Is the Exotic AR Fabian Strategy for the Titan good?
From my limited use it seems pretty decent, the problem is that it's hard to evaluate it in a vacuum, and it's not as good as some of the other exotics(especially the other 2 gunsmith ones).
Is the Exotic AR Fabian Strategy for the Titan good?
I'd like to add the baron's ambition [I dubbed the bloody baron] to that list. That thing single handedly got me through the holiday quest [chaperone bounty] in 3 matches. I have a very nice stability roll on it though. It's a hard hitting lmg and mine has the highest stability of any lmg I've seen almost maxed. Can get easy 2-3 hit kills [headshots] clear across the map. It is laser, a very nasty laser.Best options are raid LMG and Thunderlord, imo. I use Thunderlord in IB and it's so good.
And here we go with the superiority shit.
I'm done with this conversation.
Y'all stay mad. Peace.
IB now stands for Igor's buttocks.
I am not a fan of it. It's decent but I wouldn't waste my exotic weapon slot on it.Is the Exotic AR Fabian Strategy for the Titan good?
Need 2 for IB
You mean just like a Striker super or Warlock super can do the same? Unless your team manages to insta spawn and land on the point for a Titan to get some worth out of 1 or 2 people trying to cap...
Kinda but..not really. It's ok. 3/5 I would say.
From my limited use it seems pretty decent, the problem is that it's hard to evaluate it in a vacuum, and it's not as good as some of the other exotics(especially the other 2 gunsmith ones).
I am not a fan of it. It's decent but I wouldn't waste my exotic weapon slot on it.
I like it in pve and crucible with close quarters maps, but I like it less than one of the gunsmith hakke auto rifles he had this week.Is the Exotic AR Fabian Strategy for the Titan good?
He didn't actually claim to be better than him though, he said other people on GAFAnd here we go with the superiority shit.
I'm done with this conversation.
Y'all stay mad. Peace.
People complaining about the overshield have no idea how it works.
It's like....funny.
You say that but I see similar kind of post by breezy too
A lot of people that I know who are complaining are significantly better than you at PvP, but keep talking about how nobody gets how it works except for you.
The nature of Striker and Warlock Supers along with Map design means those classes have to close to damn near melee range before they pop their supers. That means they show up on radar and can be attacked before they can get the maximum effect from their super.
Sunbreaker can activate well away and run up to the point with their increased armor already intact, forcing a team to either abandon the point/ammo spawn or die. Countering at that point is too late.
Your comparison doesn't fit.
You're better off buying one from the speaker. Both are solid this week and the best two IMO.I'm already lvl 5 IB with my Titan. Is it worth doing with my hunter for the cloak. Not a big fan but anything is better then that hideous neurogast cloak. Looks like I'm wearing an octopus on my head. How long would it take to get to lvl 3? I can finish the weeklies no problem.
Hunter - Level 5 IB
Titan - Level 4 IB
Total IB drops: 0
Between that and the raid drops this has not been my weekend.
Worth going with braced frame over perfect balance for the IB Pulse, for that little extra bit of stability? I'm assuming it's probably worth the ammo trade off.
Why do we have to devolve the dialog into the silly extremes?Yup. Nerf the armor, sure. That's fine. Put it in line with a stormtrances armor, remove the fantasy of being a Titan know...being the most armored class. But people won't stop complaining until they can only throw 2 hammers, die in 1 bullet, and the hammer fizzles out 3 feet infront of them.
Read somewhere that its perk may not be activating correctly and that if it did the Fabian would be a monster.Is the Exotic AR Fabian Strategy for the Titan good?
Braced Frame has the biggest effect on Pulse Rifles out of all the perks. It tightens grouping significantly.Worth going with braced frame over perfect balance for the IB Pulse, for that little extra bit of stability? I'm assuming it's probably worth the ammo trade off.
I'd say it's worth it just so you'll have the cloak right off the bat when the next IB starts. Since your main is already rank 5 your hunter should earn double the rep on wins and bounties. It should go by very quickly.I'm already lvl 5 IB with my Titan. Is it worth doing with my hunter for the cloak. Not a big fan but anything is better then that hideous neurogast cloak. Looks like I'm wearing an octopus on my head. How long would it take to get to lvl 3? I can finish the weeklies no problem.
Why do we have to devolve the dialog into the silly extremes?
I would say the little difference it makes is not worth losing a burst for. When you can get consistent 2-3 burst kills depending on engagement that 1 burst can be the difference between 3 or 4 kills per mag for example. The IB PR is so good enjoy.Worth going with braced frame over perfect balance for the IB Pulse, for that little extra bit of stability? I'm assuming it's probably worth the ammo trade off.
In this case, alot of people are treating Sunbreakers as an extreme. Like, the way they talk about SB's, you would think a SB is an unstoppable Terminator with 100% perfect accuracy that can snipe you across the map, shrugging off rocket launchers and sniper rounds, whilst having the grace of a bird and flying around the map.
Like I said, nerf their armor. But unfortunately I don't think that'll make people happy until they butcher them.
I would say the little difference it makes is not worth losing a burst for. When you can get consistent 2-3 burst kills depending on engagement that 1 burst can be the difference between 3 or 4 kills per mag for example. The IB PR is so good enjoy.
No drops? Shit dude, that's really bad luck.
I have Hunter & Warlock at 5.
4 cloaks, 1 bond, 1 sidearm
I'm already lvl 5 IB with my Titan. Is it worth doing with my hunter for the cloak. Not a big fan but anything is better then that hideous neurogast cloak. Looks like I'm wearing an octopus on my head. How long would it take to get to lvl 3? I can finish the weeklies no problem.
Pretty sure most people just refer to the DR when they talk about overshield.Because that's objective. People who think the Overshield is a huge issue don't realize it makes a Titan immobile if they're going for that playstyle.
Heh, just got a 10 killstreak with one stormcallerFeels good.
Same on me for not reading the posts above me. Yeah with you, we would need 2 moreAnyone up for Kings Fall?
PSN Kyuubi-no-Youko
Pretty sure most people just refer to the DR when they talk about overshield.
Heh, just got a 10 killstreak with one stormcallerFeels good.
Heh, just got a 10 killstreak with one stormcallerFeels good.
Same on me for not reading the posts above me. Yeah with you, we would need 2 more
Just sent you a FRSame on me for not reading the posts above me. Yeah with you, we would need 2 more
Heh, just got a 10 killstreak with one stormcallerFeels good.
I also like roleplaying SB when I score that good chain and then get another good chain into their spawn wave. Damn rare tho as you get shut down so easily :/
Worth going with braced frame over perfect balance for the IB Pulse, for that little extra bit of stability? I'm assuming it's probably worth the ammo trade off.
Well to be fair Stormcaller has perk that allows super last 100-150% longer if you have full melee and grenade energy when activating super. Then you can have blink build into your super through another perk, duration and blink perks can and should be active at same time. Stormcaller is still super easy to take down tho and blink has internal CD making spamming it impossible.
With good timing play you can do serious damage with it, but few seconds of focus fire will kill stormcaller. Even person you are going after can kill you with shotgun because of supers range and it taking 2-3 ticks to kill.
I'm kinda enjoying the Havoc Pigeon.Hate side arms, find them patheic and useless.
In love with the side arm from iron banner.. so much fun![]()