Anyone else looking to raid? We need two more. We've all done it many times before and would prefer experienced players to get it down quickly. Preferably (a) titan(s) cause we've got 2 hunters and 2 warlocks right now,
I have the vendor roll. Rank 5s and all that. Playing like shit with it. The slower RoF, higher impact pulses are the only ones I ever liked.
It doesn't seem to matter much--I'm just sucking across the board. Not even feeling super pumped about firing Destiny up between the weapon parts and the 2.0 hand cannon changes.
I am at an all time low on my personal Destiny sine wave. Thoughts of quitting. Going from consistent top of the leaderboard matches to consistent bottom of the leaderboard matches has me pretty bummed.
A lot to unpack here. The reason for what on it's face seems like an increase in maximum level within a single 'season' of the game is due to the system changes regarding gear, and light level, which are mostly aesthetic in nature.
Vanilla Destiny equivalent, I think of light level 300-309 as level 30. Previously we had pretty big stair steps between light levels, whereas now aesthetically it seems like every little point counts. At 310 light level, we'll effectively be level 31, going up against a final boss at level 32; similar to how Normal Crota was in the early days; and how it's been since Hard Crota where our max is generally one below the hardest encounter in the game. 320 vs 310 FEELS like a bigger difference just looking at it on paper, but I'd wager the math vs. pre-2.0 Destiny is almost identical insofar as the damage/health ramp.
Agree w/ you regarding the Crota's End loot table. I imagine they feel like it was a bit TOO generous if I had to guess.
We upgrade lots of things. We use to max out all our exotics. Weapon engrams drop a fraction of the amount that armor engrams do. Half the time even those decrypt into motes. Shall I go on?
Day 1 player. 3 characters. Didn't heavily invest in the reroll mechanic. Hardly used it at all. I currently have FOUR weapon parts. FOUR.
I've started dropping my light level intentionally when doing patrols, etc. so as to get greens to drop more often. It seems to actually be working.
A lot to unpack here. The reason for what on it's face seems like an increase in maximum level within a single 'season' of the game is due to the system changes regarding gear, and light level, which are mostly aesthetic in nature.
Vanilla Destiny equivalent, I think of light level 300-309 as level 30. Previously we had pretty big stair steps between light levels, whereas now aesthetically it seems like every little point counts. At 310 light level, we'll effectively be level 31, going up against a final boss at level 32; similar to how Normal Crota was in the early days; and how it's been since Hard Crota where our max is generally one below the hardest encounter in the game. 320 vs 310 FEELS like a bigger difference just looking at it on paper, but I'd wager the math vs. pre-2.0 Destiny is almost identical insofar as the damage/health ramp.
Agree w/ you regarding the Crota's End loot table. I imagine they feel like it was a bit TOO generous if I had to guess.
We upgrade lots of things. We use to max out all our exotics. Weapon engrams drop a fraction of the amount that armor engrams do. Half the time even those decrypt into motes. Shall I go on?
Day 1 player. 3 characters. Didn't heavily invest in the reroll mechanic. Hardly used it at all. I currently have FOUR weapon parts. FOUR.
We upgrade lots of things. We use to max out all our exotics. Weapon engrams drop a fraction of the amount that armor engrams do. Half the time even those decrypt into motes. Shall I go on?
Day 1 player. 3 characters. Didn't heavily invest in the reroll mechanic. Hardly used it at all. I currently have FOUR weapon parts. FOUR.
I've started dropping my light level intentionally when doing patrols, etc. so as to get greens to drop more often. It seems to actually be working.
It would have made HM Crota easier, sooner if it had. One could argue the current system is more generous in that technically we CAN actually attain a light level equivalent to the hard mode boss (though the chances are slim). But even at 315, the gap between us and Oryx will be less than a team of 32s against 33 Scrota.
I like numbers. I miss Drizzy's Sword Damage calculation mega-posts
I think I may be on the other side of the fence compared to many members of DGaf. I absolutely love the way that progression and loot works in this game. Maybe it is because I come from a strong MMO background, but I see this formula being much more forgiving than most MMORPGs.
