Here I am farming Glimmer in order to buy exotic weapons and dismantle them for weapon parts.
I'm already a demon.
Where are you farming glimmer?
Here I am farming Glimmer in order to buy exotic weapons and dismantle them for weapon parts.
I'm already a demon.
Where are you farming glimmer?
Where are you farming glimmer?
VoG portals is still the way to go.
But yeah I found out 2500 glimmer nets you 4 weapon parts atleast. You get back your exotic shard too from dismantling. Weapon parts are definitely the most expensive resource now. Exotic shards are more plenty.
Motes are raining, though, now.Yeah you get an exotic shard back every time, and dismantling an exotic nets you 3 weapon parts, not 4 .-. I think if you level up the exotic you get up to 6 weapon parts, but I'm not bothering with that. Bungie took my weapon parts, but they won't take my motes.
So what's everyone's plan for HM? Not run NM on your main this week for the double HM drops? Seems like KF drops are more like VoG, which, when you ran HM first time in the week, granted a double HM roll if you didn't do NM. Which might be really beneficial come friday if you luck out with RNG during your run. (get more chances at some solid 310+ rolls)
Motes are raining, though, now.
The buff to the public events is insane, you get SO MANY motes from them it's kinda crazy... It's probably the number one method to upgrade your factions now.
So what's everyone's plan for HM? Not run NM on your main this week for the double HM drops? Seems like KF drops are more like VoG, which, when you ran HM first time in the week, granted a double HM roll if you didn't do NM. Which might be really beneficial come friday if you luck out with RNG during your run. (get more chances at some solid 310+ rolls)
I'll probably leave it till Friday purely because I'm a bit ground out and I've been that screwed by RNG that one drop isn't going to make any noticeable difference. If things stay as they are with Golgoroth dropping all the gear that shouldn't be an issue level wise as i'm guessing he'll be 310 with Warpriest 305, sisters 315 and Oryx 320
Some clarification on how its going to work would be nice as we've never had this situation before (2 levels of gear drops)
Well they're not going to give us Double 310-320 weapon or armor drops... It will be interesting to see about thestuff.harrowed
Motes are raining, though, now.
The buff to the public events is insane, you get SO MANY motes from them it's kinda crazy... It's probably the number one method to upgrade your factions now.
I know it won't be double 310 stuff but it's a bit daft to drop -310 stuff, I don't even know why I'm procrastinating about it as it will all be shards or 310 drops anyway
The HM stuff is on planet destiny, nothing to write home about apart from getting max level, imo
So what's everyone's plan for HM? Not run NM on your main this week for the double HM drops? Seems like KF drops are more like VoG, which, when you ran HM first time in the week, granted a double HM roll if you didn't do NM. Which might be really beneficial come friday if you luck out with RNG during your run. (get more chances at some solid 310+ rolls)
Strikes, surprisingly. With the Taken Ghost shell, since most of the strikes have a 'Taken' twist they naturally give me glimmer, so it just takes me popping the necessary supplement.
The blue engrams I get are another source, after 3-4 strikes it's a good 1000 glimmer from dismantling the crap.
I'm a monster ._.
Yeah you get an exotic shard back every time, and dismantling an exotic nets you 3 weapon parts, not 4 .-. I think if you level up the exotic you get up to 6 weapon parts, but I'm not bothering with that. Bungie took my weapon parts, but they won't take my motes.
There are no Y2 exotic legs yet bro.Xur NEEDS to sell leg engrams this week. Please make it happen Bungie.
Well, it never hurts to gamble at it. My main is HM raid ready anyway so nothing to gain specifically from doing NM this week aside from a light level or two. Which you'll have the potential for on friday too.Thinking to do the same although I'm thinking they might make it that you get a chance at a 300-310 drop and a 310+ one and not two 310+
Completely pumped for hard mode this Friday!
Was talking to some friends the other day, and we weren't sure if we should to our normal mode runs this Tuesday.... y' know cause of double loot on hard mode and good.
Completely pumped for hard mode this Friday!
Was talking to some friends the other day, and we weren't sure if we should to our normal mode runs this Tuesday.... y' know cause of double loot on hard mode and good.
I told my friends last night I'm going to wait till hard mode and attempt it. Normal mode has been a waste of time lately, receiving nothing but duplicate gear with worse stats. I might as well just do hard so I'm guaranteed higher level items/gear (assuming i can beat it lololol)
Assuming your main character is close to 308-309, don't bother. We don't know exactly how the HM drops will work but better safe than sorry since there really nothing to gain from another NM run.
