only had one more to go so I went for it. I was overcome with an urge for a challenge so I soloed the special Fear's Embrace that ends the questline. After I did it a few times and realizing when the wizard spawns, killing her (and thus ending the quest proper) wasn't that crazy, but because I am a sadist I had to go on and kill the echo before I let myself go to orbit. took forfucking ever.
Incredibly tough mission to solo, the number of hazards in that room by the end of the fight is just hilarious. Shoutout to Bladedancer for getting me there, my Byronic Hero and Thesan FR both with Life Support, Shadowshot for making the kill possible and my gleaming Sleeper Simulant for making it happen.
Pretty big weekend for hawkstiny all in all
Got my Warlock raidworthy, ran his first one and hit 297
Got my Sol Edge quest to the Armsday part
In addition to the Touch, the feel, of Malice, and the Sleeper Simulant, got:
-310 Invective
-310 Light Beyond Nemesis
-307 raid helm for my Hunter
-Apple of Discord infused to 300
-Hitchhiker infused to 300
-Ace of Spades
Now if I could just quit my job and destroy all interpersonal connections in my life I'd really be getting somewhere!
Seriously though at the pace I've been playing TTK it has been enormously enjoyable for me, I hope there are those of you out there who are on a similar path. My quest log is still just stuffed to the gills on my Hunter, let alone my other two characters, and I feel like there's at least a secret or two still to come. Outside of the damn exotic sword material farming, I really have had fun with every minute of this and I still feel like playing every day. I can't believe all the PvP stuff is coming back this week en masse, it's overwhelming, but as someone who enjoys the current state of the Crucible more than most I'm excited.
Friday of the week after that, the GW2 expansion comes out. oy vey