First is the Pre-raid endgame. The way decrypting works along side of the amount of blues, marks, and exotic engrams you find doing Pre-raid content is far superior than the standard farm boss for a single piece of loot your class needs from their respective loot table. This makes all strikes, quests, and material farming a viable option to gear up your item level to be ready for the raid.
Raid endgame is also superior to most MMORPGs. Bosses have loot tables but they do not have a defined number of items they will drop. Moldering shard mechanics allow for a guaranteed drop each week, and exotics can now roll at item level cap.
Hard mode raid sounds no different from most other endgame raids. Slow progression through content based on item level walls. This is something I like, bashing my head against a fight because I do not over level the content and have to play perfectly.
All my own opinions here and they are not meant to demean the opinions of otheres.
TLDR - Destiny's item level progression is far superior than other gamed that share the same archetype.
The only thing you can do is purge your friends list... or deal with it and beg your friends for invites because you can't join them because the system can't see that you are friends.
A lot of people are playing Destiny right now. If you have more than ten pages of people on your FL playing destiny then it disappears sometimes...
...At least I'm pretty sure that's why it happens. Happens to me too.
II understand why you disagree. I do not put Destiny into the action RPG archetype though. Not saying you are wrong for thinking it is, just that I do not feel it is.
Wall of Text incoming. This is what a slow Friday afternoon in the office yields.
From the Weekly Update:
Recommended Light for Hard Mode is 300 320. The loot that will drop will be between 310 320
There are enemies at 320, unlike Normal, where the spread was 290-300, with gear going up to 310.
I don't mind grind, but I don't play for the grind. Destiny in the past has had grind, and a lot of it. At times, it felt overbearing, even hostile, but they've gotten better about it. Especially compared to Vanilla. The crazy thing is Bungie used to make glorious games without any grind. I played the hell out of Halo, both Campaign and PvP and I did so happily without XP, without gear drops, without unlocks. And Destiny is still that kind of game. It doesn't need the grind. Which is why I'm frustrated that they increased it so much with Taken King's Raid.
They've literally doubled the grind from what it is before, and blergh does that feel bad. There are a lot of reasons:
1) This kind of grind is the laziest and worst kind. Rather than having unique incentives to hard mode, it's literally the same stuff with a higher number.
Maybe KF Hard will have unique perks, or elemental power, but my guess is probably not. Just a different color of gear.
Before there was something at least interesting with the Hard Mode grind, crucially, one that didn't invalidate your previous grind. First they had powerful weapons in the Vault, but that wrecked the sandbox. Then they had elemental primaries, and I thought this worked well. Skolas gave out exotic quests, but nothing else, so that didn't work either. What is being advertised as the incentive for King's Fall Hard is just 310-320 gear. That's what's in the Weekly Update. Not exciting new perks or weapons, just higher light. That's not enticing in and of itself. And this is the real problem with having the Hard Mode be 300 to 320.
2) King's Fall Hard Mode Light change basically resets the power for the entire game by changing the cap. This used to only happen with new expansions, now it's happening within one. You thought you were at the cap, surprise! (This could have been avoided if we had known earlier about what the "real" cap of Taken King was.) From a player perception standpoint, that's no good, even with infusion. It makes me feel less poweful than I was before, even if the damage differences are slight.
Now we know why Luke was saying don't chase 310. The odds of getting 310 were super-low in Normal. Normal mode is to get you to 300+. Hard mode will get you to 310+.
3) It makes Hard Mode hard in what I consider the wrong way. Past history has always had it where Normal Mode got you the armor that you needed for the Hard mode challenge. Now Hard mode is challenging not just with extra mechanics and higher level enemies, but also because we'll be underleveled while doing it. (Remember that enemies are already Level 42 in the Raid, and that while we could outlevel Oryx on Normal, we won't be able to on Hard.)
