The warlock bond is much classier
More like "we know the .01% is gonna be real mad but this one for the 99.99."
Sniper rifle headshot (unless Black Spindle) and rocket doesn't kill a Sunbreaker.Or head shot them with a sniper rifle, or hit them with a rocket launcher, or a suppressor grenade, or a golden gun.
If you're trying to take on a super-mode enemy head on with just your primary weapon, you're doing it wrong.
So can we get a list of some of the best weapons, or is there a good list out there?
What's best for PvE?
Scout - Hung Jury (Anything else? Treads Upon Stars?)
Auto Rifle - Zhalo Supercell, Zarinaea-D
Snipers - 1000 Yard Stare, Black Spindle?
Best Heavy - Exotic Sword
Successful Nightfall! Thanks dudes.
Now, is anyone doing any of the Exotic Swords? I need all 3, so I'm up for any of them!
Looks like we got 6! Unless you wanna do it with your friend ich
Looks like we got 6! Unless you wanna do it with your friend ich
Or head shot them with a sniper rifle
or hit them with a rocket launcher
or a suppressor grenade
or a golden gun.
If you're trying to take on a super-mode enemy head on with just your primary weapon, you're doing it wrong.
"Weapon parts were too complicated so as to not encumber your brain we decided to lower the amount you get."
Successful Nightfall! Thanks dudes.
Now, is anyone doing any of the Exotic Swords? I need all 3, so I'm up for any of them!
Sniper rifle headshot (unless Black Spindle) and rocket doesn't kill a Sunbreaker.
Need one for IB train
i'll give you that one
nope. does 195-197 if they spec max armor
you can team fire pretty much every other super with enough space
Am i in, you didnt update thr list
I need all 3 as well! Psn is Router_Go_Vroom
Hah, well I've never gone for it before. Want to pick one and shoot for it? Or try and get two at once? I'm sure going for all 3 at once will be almost impossible (or at least, incredibly frustrating).
Anyone else up for trying for an Exotic Sword? BMO and I need all 3, so we're not picky.
Friends invited me to do void sword. After i am done i will hop on with you if you still need em, sorry![]()
Hah, no worries man! I'm probably going to bed here soonish. There's always tomorrow!
I had some bad matches tonight--turns out getting suuuuper used to class specific weapons and then switching to another class is a bad idea, lolol.Just had literally the worst match of Destiny PvP I have ever had, went something like 6 and 21. Other team was using the Shadowshot glitch. I'm done.
So it takes two shots instead of one? Either way they're killable. In all the time I spent on IB the last few days, top spot was almost always taken by a Gunslinger or a Sunsinger. If it's a Titan I've seen more defenders than Sunbreakers in the top spot.
So it takes two shots instead of one? Either way they're killable. In all the time I spent on IB the last few days, top spot was almost always taken by a Gunslinger or a Sunsinger. If it's a Titan I've seen more defenders than Sunbreakers in the top spot.
Wolf pelt cloak is a cool idea, but just doesn't look good with most hunter helmets.
Taniks cloak is still best cloak.
They will never be able to make a Class Item cooler than that.
I do not find it aesthetically pleasing lol.
Only if they are running the lowest possible armor. If they have even one spec into armor they'll live.1000 yard stare will kill a Sunbreaker for sure.
So it takes two shots instead of one? Either way they're killable. In all the time I spent on IB the last few days, top spot was almost always taken by a Gunslinger or a Sunsinger. If it's a Titan I've seen more defenders than Sunbreakers in the top spot.
So I don't know how I managed to get 1500+ IB rep points for each of the two bounties I handed in. I went from rank 2.5 to 4 with just those two bounties.
So it takes two shots instead of one? Either way they're killable. In all the time I spent on IB the last few days, top spot was almost always taken by a Gunslinger or a Sunsinger. If it's a Titan I've seen more defenders than Sunbreakers in the top spot.
If you are good enough at Crucible to get two headshots with 1000 yard stare while a Sunbreaker is throwing hammers at you, all the power to you. I am not that good. I play a style that utilizes single headshots to gather my sniper kills.So it takes two shots instead of one? Either way they're killable. In all the time I spent on IB the last few days, top spot was almost always taken by a Gunslinger or a Sunsinger. If it's a Titan I've seen more defenders than Sunbreakers in the top spot.
So I don't know how I managed to get 1500+ IB rep points for each of the two bounties I handed in. I went from rank 2.5 to 4 with just those two bounties.
Defenders better than SunBreakers confirmed. Pack it in folks
Defenders better than SunBreakers confirmed. Pack it in folks
fair enough. gotta admit, the warlock bond is super rad tho
Need video to confirm this story.I think I got stuck by a magnetic grenade from a defender titan once.
Open spot for IB, join on shiv2099.
What if they ran a set loadout? Weapons had the same attack rating as your currently equipped stuff. Armor had the same defense rating? Completely level playing field.
If someone ends up ducking out, can I be the reserve? I'm looking to do a raid around then1.LTWood
In 1 hour 20
I think I got stuck by a magnetic grenade from a defender titan once.