Yes, doing that now. Not doing all those Taken Champions.
Oooo gotta get me some of that later once IB trains is over.
Edit: Does this actually unlock the missions you skip?
I assume there's some.
Yes, doing that now. Not doing all those Taken Champions.
This is most games these days, even the ones that do have ingame voice chat with oppositions will rarely ever have anyone talking.What makes Destiny multiplayer trash for me compared to Halo is 1 simple thing.
Trash talking.. Destiny multiplayer is just dead in soul when it comes to banter between players
Even if you use ingame chat with friends, the opposition is just mute..
Rumble with 2 friends is fucking hilarious.
Random post done.
I'm in Brooklyn. HIt me up! I'm pretty good for restaurant recommendations etc.
6 on each character. 2 per exotic, got lucky i guess.
Patience and Time can, so Hereafter can too. You need to use aggressive ballistics.
Oooo gotta get me some of that later once IB trains is over.
Edit: Does this actually unlock the missions you skip?
I assume there's some.
Getting all of the ability kills for the exotic sword quest is incredibly painful. I assumed the Void one took forever because I did on my Hunter, but Arc and Solar are going incredibly slow as well, goddamn.
What does that new consumable do from Xur? Also anything worth buying from him today?
My girlfriend is going out of town in two weeks for a week and a half for training for work. I'm going to play so much PS4 while she's gone.
Yes, doing that now. Not doing all those Taken Champions.
Nope, only what he's selling can drop
Ive done all the quests up to the final raid one.
Happy to share them if you could do the same for me on my hunter?
Oooo gotta get me some of that later once IB trains is over.
Edit: Does this actually unlock the missions you skip?
I assume there's some.
I want to abandon a quest and never see it again.
I'm assuming this isn't possible?
I am still super salty that there is another grind to 320 and that RNG has been fucking me nicely.
Luke said not to worry and now I am worriedMaybe I'll get to 308 if I am lucky.
Dudes re rolling exotics reset the experience nodes?
For real? that sucks then lol.
these grinds are only in your own head
getting to 320 won't mean anything just like getting to 310 doesn't now![]()
these grinds are only in your own head
getting to 320 won't mean anything just like getting to 310 doesn't now![]()
Getting all of the ability kills for the exotic sword quest is incredibly painful. I assumed the Void one took forever because I did on my Hunter, but Arc and Solar are going incredibly slow as well, goddamn.
The bottom of this is that getting to 310 now will only help in killing NM Oryx (which you can do already just fine at 300), and you can only get to 310 "quickly" by killing NM Oryx.Oryx is 310 encounter afaik so no way HM Oryx isn't 320 encounter. Being closer to 310 than to 300 will help out by good amount and make HM clear that much easier. But hey, it doesn't matter that you are at same level as content you are playing so don't worry!
Pulse Rifle is worth the grind tho, if you like lasers.
Oryx is 310 encounter afaik so no way HM Oryx isn't 320 encounter. Being closer to 310 than to 300 will help out by good amount and make HM clear that much easier. But hey, it doesn't matter that you are at same level as content you are playing so don't worry!
I enjoyed all of the TTK story missions and the initial quests that I got after. However now I just have quests that need me to find lieutenants in different areas, with no indication as to where they are. And also, one of my quests is to do the Heroic Strikes - but I'm only 244 Light. Therefore I'm not really sure what I should be doing to increase my Light level to 260ish. Is Crucible the answer?
I recommend not buying Hereafter. There are only 4 weapons in the special exotic engram pool so your chances of getting one eventually are pretty good. Just buy more stacks of 3oC IMO.
If it states the area then you know where you need to goThese are timed events like public events, you'll see a message pop up that the Taken forces are taking over the area. At some point lieutenants will spawn. For increasing your light level, I suggest doing a bunch of Lv36 strikes or Court of Oryx for blue engrams and decrypt them one by one. Decrypt your first blue engram and check if it's higher than the piece you're already wearing. If so, equip it and decrypt your next engram.
Get them in this week's Mayhem playlist. Each ability kill counts as 1% so you essentially need just 100 in PvP to finish. It's easy when you have Golden Gun and can just snipe 10+ people a game.
Doing Daily. Join in for free marks if you want. Please don't rush through as I'm trying to complete several bounties.
Pulse Rifle is worth the grind tho, if you like lasers.
Oryx is 310 encounter afaik so no way HM Oryx isn't 320 encounter. Being closer to 310 than to 300 will help out by good amount and make HM clear that much easier. But hey, it doesn't matter that you are at same level as content you are playing so don't worry!
If you like people camping two towers shooting across empty space while things spawn, there's plenty of that in Destiny.
Most overrated Halo map right behind Coagulation.
Lyudmila doesn't feel quite as snappy as Messenger but that 0.07 sec difference isn't super noticeable either. I've posted a few times about it, but I got one with CBalance, Headseeker, and Hand Laid Stock. Identical stats to Messenger except a little higher range, with vertical recoil. It's not exactly 2-tapping fools with 111 TLW glitch (lol) but it's still good.
I've never seen a Spare Change drop in Crucible since TTK, and I've played 529 matches since Sept 1 according to Destinytracker. Legendary drops are so rare nowadays. The odds are getting one with a legit perk roll seem hopeless.
these grinds are only in your own head
getting to 320 won't mean anything just like getting to 310 doesn't now![]()
Woah, that was underwhelming.
Three glass needles cost 3 Strange Coins, 3 Motes of Light and 1 Exotic Shard.
Does the Trials event start today sometime?
Just got a Havoc Pigeon Sidearm from a blue engram.
Think looks like a beast.
it is for re roll the random stats on the exotics
How can you tell? They all look exactly the same to me lolJust got a Havoc Pigeon Sidearm from a blue engram.
Think looks like a beast.
I dismantled a Spare Change due to space issues....might be regretting it a bit.
Blowing all my coins on a 50 stack of 3oCs that will probably net me 3 or 4 exotics. Half of which will be 290.
Save me Fallout!!
Hanging out with Shaxx today.Time to find Xur, where he hiding today?