Nothing for me, shocking. Needles don't re-roll the int/str/disc stats, just the nodes right?
Also why in the fuck is the Legacy engram Heavy AGAIN? Holy shit Bungie.
Looks like someone's pipped your spot sorry bud. I put the call out and then someone joined off someone else.
They re-roll the stats.
And it's not like we didn't have reports from quite everybody who played the preview version of TTK, saying that the sunbreaker's super was OP as shit and would probably get nerfed before the release.This is my biggest problem with the way Bungie is handling the game, especially sandbox balance. They should be proactive, not reactive. Sunbreaker is one of those things that should not have (and would not have) shipped had it received proper testing. And the same can be said for many things in the game that have been unbalanced.
You need a large sample size and a certain amount of time to observe trends, but trends should not be used as the primary source of balance.
What a joke. 3oC only ever gives me fucking special weapon engrams (currently at 12 in a row) and now he's selling Hereafter, presumably at 290. I need exotic leg engrams.
Need 1 more for nightfall. At the boss room.
Psn Raidenshugelaser
Damn no armor engram, Xur pls! Guess I will buy some 3oCs then.
Had to teach some stuff to first year Neuroscience students, sweaty...
Glass needles DO NOT wipe armor xp. MIND BLOWN.
Ok add me or send me your name and I'll invite you to chatI'll join on my hunter
Yeah, all good dude.No worries. Mind if I keep you as a friend in case you ever need another?
That's not really exciting though is it? Are you really sitting each week and looking forward to Xur to appear, so you can buy 3oC's, so you can go grind strikes you've already done a dozen or more times?
Maybe it's because I only do pve content in Destiny. And for that I already have what I need in terms of exotics. Spindle is a 100% drop I needed to do once, ToM is the same, and what exotic armor piece I use doesn't really matter at all.
And it's not like we didn't have reports from quite everybody who played the preview version of TTK, saying that the sunbreaker's super was OP as shit and would probably get nerfed before the release.
Yet: here we are! ^^
Need 1 more for nightfall. At the boss room.
Psn Raidenshugelaser
Guys, I've just started building a Defender Titan. I've been rolling with a warlock and a hunter since launch, so my knowledge of Titan exotics is non-existent. Should I get No Backup Plans from Xur? I was planning on just getting a Helm of Saint-14 from the Kiosk, but if someone can tell me NBP are good/great, I'll get the latter today.
Guys, I've just started building a Defender Titan. I've been rolling with a warlock and a hunter since launch, so my knowledge of Titan exotics is non-existent. Should I get No Backup Plans from Xur? I was planning on just getting a Helm of Saint-14 from the Kiosk, but if someone can tell me NBP are good/great, I'll get the latter today.
Helm of saint-14 is the defacto defender exotic. NBP looks good for pvp on paper, but I'm not sure if youGuys, I've just started building a Defender Titan. I've been rolling with a warlock and a hunter since launch, so my knowledge of Titan exotics is non-existent. Should I get No Backup Plans from Xur? I was planning on just getting a Helm of Saint-14 from the Kiosk, but if someone can tell me NBP are good/great, I'll get the latter today.
No Backup Plans is actually kind of useful now with a shotgun but its more a pvp thing since shotguns in pve hardly see any use these days. Compared to the past, Helm of Saint-14 hasn't been all that useful. That might change in the hard raid but so far I haven't anyone use the blind for anything, nor have I used it myself.
You should definitely have them even if you don't always use them. They're really good in PvP
Helm of saint-14 is the defacto defender exotic. NBP looks good for pvp on paper, but I'm not sure if youare sold on defenders for pvp.or 99% of the destiny population
No Backup Plans is actually kind of useful now with a shotgun but its more a pvp thing since shotguns in pve hardly see any use these days. Compared to the past, Helm of Saint-14 hasn't been all that useful. That might change in the hard raid but so far I haven't anyone use the blind for anything, nor have I used it myself.
hereafter worth it?
Doing quick daily.
Room for two.
Jump in.
Thanks for the run guys!
I forgot it was arc and then I blink jumped into the middle just when it opened up >.<
Once again, this causes confusion.
For once, I thought we had reports of people in here getting IB drops at rank 1, but more importantly what is the last part of the sentence supposed to mean? Which pool? Does this mean you can only get, say, the cloak at rank 2, then the boots at rank 3, then the sidearm at rank 4, and finally the PR at rank 5? Or did he wanted to say "chances" instead of "pools"?
so after hours of 3oC farming and getting Alpha Lupis only (26 of them!) without getting any other armor or weapon yesterday dropped a Hereafter.
i just might quit this game...
I'll basically level up the Defender and Sunbreaker really quickly and then let the Striker level up via Bounties at a leisurely pace, so are there any exotics that would be useful for those two sub-classes? I mainly play PVE and sometimes play Control in PVP just for fun.
EDIT - Thanks for the replies guys. Appreciate the help to a noobie Titan.![]()
Th daily crucible is the worst idea ever. Just go back to each game giving small marks. Then people who are absolute garbage at pvp(even compared to me) won't go in just for the quick marks and either afk or just have no idea what to do and completely throw the game.
helm of saint bubble on cursed thralls in golgoroth.
Thanks for the quick run Deku! I thought this was the mission where you go through the hole in the wall at the end with the echo so I spec'd completely differently, then was surprised when we got to the end lol.
I'm done with IB that's it, I have an average KD of 1,5 and consistently make 3k-5k points in crucible and the MM keep putting me in games where players go between 0.5-.0.9.
Puts me against pre made teams or in matches where I spawn and my team is already down 10k points.
I had enough of this, no more destiny PvP for me just going to do the raid and fuck this shit, playing since tuesday and barely reached rank 3.
Sorry for the rant I had to get this out.....
PSN: Kurt-Niisan
Can you smell their delicious, delicious fear?
But seriously, hope you got a nice group.
Spindle is better than it in PvE but it has very PvP centric stats. It's also the only sniper that falls in the Patience and Time archetype so it has a high firerate but also fairly high impact, which is just enough to revive snipe.
79 base aim assist
52 base stability
94 max aim assist (with scopes and perks)
100 max stability
5 round magazine
85 base reload speed
can roll hidden hand, unflinching, guerilla fighter
Highest rate of fire for a 2 bodyshot kill sniper
So who has used a glass needle?
Need details!
So who has used a glass needle?
Need details!
So decided to use 3 Glass Needles on a pair of so-so Sealed Ahamkara Grasps I'm leveling. Across all 3 attempts I got the Disc/Str (which is what was already on it) with literally only one point variances either way on both stats, and all nodes rolled identically to my original gloves for the first two rolls, and only the last set of nodes changed on the last roll.
So who has used a glass needle?
Need details!
From my post above:
so after hours of 3oC farming and getting Alpha Lupis only (26 of them!) without getting any other armor or weapon yesterday dropped a Hereafter.
i just might quit this game...