almost certainly being higher than 300 light.
I joined a game where my team was getting stomped. I stayed in because I figure a free medalion was worth it for 3 min of hiding in a corner. I finished the game with 2 deaths, 0 kills, probably 0 points? I got the bond.

I'm convinced that the worse you do the better chance of a good reward, it's always seemed that way.

When I get home I'm gonna play about 5 matches with my controller upside-down and see what rewards I get. Because you're right. I see more people at the bottom half getting rewards than I do people at the top. It's like the game feels you don't need gear if you are at the top. It's like some strange Mario Kart rubber banding RNG on the loot drops and if you play well all you get are banana peels.
Nah, it's just that people like to harp on those situations when they happen. How many times do we see people here saying "Yay, top score AND got the class item!". Not much because people would much rather run to the boards when they need to rant. It's not that it doesn't happen.

You are probably right. I'd like to know if the rng is fair. But I do also remember many times in nightfall the lowest player gets the exotic. I've also only seen a handful of exotics drop in crucible, always one of the lowest scoring players. It's all anecdotal evidence though.


That moment when you look at the team your versing and kjhovey is on the other team 😑

Who dat?

You are probably right. I'd like to know if the rng is fair. But I do also remember many times in nightfall the lowest player gets the exotic. I've also only seen a handful of exotics drop in crucible, always one of the lowest scoring players. It's all anecdotal evidence though.

People like to say: "This shit is broken!"

You never hear people say "This shit ISN'T broken!"
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