Bungie needs to make the thagomizers drop.If they nerf Sunbreaker, can they buff Striker so it's useful literally anywhere? Titans only have 2 classes while everyone else gets 3.
Bungie needs to make the thagomizers drop.If they nerf Sunbreaker, can they buff Striker so it's useful literally anywhere? Titans only have 2 classes while everyone else gets 3.
I'm dealing with it by not playing until it's fixed.
You can rest assured that it will be fixed very soon.
Just like everything else that has been broken in this game.
A super that needs to be activated mere feet within the enemy to be of any use, and a situational melee that can only be pulled off when timed well enough within a run? Nope, they need to fastly rework this class. It's easily the worst out of the bunch for everything.
Disagree. It was only truly like that in the earliest days of Destiny and that's just because nobody knew the intricacies of weapon balance. That did lead to more AR's than anything else but that's just a shooter default weapon.
Right now it's basically Pulse Rifles/Shotgun combos. Scouts get used but are at a disadvantage. Sidearms have been picking up over the last couple of days but disadvantaged to longe range shotguns. Everything else is lower tier than that.
Hammer isn't, but Cauterize is.
ok the splash damage is op
Guys, I've just started building a Defender Titan. I've been rolling with a warlock and a hunter since launch, so my knowledge of Titan exotics is non-existent. Should I get No Backup Plans from Xur? I was planning on just getting a Helm of Saint-14 from the Kiosk, but if someone can tell me NBP are good/great, I'll get the latter today.
Any Defender Titans having a great time in IB now with the buffed No Backup Plans?
I still find it weird that No Backup Plans have a flavor text that says "No ammo? No problem." And yet they proc Force Barrier on shotgun kills which use ammo. Still, I'll take any buff I can get. It would have been interesting if instead Force Barrier proc'd on melee kills or receiving melee damage.
NBP + Suppressor Grenades + Monte Carlo/Red Death can be really good and effective for map control and survivability.
yup, just stay out of shotty-range and you're golden!
I highly recommend the Hawkwood that the vanguard vendor sells for normal Crucible, sick balance, outperforms all legendary sidearms. Also the original Vestian Dynasty is a beast now.
Look at how the other team of bads just stand there and shoot at him. I mean, come on, how bad can you play?
and lighting nades, but their melee and passive kit sucks
Lightning grenades are the only positive thing I can say about Striker.
My striker class has literally become my 'agility' class that I just switch to for jumping puzzles, etc so I don't have to flip the bubbles on the 2 'real' classes. I understand completely that Sunbreaker needs to be looked at, but Titans have been screaming from the mountains for a year that the Striker class is significantly out classed in both PvE and PvP yet I haven't seen anyone riot yet to get this fixed.
Just saying that they should give both priority...
OHKO shoulder charges and fists of panic aren't good enough?
But that's across weapon classes, there's not one weapon that people are always going to like Thorn/TLW were. And you can still get chewed up close by a Monte Carlo / TLW while manning a pulse, and a Jade Rabbit will dettach your skull from a distance.
I'm not saying it is well-balanced, I'm just saying it's the most balanced it has been hence why you see so many different guns being used.
You don't need crucible multikills. The only crucible step is to get a number of headshot kills over the course of the entire match. The other two can be done in pve.Oh god those multikills in Crucible with the Imprecation seems impossible.
Does Bungie wants us to suffer with these quests? First having to stand around for hours in patrol waiting for Taken, then farming for hours to get exotic sword, then waiting for hours for Warsat and now having to suffer in crucible with the worst weapon in the game.
But that's across weapon classes, there's not one weapon that people are always going to like Thorn/TLW were. And you can still get chewed up close by a Monte Carlo / TLW while manning a pulse, and a Jade Rabbit will dettach your skull from a distance.
I'm not saying it is well-balanced, I'm just saying it's the most balanced it has been hence why you see so many different guns being used.
Need two for Nightfall. Already past the warsat...
I only bring reality and truth to the masses. People say something isn't OP when it is just seek attention and it very annoyingWell you're a nice individual.
You don't need crucible multikills. The only crucible step is to get a number of headshot kills over the course of the entire match. The other two can be done in pve.
