Hey there, haven't posted in a while, mostly been lurking. But last night I finally got my Platinum and Flawless Raider going Solo on Crota!
I've been dying to try this and just didn't have time before... But now with the swords and such I figured it was a good time! My first attempt at soloing Crota went pretty well, so i thought i would try for Flawless... and i got it fir try

It was easier than i was expecting! And i am well aware i'm by no means special for doing this, I just made a video for my friends and they said i should post it here, so here it goes:
I'm far from pro, i almost die a few times (mostly being an idiot), but I added commentary so I think it is at least entertaining!
The video starts at the second wizard before the Deathsinger (i forgot to record the first part since it only does 15 minutes...) but i used invisibility to do the lamps and Bones of Eao to cross the bridge with the sword. Total run was 27 minutes, much quicker than i expected.
Although it doesn't show in the video, Flawless Raider was the last trophy I needed so i also got my Platinum