The economy nerfs are straight up bullshit. I feel like I barely have enough to stay on top of things as-is and I'm playing the game a ton because I'm unemployed. There's zero justification for this whatsoever. They talk about not wanting the game to be a job, but they're just outright fucking people who aren't already fully committed to playing the game every day. This has to be a stalling tactic because they feel people are getting too many Strange Coins and Motes....but who fucking cares? There's no trading and 3oC aren't THAT expensive for a guaranteed exotic every so often. Motes are only really good for leveling gear (which you don't do that often) and faction rep. The weapon parts nerf I can't even fathom a logic on.
Only thing I can somewhat see nerfing motes because of that "trick" people were doing by filling up their entire inventories with blue engrams, and leveling up a ton of blues at once to get a net gain of motes. But that already required you to play enough to get a full inventory in practically all slots of blues, and the net gain isn't enormous (like 7-10). And even that's a reach, they're penalizing the 99% of players that aren't doing that or even know about it. I got nothing on the coins or weapon parts nerfs. I'm seriously fucking pissed, I don't even care about emotes or crucible quest changes or anything now. I felt like I was actually getting properly rewarded before, even though they're not super useful getting motes and coins randomly from just playing the game was nice. I can't believe this shit.