4) There's yet another soft cap. Before you had one limit (raid/not raid). Now there's a whole 'nother one top of it. And worse, there's RNG mixed in. Year One Raid gear had fixed levels, and you would always get a piece that advanced you if you didn't have raid gear in that slot. It feels poopy to get a 300 shotgun when I already had one. How's that going to advance me? If gear dropped at a fixed 310 for normal and then at 320 for Hard, that'd be different, but there's already vastly more grind than before because of light variance.
And even if you're blessed with 320 light drops, and you like your old gear, you're only getting 80% of that, thanks to Infusion taxes.
So you're right, I don't have to grind for each light level if I don't like it. But there's little incentive to do so. It makes the penalty for not doing it steeper for things like IB and Trials. It increases the challenge in Hard mode by introducing un-fun challenge through undergearing. And it doesn't change that there's more grinding to do, both within each soft cap and now that there's a totally new softcap. Everyone has the amount of grind they find acceptable and this crosses my line.
That's a lot of words, and it's not *that* big a deal. But it is fascinating. Careful, thoughtful discussion by the community is what helped make Year Two of Destiny so much better than Year One. I had time on my hands to tease out what it meant, so I wrote it up. Please don't take this as a freak out.
Quick Iron Banner questions chaps - apologies if I've missed discussion on this already. I've never bothered with it before, and at the behest of my friends I've thrown myself into it. Up to about 40 games played so far, about half way through Rep level 3 - and I'm not entirely sure what the point is.
I'm at 292 light, and I've had one blue drop that was an upgrade for me. I've had two legendary titan marks drop, which I guessed saved me from buying one to help rep gains, but nothing on the vendor has jumped out at me. Is the legendary drop rate meant to increase at R4 and 5? Am I missing some perk on a weapon or a couple of the armour items that make them great in some way? I'm about half and half on whether I finish the rep grind now; I've got the three weeklies ready to hand in (well, I will do once I hit R4) so I guess that would help a lot, but feeling a bit meh about it tbh.
Wall of Text incoming. This is what a slow Friday afternoon in the office yields.
From the Weekly Update:
Recommended Light for Hard Mode is 300 – 320. The loot that will drop will be between 310 – 320
There are enemies at 320, unlike Normal, where the spread was 290-300, with gear going up to 310.
I don't mind grind, but I don't play for the grind. Destiny in the past has had grind, and a lot of it. At times, it felt overbearing, even hostile, but they've gotten better about it. Especially compared to Vanilla. The crazy thing is Bungie used to make glorious games without any grind. I played the hell out of Halo, both Campaign and PvP and I did so happily without XP, without gear drops, without unlocks. And Destiny is still that kind of game. It doesn't need the grind. Which is why I'm frustrated that they increased it so much with Taken King's Raid.
They've literally doubled the grind from what it is before, and blergh does that feel bad. There are a lot of reasons:
1) This kind of grind is the laziest and worst kind. Rather than having unique incentives to hard mode, it's literally the same stuff with a higher number.
Maybe KF Hard will have unique perks, or elemental power, but my guess is probably not. Just a different color of gear.
Before there was something at least interesting with the Hard Mode grind, crucially, one that didn't invalidate your previous grind. First they had powerful weapons in the Vault, but that wrecked the sandbox. Then they had elemental primaries, and I thought this worked well. Skolas gave out exotic quests, but nothing else, so that didn't work either. What is being advertised as the incentive for King's Fall Hard is just 310-320 gear. That's what's in the Weekly Update. Not exciting new perks or weapons, just higher light. That's not enticing in and of itself. And this is the real problem with having the Hard Mode be 300 to 320.
2) King's Fall Hard Mode Light change basically resets the power for the entire game by changing the cap. This used to only happen with new expansions, now it's happening within one. You thought you were at the cap, surprise! (This could have been avoided if we had known earlier about what the "real" cap of Taken King was.) From a player perception standpoint, that's no good, even with infusion. It makes me feel less poweful than I was before, even if the damage differences are slight.
