Couple of things I'd like to see added to ole Destino to shake things up a bit:
Raid Vendor
The raid vendor will store blueprints of raid weapons and gear earned across your account through all raids in Destiny. You can dismantle any of your favorite raid guns and gear and retrieve them at any time for a cost TBD. The raid vendor will also offer the following buffs that can be purchased at any time, once per week, per account:
- Buff that allows you to replay any raid and earn loot at each boss again for a character that's already completed the raid for that week
- Buff that allows for a double drop from a single boss' loot pool
- Armor buff or Weapon buff; 2 separate buffs that will increase your chances of either an armor piece or a weapon will drop from a boss' loot pool while active
I also personally wouldn't mind if the Raid Vendor also offered 1 armor piece or 1 weapon piece for sale, purchasable only by using a consumable earned in the raid (similar to Variks). Maybe at 305 light vs the cap. Gear would only be offered from the latest raid (no VoG or CE items).
I've thought about "Raid Challenges/Bounties" but this probably wouldn't be a good idea. Similar to how most PvP bounties are a bad idea in general.
Legendary Challenges
Legendary Challenges encourage players to experience the PvE game in ways they're not typically used to in Destiny's activities. Encouraging more difficult playstyles to test a player's ability to overcome scenarios they have grown accustomed to conquering with relative ease in the past.
The Bounty Tracker will offer 3 each week, each of which offers you a selection of rewards upon completion. Finishing all 3 in a given week guarantees a random exotic drop, 290-310 light. Limited to 1 completion per account.
3 of the following selected at random each week:
- Complete a weekly heroic strike without firing a special weapon
- Complete the Nightfall strike in 18 minutes or less
- Finish a daily heroic mission with at least 100 kills, 0 deaths
- Complete a level 40+ strike without using any subclass abilities to damage/kill any enemies (aka no melees while charged, no grenades, no supers)
- Complete any strike from the Director's menu, solo, while being at least 15 light below the recommended level throughout the entire activity
- Finish a level 36+ strike with a fireteam where the only damage dealt to the final boss is dealt by using supers only
- Complete the daily mission, solo, by using only your primary weapon and abilities to damage/kill enemies
- Complete a Nightfall strike with a fireteam consisting only of matching elemental weapons and subclass abilities (all guns and subclasses must be only void, solar or arc) - kinetic excluded
*Rewards: Selection of 3 "quality" drops including one of the following:
- RNG Legendary Weapon or Armor Piece
- 15 Pack of Coins
- Glimmer package worth 10k (like amethyst)
- Legendary Mark Package worth 15 marks
- Materials Package (150 weapon parts, 150 relic iron, 150 armor parts, etc)
Would use the same reward screen as this, but include the options above, selected at random: