Pantsuit Apologist
Widows court is not a fun control map.
I got that map last night over and over again. Not a fun experience at all.
Widows court is not a fun control map.
Destiny |OT 35| Our Shadowshots will blot out the sky!
Garbage map for control. Better in clash.
I got that map last night over and over again. Not a fun experience at all.
I curiois about classes.. Best to have 1 of each so it's always different .. Or like 3 hunters.. Etc so you can raid 3x . What are your setups like? (I have 2 warlocks and 1 hunter right now)
A and C, let them have BWidows court is not a fun control map.
Looking to join a Kings Fall fresh run. Never done the raid but watched all the youtube strats. L295 Titan. PSN: greengenes
Right, I agree with this. Mostly in line with my response to the guy saying #23 DTR player can't be the #1 sniper
Anyone on GAF still need to run the Nightfall? I haven't done it yet, and have space for 2.
PSN: Kurt-Niisan
If still openAnyone on GAF still need to run the Nightfall? I haven't done it yet, and have space for 2.
PSN: Kurt-Niisan
A and C, let them have B
Does anyone know what the weekly bounty gives today exp wise with a 3 ib items equipped?
Does anyone know what the weekly bounty gives today exp wise with a 3 ib items equipped?
1116, 3366 if you turn in all 3.
Thanks for the group, snowblind. I'm ecstatic that my Titan got to 300 after not having played on him since HoW dropped (daughter was born then). I also had my best loot drops with boots, ghost, Scout, and 2 shotties.
I also restarted my Warlock and hope to find a raid run tomorrow. It'll feel good to raid 3x again especially with HM coming up.
I think I'm doing this wrong. I've waited for my melee to recharge before I pick up a relic, but it's only counting as one kill for me and I have to wait until my melee recharges while holding the relic.Go to Lost to Light and get to the part where you have to carry relics. Pick up a relic when your melee is charged, and every melee kill you get while holding the relic will count as an ability kill. There's three rooms like this with checkpoints at the end, so figure out which room you like most.
When all the enemies are dead, just jump off a cliff and start again.
Played with a great group all the way up to the Oryx checkpoint in the Raid. I'm looking to complete the Raid now if people want to help kill Oryx. I've been the runner for the most part, so I've got that down.
PSN: earvcunanan
Need 5 more.
I think I'm doing this wrong. I've waited for my melee to recharge before I pick up a relic, but it's only counting as one kill for me and I have to wait until my melee recharges while holding the relic.
I'm not even sure who the #1 sniper in the world is, I would only ever consider someone who successfully snipes in sweaty matches for that title, since sniping against top players is a very different beast than sniping against disorganised pubs. The person I see do it the most consistently at a high level is War, Srabh is also very good at it, and the likes of Poshy are good at it as well.
Extremism isn't bad either, I remember getting put in a match with him one time and getting rekt in a sniper contest, which had me legit shook because I had never seen him use anything but a Shotgun before. I still haven't fully recovered from the shock of that day, it's the reason why I went to the dark side and embraced the Blink Shotgun warrior playstyle for awhile, getting outsniped by a shotgunner utterly broke me lol
Is it true that a ship drops in Iron Banner, too?
If onlyPlaying iron banner alone is so aggravating. I always get put on the losing team. Always. It should be a 50/50 shot right?
Is it true that a ship drops in Iron Banner, too?
I'll join you after your current game. Need to rank up my Hunter.Playing iron banner alone is so aggravating. I always get put on the losing team. Always. It should be a 50/50 shot right?
Apparently at rank 5
Also looking!Looking for Iron Banner train. Ps4
Raid Group KF, PSN, Fresh Raid. Looking to do a sub 2 hour run. PSN: rarbusto
Playing some IB right now so just send me a friend request and when we have 6 we'll be good to go.
Right now:
I'm down.
One of our group had to leave so we have 1 spot for an Oryx kill
I've got a team of four. Join on meLooking for Iron Banner train. Ps4
2 or 3 can drop
Up for a fresh raid?
Raid Group KF, PSN, Fresh Raid. Looking to do a sub 2 hour run. PSN: rarbusto
Playing some IB right now so just send me a friend request and when we have 6 we'll be good to go.
Right now:
Up for a fresh raid?
Chrnocide and NostalgiaUltraa.
NostalgiaUltraa has only run like once or twice but we've got a LAN thing going so I should be able to guide him on any confusing parts.