Now we know why Luke was saying don't chase 310. The odds of getting 310 were super-low in Normal. Normal mode is to get you to 300+. Hard mode will get you to 310+.
3) It makes Hard Mode hard in what I consider the wrong way. Past history has always had it where Normal Mode got you the armor that you needed for the Hard mode challenge. Now Hard mode is challenging not just with extra mechanics and higher level enemies, but also because we'll be underleveled while doing it. (Remember that enemies are already Level 42 in the Raid, and that while we could outlevel Oryx on Normal, we won't be able to on Hard.)
4) There's yet another soft cap. Before you had one limit (raid/not raid). Now there's a whole 'nother one top of it. And worse, there's RNG mixed in. Year One Raid gear had fixed levels, and you would always get a piece that advanced you if you didn't have raid gear in that slot. It feels poopy to get a 300 shotgun when I already had one. How's that going to advance me? If gear dropped at a fixed 310 for normal and then at 320 for Hard, that'd be different, but there's already vastly more grind than before because of light variance.
And even if you're blessed with 320 light drops, and you like your old gear, you're only getting 80% of that, thanks to Infusion taxes.
So you're right, I don't have to grind for each light level if I don't like it. But there's little incentive to do so. It makes the penalty for not doing it steeper for things like IB and Trials. It increases the challenge in Hard mode by introducing un-fun challenge through undergearing. And it doesn't change that there's more grinding to do, both within each soft cap and now that there's a totally new softcap. Everyone has the amount of grind they find acceptable and this crosses my line.
That's a lot of words, and it's not *that* big a deal. But it is fascinating. Careful, thoughtful discussion by the community is what helped make Year Two of Destiny so much better than Year One. I had time on my hands to tease out what it meant, so I wrote it up. Please don't take this as a freak out.
Welcome to World of warcraft Heroic mode. I knew this change was coming since you could get all the weapons and gear on the same type of raid.
I dont really know why Bungie is doing it, its great for the hardcore gamer but for the casual would be too much or confusing to do another type of raid to get the same weapon but stronger and considering there is RNG involded on the light level of the gear it is really nonsense, uncalled and tiresome to look for the the same kind of weapon with good perks because Bungie removed the reforge option but kept it for exotics, what are they thinking.
I haven't seen anyone mention this, but I ran into what appears to be a variant of the Shadowshot/Quiver infinite super glitch. I was playing IB and using Shadowshot/Quiver legit, I shot once and after my first shot I was hit with suppression from a Shadowshot from the opposing hunter and my super bar refilled. A game or two later a similar situation occurred. I used 2 Shadowshots, and I was suppressed from a Shadowshot before I could get my third shot off. Again my super bar was refilled.
Given how the infinite Shadowshot glitch works, it would appear that this glitch/bug is related. I don't know if this only occurs when being suppressed by Shadowshot or if a Titan grenade will do the same thing. Its a VERY situational bug, but hopefully will be fixed.
To be clear, here we are talking about inadvertent "resetting" of your super from opponents using suppression (Shadowshot or Suppression Grenade) on you and you not losing your super like you are supposed to. I am not talking about actively glitching yourself to get an infinite super.
We upgrade lots of things. We use to max out all our exotics. Weapon engrams drop a fraction of the amount that armor engrams do. Half the time even those decrypt into motes. Shall I go on?
Day 1 player. 3 characters. Didn't heavily invest in the reroll mechanic. Hardly used it at all. I currently have FOUR weapon parts. FOUR.
I've started dropping my light level intentionally when doing patrols, etc. so as to get greens to drop more often. It seems to actually be working.
Will hit rank 5 on reset tomorrow and get my hands on that sweet pulse rifle, which also means I can keep truth equipped and not suffer laggy menus to switch weapons on heavy rounds
This happens to me almost everytime I look at many people do you have on your friend's list? ruthless and I have atleast 575+ and it occurs with us very often.