Honestly, while I do agree that Sunbreakers' special is a little OP, I am not really killed more by them than anyone else. Their super activation is really loud, so when you hear it pop you just run away. I find myself killed many more times by Golden Gun and Warlock-Sith Powers. Also, that K/D ratio chart showed not much a difference in KD between subclasses.
If anything, I would say that Sunbreakers super should be even louder when activated, reduce the shield by maybe 50%, and make the health regen on kills a little weaker.
I tried to run away from a Sunbreaker on Memento once. He killed me on one side of the map, ran to the other side and killed me again. Only other class that can do that is Gunslinger and I can at least snipe him.
He must have been very accurate with those hammers then. Warlocks can do the same thing with lightning/blink, albeit, they have to get a heck of a lot closer.
Transcendence makes it easier with that whole 30 second super thing.He must have been very accurate with those hammers then. Warlocks can do the same thing with lightning/blink, albeit, they have to get a heck of a lot closer.
They home and have splash damage. When I spawned, fastest class was already looking at me.
Gunslinger, the God.
I uploaded this just for you! I didn't even have explosive pyre on, lol.
And it still had a couple hammers left over after I ran across the map and threw 2, lol. Why it isn't capped off at 3 like GG is the biggest head scratcher to me. Well, that and the fact that it drains like an IV drip compared to the others.
All the crying about sunbreakers... I'm sure bungie will overnerf it and it will become useless.
Hammerbros, let us enjoy it while it lasts.
I love when the enemy team is playing smart, focus shooting me. I'm about to die when i see some scrub just standing there herp derping. Oh sweet health regen. Hammers for everyone.
Also in IB when my teams sucks and we're being destroyed (which is like 4 matches out of 5). My super fills up. Time for some retribution. Proceed to slaughter the enemy team. And then blow kisses.
Well, since he had no way of knowing where you spawn, that's also terrible luck on your part aswell.
But that's across weapon classes, there's not one weapon that people are always going to like Thorn/TLW were. And you can still get chewed up close by a Monte Carlo / TLW while manning a pulse, and a Jade Rabbit will dettach your skull from a distance.
I'm not saying it is well-balanced, I'm just saying it's the most balanced it has been hence why you see so many different guns being used.
OHKO shoulder charges and fists of panic aren't good enough?
They home and have splash damage. When I spawned, fastest class was already looking at me.
You may have misunderstood. I was saying I'm getting more kills with my sniper, not killed by snipers. And the range on shotguns is part of why I said they are easier to use.Sniper Rifles are perfectly acceptable but close range sniping is a high risk/low reward option. They are situational which balances them automatically. If you get sniped all match, you're losing to their skill or you're not practicing map awareness at all. That's a far cry from losing gun fights because they have a stronger weapon loadout than you do.
Louder? That seems so arbitrary. It's already heard across the map.
Any Defender Titans having a great time in IB now with the buffed No Backup Plans?
I still find it weird that No Backup Plans have a flavor text that says "No ammo? No problem." And yet they proc Force Barrier on shotgun kills which use ammo. Still, I'll take any buff I can get. It would have been interesting if instead Force Barrier proc'd on melee kills or receiving melee damage.
NBP + Suppressor Grenades + Monte Carlo/Red Death can be really good and effective for map control and survivability.
I mean.. I get what you're saying.. but to me it felt like even when Thorn and TLW were around.. it was Hand Cannon's in general that were strong. Hawkmoon, for example, had a bit higher skill cap but was particularly deadly at longer distances with LitC.
Right now, it just feels like the current meta is just starting to solidify. So while there's a lot of variety right this second.. given time enough for everyone to get the right loadouts.. it's going to settle into the same things it did last time. Someone will find THE Pulse rifle and THE shotgun and people will flock to that. It's going to be hindered by Weapon Parts nerf, sure. But we're already seeing specific shotguns reoccuring everywhere. Snipers are nearly always 1k Stare. PR's are balancing between Red Death and Bad Juju primarily. Likely the IB PR for those that don't want to run Exotic Primary.
I'll join.Need two for Nightfall. Already past the warsat...
So now I'm dumb and seeking attention. You are a class act.I only bring reality and truth to the masses. People say something isn't OP when it is just seek attention and it very annoying
I think sunbreaker needs a small nerf to damage reduction but stormcallers can do the same thing in that video.