I've raided 3x every week and the crappy fusion rifle is my only 310, I won't gain anymore Light in NM raids.
Waiting until Friday to raid, no sense in wasting your loot drop on another 300 Ghost. My Titan is 309 and as ready as possible anyway. I'd say "hopefully they don't pull a Scrota and make you run NM and HM each week for all loot" but there's no KF-equivalent of the Black Hammer so nobody would bother anyway.
Also waiting to do Nightfalls until they patch the drops or at least give another update. Weekly update said that change was coming soon.
My plan is simple: skip reset raid for all 3 and simply wait for hard mode this Friday to raid since all 3 are HM ready. I rather do HM and get a 310 ghost over doing normal and getting yet another 300 ghost.So what's everyone's plan for HM? Not run NM on your main this week for the double HM drops? Seems like KF drops are more like VoG, which, when you ran HM first time in the week, granted a double HM roll if you didn't do NM. Which might be really beneficial come friday if you luck out with RNG during your run. (get more chances at some solid 310+ rolls)
Can't wait to run KF HM this week, me and my friends were thinking run NM upto Oryx and then move all shards out of our inventory so we get more shards ready for HM.
Or is it worth waiting til Friday just HM Humm decisons,decisons.
The big cosmodrome control map with the mountable guns is seriously the biggest piece of garbage Ive ever seen. Who OK'd this? It's ridiculously bad
Yeah, only reason currently to run NM is if you are missing a piece of gear to unlock the Bone Marrow.
No kidding, the normal mode loot has been... not kind to me. Still missing any sort of helmet and a scout rifle.
I might leave my main (hunter) for hard mode, but it'll be hard not doing the raid at least once on Tuesday
Hoping for more details from Bungie this Thursday in the BWU
Me on the other hand Just wanna do Hard Mode to get the trophy. I'll quit destiny after that or at least Just stick to one char.
Bungie lost it with the endgame imo. I dont feel rewarded anymore when I play it.
Is it possible to get inside the bridge of the cabal ship in patrol mode?
Bleh, I've given up on that. Zero helmets and still missing the raid scout and sniper rifle. Even raid gear I get has terrible perks like sidearm reload gauntlets and Arc armor Titan chest pieces.
By Friday I'll be well rested and maximum hyped for Heroic
Sounds like he was referring to Twilight Gap maybe?
I was kinda the same but I kinda actually like it on my lock.
Yeah, I think I have finally burnt myself out for the first time since Dark Below. Gonna have a nice rest away from the game (mostly studying for Law exams, so not that restful). Still trying to figure out if I should bother waking up at 3am for the launch or just wait a few hrs/days.
Where's your neck?
So what's everyone's plan for HM? Not run NM on your main this week for the double HM drops? Seems like KF drops are more like VoG, which, when you ran HM first time in the week, granted a double HM roll if you didn't do NM. Which might be really beneficial come friday if you luck out with RNG during your run. (get more chances at some solid 310+ rolls)
I just got the Year 2 Iron Banner ship, the Hebridean Thoughtcrime.
Bow before me!
I just got the Year 2 Iron Banner ship, the Hebridean Thoughtcrime.
Bow before me!
I just got the Year 2 Iron Banner ship, the Hebridean Thoughtcrime.
Bow before me!
Oh hell, Hard Mode is coming out this Friday? Well this is an awful time to try this, but I'm on my own this weekend and will have way to much time to
I'm looking to do King's Fall for the first time (Normal Mode) (PSN) (PS4), wanted to do it blind (haven't ready any strategies or anything), and was wondering if there were 5 others from GAF that had any interest in doing the same thing? Obviously we could institute some kind of contingency plan of "read a strategy after wiping the 5th time" so it's not totally stressful, but I'd still like to try and figure everything out on my/our own.
I'm sitting around 295 light, assume others would need to be around the same level (at least 288-290? I think?), and was hoping to start it up Friday, October 23rd around 8pm EST. All day Saturday is also an option. Any interest? Shoot me a PM if so and we'll see what happens.
Wow, you're 306 without stepping in the raid. That's pretty impressive.Count me in, i never did the raid but i am already light level 306 and have a black spindel at 310, so i can do some decent damage
Friday would be perfect for me, just pm me on gaf 3 Hours before we start
Wow, you're 306 without stepping in the raid. That's pretty impressive.
Only thing i do at the moment is to farm for 310 Exotics, but i guess now i reached a point where i need to do the raid, to get any higher