the only other IB I ever really did was last November, and by the end of that I had *every* IB weapon as well as the ship. In this one the only weapons I've seen drop are the two on sale and I can count the number of drops on one hand (I have two rank 5s). Have seen one ship drop. Were the last few IBs this awful for drop rates?
Nothing is dropping except what's on sale. I think this is normal.
The next IB will likely have drops of what is on sale plus some things from the previous IB.
I haven't seen the ship drop at all but I suspect the rate for that is purposely low, they want to hold a cosmetic item at a low drop rate to keep it dangling as a carrot for multiple IBs.
The weapons are 90 marks. Weekly Crucible gives 10 marks. Daily Mission gives 15. Daily Crucible gives 15. It's not hard or time consuming to get the marks necessary to buy the gear. That's 195 possible marks over a 6 day period before you even take the bounties into consideration.
Not having the marks only becomes a problem if you've avoided doing activities that award marks or you spend your accumulated marks late into the week.
Yeah, for active players I don't think marks are really an issue. I always do the daily crucible when I get on to do PvP and that's an easy 15 marks/day from doing something I was planning to do anyway. Plus the weekly IB bounties on three characters offer 225 marks total from 25x9, I'm not having any problem getting all the weeklies done on all my characters. Unfortunate if you can't get the 'overall score' one but I don't think you really need to be part of the "GAF elite" as said above to do it - solo queue outside of a train so that said GAF elite doesn't outshine you and if you're decent at pvp you just need some luck and heavy ammo sprees to get to the top among randoms at some point during the week.