So is Hereafter worth buying?
If you are a collector and have spare coins, sure. Otherwise there are better legendary options/Spindle. I have it and have never found a need to use it.
So is Hereafter worth buying?
Man put that banana down for awhile and let us kick his ass!
Banana can never stop.
Also love the new Clan Tag
"Super Glitch is Bannable"
Should be Super Glitch is Bananable
they delayed trials?
No, it doesn't do anything. It seems Bungie just failed at blocking off the area. Which makes me think Bungie is blowing smoke up our asses when they say we already have the key for it or whatever BS they were spouting.
Man put that banana down for awhile and let us kick his ass!
Banana can never stop.
Also love the new Clan Tag
"Super Glitch is Bannable"
Should be Super Glitch is Bananable
Anyone doing Oryx from the start gotta finish it on my last character
I need 1 more win for rank 5
Trying to grind banana but if can get an experienced group together for a quick run I'm down for a full run. Need it on my Titan.
they delayed trials?
Link? Where did bungee say that?
Yep sounds good. tp_Drewz is My PSNOk nice just tell me when I'll go have some tea @Stephen come with me and Jafku
Hah. That's funny. I didn't know Hakke was Finnish. Call me uncultured I guess.
They should prevent us from playing IB or normal Crucible until the Nightstalker glitch is fixed. Just turn off PVP altogether.
I don't want anyone getting to rank 5 or completing bounties in normal PVP if there's a small chance they could cheat.
Now imagine if they didn't delay it.
I don't want anyone getting any strike or raid loot by cheating, either. Probably best to just shut the whole thing down. SHUT IT DOWN.
Ugh. Sad.
Then I'd be a happy man.
I'm ok with this!
HM next week bums me out. I wanted to get to 310 before it dropped. The best I can do is 308 on two characters.
makes you not want to play IB.
Hmmm. Looks like Conviction II is my ideal sidearm. Only one less in max range and a four more in aim assist. Havoc Pigeon and Ironwreath look cooler though. Ironwreath is the reload and stability master.
What app / website displays this info like that??!
Yeah, cause being unable to move and aim as the tether moves the crosshair is awesome in Trials.
I think etheric light was Bungie's best "invention". It kept all gear relevant and it was exciting to get new pieces. With infusion, getting gear below max level is just a hassle.
Truly miss etheric light.
YeeeppppppppppI think etheric light was Bungie's best "invention". It kept all gear relevant and it was exciting to get new pieces. With infusion, getting gear below max level is just a hassle.
Truly miss etheric light.
hard mode too soon.
Trials cancelled.
Bad week.
deleting charaters for raid runs ;'( let me buy subclass fully ranked pls bungie.
Is the problem with losing that you don't get the loot you want? Is that why people are afraid they might lose to this glitch?
Because with Trials cancelled you have a 0% chance of getting Trials loot.
If it wasn't, your chance of getting loot would be higher than 0% easily.
hard mode too soon.
deleting charaters for raid runs ;'( let me buy subclass fully ranked pls bungie.
I think etheric light was Bungie's best "invention". It kept all gear relevant and it was exciting to get new pieces. With infusion, getting gear below max level is just a hassle.
Truly miss etheric light.
I don't miss it because I still have like 50 in my vault. What do I doooooo??!
I like the new infusion process, but yeah I see your point as well.
Yep yepppppp
My inventory is clogged with weapons/armor I'm gonna use for infusion. Tho it's more fair to the average player.
Infusion would be better if it didn't have the 80% mechanic. I like infusion because it keeps blues relevant into the end game.
With those perks it's pretty damn good man.
Can someone give me some pointers for control on Widow's Court?
I don't know what is is but I can't find any place to really set up shop on this map. I feel like the way the points are, I'm basically just running to whatever enemy point I spawn closest to the entire game.
Is the problem with losing that you don't get the loot you want? Is that why people are afraid they might lose to this glitch?
Because with Trials cancelled you have a 0% chance of getting Trials loot.
If it wasn't, your chance of getting loot would be higher than 0% easily.
Infusion would be better if it didn't have the 80% mechanic. I like infusion because it keeps blues relevant into the end game.
Does anyone mind telling me what that Twist Fate perk on those Hunter gaunlets Xur is selling does exactly?