Yup. And Sunbreaker wouldn't be as bad if it was also either lower armored or didn't have the regen. The class doesn't need to be nuked from orbit. It just needs to have something adjusted down.
There is zero drawback to Sunbreaker at the moment.
GG has a loud, bright animation that takes away control and the defenses are normal.
Blade Dancer has lower mobility and control is awkward limiting map travel.
Nightstalker leaves the player floating in the air, exposed for counter attack.
Nova Bomb leaves the player floating in the air, exposed for counter attack and has limited effect radius in smaller spaces.
Radiance has a loud, bright animation and has no "new" abilities.
Stormcaller has slow mobility, normal damage taken and limited to just beyond melee range.
Defender bubble is stationary, nearly no offensive use.
Striker one time use with limited range, ending animation takes away player control.
Sunbreaker... can't Carlton dance at the same time as they run around roflhammering anyone in sight?
What am I reading
Blade Dancer has lower mobility? wat?
GG takes away control? Haha what?
Radiance does suck. Stormcaller actually moves as fast if not faster than your normal speed, and it's NOT limited to just beyond range.
Sunbreaker has a HUGE pop that you can hear from half way across the map. But the rest of your observations are either wrong or hyperbole.