I'll join. PSN is N1ghtz. No mic though.Need one more for NF. We are past the Warsat.
I'll join. PSN is N1ghtz. No mic though.Need one more for NF. We are past the Warsat.
You sound like you have some sick fucking skillz bro.
Well Stormcaller's super lasts too long but if we're going to keep bringing up other classes that also need fixes, we'll have to go through all 9 of them.
1000 Yard Stare is high impact and high aim assist. Coming off of House of Wolves where most people switched to high impact for Trials and chased Her Benevolence for aim assist, it was logically going to be the choice. We'd see more variety if the other snipers were high impact, but everything else is Patience and Time or Praedyth tier.
You sound like you're salty bro. Seen some hammers flying around?
Well Stormcaller's super lasts too long but if we're going to keep bringing up other classes that also need fixes, we'll have to go through all 9 of them.
Well Stormcaller's super lasts too long but if we're going to keep bringing up other classes that also need fixes, we'll have to go through all 9 of them.
I'm finding the raid sniper to be the most lethal (lowest zoom, fast handling and higher aim assist thatn 1kYS), but of course it can't revive snipe. I like it so much though that I'm planning on using it for Trials.1000 Yard Stare is high impact and high aim assist. Coming off of House of Wolves where most people switched to high impact for Trials and chased Her Benevolence for aim assist, it was logically going to be the choice. We'd see more variety if the other snipers were high impact, but everything else is Patience and Time or Praedyth tier.
That's my experience too except I would've randomly died at the end.
Exactly. Guys like you are so much better than me, and I never play Titan.
There's Eirene with its luck in the chamber nonsense. I don't know if it has good aim assist or not, I guess I use sniper rifles wrong or something and they all feel the same to me.
I'm finding the raid sniper to be the most lethal (lowest zoom, fast handling and higher aim assist thatn 1kYS), but of course it can't revive snipe. I like it so much though that I'm planning on using it for Trials.
Im pretty sure its been asked before. What the hell are the Glass Needles for? Is it worth buying from Xur?
So question...
If the hard mode gear is now capped at 320, does that mean future Exotics will potentially drop at 320 also?
Im wondering whether or not to save my engrams till next week.
I'm finding the raid sniper to be the most lethal (lowest zoom, fast handling and higher aim assist thatn 1kYS), but of course it can't revive snipe. I like it so much though that I'm planning on using it for Trials.
I'm finding the raid sniper to be the most lethal (lowest zoom, fast handling and higher aim assist thatn 1kYS), but of course it can't revive snipe. I like it so much though that I'm planning on using it for Trials.
Not sure why people think PvP is more balanced now. In my mind it's worse. Pulse rifles are easily the only choice. If Trials was this weekend we'd see 95% pulse rifles.
Other guns are and have always been viable in other modes of PvP but for competitive stuff there is nothing close to pulse rifles right now (maybe Tlolac).
Before 2.0 you could run top-tier HC's (TLW, Thorn), top-tier Pulse Rifles (Messnger, HP, Red Death, Juju) and the MIDA. Now, it's only pulse rifles. (Please note that I am biased and hate using pulse rifles.
And going from LDR to 1000 yard stare, the latter feels like an aimbot.
Agreed. That thing is the real deal.I'm finding the raid sniper to be the most lethal (lowest zoom, fast handling and higher aim assist thatn 1kYS), but of course it can't revive snipe. I like it so much though that I'm planning on using it for Trials.
Well Stormcaller's super lasts too long but if we're going to keep bringing up other classes that also need fixes, we'll have to go through all 9 of them.
But for some reason everyone is focusing on how OP SB is.
Im pretty sure its been asked before. What the hell are the Glass Needles for? Is it worth buying from Xur?
You may have misunderstood. I was saying I'm getting more kills with my sniper, not killed by snipers. And the range on shotguns is part of why I said they are easier to use.
Eh, before 2.0 there was no reason to use a legendary primary, so i'll give 2.0 that.
But it's still skewed largely in favor of one archetype and pulse rifles are so much more boring than hand cannons and autos. I've disliked them since the alpha.
Twist of Fates on weapons to re-roll bonuses
Melee range warlocks have, especially stormcaller, is tad too long. Reach on stormcaller melee is insane.
Stormcallers super, when using that perk, should last 1-2 seconds less imo. Now you can prowl tad too much and pick out easy solo targets. It still takes several ticks from super to kill a player during which time player and his friends can keep nuking warlock.
I main warlock and I need really good timing play with stormcaller super to get drop on enemies, and kill them before they take me down like I didn't have super on.
If you know stormcaller has super up and call it out to your team then you just spread out tad and shoot warlock to head once with any sniper rifle. Dead warlock, got next to no kills. Sunbreaker is so much harder to counter so they get most of attention because of it.
If team doesn't react accordingly to stormcaller popping his super and stays balled up that chain lightning will devastate that ball, assuming warlock can get close enough before being killed in few hits.
All supers are too powerful. Please nerf.
Armor only
It is used to re roll Exotics.
But the same team coordination would cripple a SB as well.
Split up and get airborne. It's incredibly difficult to get hammer kills on airborne targets.
So what are the common defenses of the Sunbreaker super right now? Let's see:
1. You must be a salty non-Titan to care about balance.
2. Overpowered Titans are cool because they were underpowered before.
3. Hammer is not overpowered because you can run away and not respawn. You can also turn off your console to be extra sure you don't die.
These are all asinine.
But the same team coordination would cripple a SB as well.
Split up and get airborne. It's incredibly difficult to get hammer kills on airborne targets.
Yeah, so many toxic peeps up in hyah today. Less griping, happy Friday!I'ma nerf you Puma!
Let's talk about fun stuff everyone! There's too much salt up in here!
All supers are too powerful. Please nerf.
So basicly a waste of coins and stuff for the most part.