Whats this news about Destiny becoming a p2w game????
Whats this news about Destiny becoming a p2w game????
So Destiny continues to sell better on Xbox at retail not including bundles, but September was the best month in the history of PSN store so Destiny TTK probably sold massively on PS digital.
Destiny is not remotely set up to be an F2P game. What the hell did I miss during my fever dreams last night sheesh
I hate this thread.
Not for much longer if 343 studios got their shit together and actually made a good halo game. I predict the xbox community will be shrinking shortly if all the previews hold true.
Errmahgerd your Titan is balling with the Emblem and the Class Item!
Don't hate me, but I did the same for the Striker first because I've been building my gear for Intellect / Discipline because of the Sunbreaker, which also applies to the Striker. I am now collecting Intellect / Strength for my Defender load out.
I use the Double Banshee (all blue) shader, the Striker Class Item, the Striker Emblem, and Helm of Inmost Light or the Empyrean Bellicose. I haven't seen any other Titans using their Class Items like us, not one -- but they are clearly the best looking! To me at least.
What's the patch releasing today that everyone keeps talking about on streams?
Let's get to 20000 posts in the next 5 hours please?
Let's get to 20000 posts in the next 5 hours please?
Nightfall loot buff
Why does everyone think "interesting" = Pay 2 win or free to play? Not gonna happen.
Nightfall loot buff
I bet it's not news. It's the story of why Destiny 1 came out like it did. Why things got cut. What really happened during development.
I bet it's not news. It's the story of why Destiny 1 came out like it did. Why things got cut. What really happened during development.
You'll get two of them, that's a better reward!You mean I'll get something better than an antiquated rune like last week?
Sounds likely.
Disappointment Nerf is probably a more accurate description. Not expecting much from NF loot patch.
Jason from Kotaku said "nothing remotely implying Destiny is going F2P" last night.
I agree with both of you! Especially the parts that you yourselves included, unedited, in italics!Some completely baseless and illogical especulation regarding an upcoming Kotaku article.
My fever broke so I feel considerably better. my throat/voice still shot to hell thoughHE LIVES!
You feeling any better today bud?
There are days. lolI hate this thread.
Popped a Three of Coins at the POE 28 boss. ~(˘▾˘~)
What is it? On mobile and ATT is terrible at work
Kojima is set to work on the next Destiny expansion. Yah'll wanted story? Yah'll getting some story. Follow the money.
You mean I'll get something better than an antiquated rune like last week?
he got 2 exotics from one boss kill
A 1 year old story? this about Destiny 0.5 version before it got thrown together at the last second?