Count me in, i never did the raid but i am already light level 306 and have a black spindel at 310, so i can do some decent damage
Friday would be perfect for me, just pm me on gaf 3 Hours before we start
Can do. It might have to be pushed to Saturday depending on who can play and when, or if I get stuck in another State on Friday thanks to work.
I've still yet to run the raid so I'd be up for this, though times may be a problem as I'm GMT so like 4 hours ahead of you
Saturday is always an option, but we'd still need to work out a start time. It'll be funny if we end up with some PDT people and have a 7 hour swing (PDT to GMT) to plan around.
EDIT: Quoting my post from earlier for a new page, and so people know what the hell we're talking about:
Oh hell, Hard Mode is coming out this Friday? Well this is an awful time to try this, but I'm on my own this weekend and will have way to much time to
I'm looking to do King's Fall for the first time (Normal Mode) (PSN) (PS4), wanted to do it blind (haven't ready any strategies or anything), and was wondering if there were 5 others from GAF that had any interest in doing the same thing? Obviously we could institute some kind of contingency plan of "read a strategy after wiping the 5th time" so it's not totally stressful, but I'd still like to try and figure everything out on my/our own.
I'm sitting around 295 light, assume others would need to be around the same level (at least 288-290? I think?), and was hoping to start it up Friday, October 23rd around 8pm EST. All day Saturday is also an option. Any interest? Shoot me a PM if so and we'll see what happens.