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Destiny |OT38| The 0.04% of the 4%

Here's the bullshit that happened to me:

Just make it 1 Fucking minute early, not 1 hour.


I'm so fucking pissed. So pissed. I played the last ~4 hours straight since psn came back to reach rank 5 for NOTHING because I can't get my package. I didn't get to buy the AR or the helm either.

That's unacceptable. Totally 100% embarrassing.

The same thing happened to me last iron banana. However, I did receive the package this past iron banana. So you can take some solace in knowing that your rank 5 package will be waiting for you in a months time...


Hey guys,

I need your help/opinion. I stopped playing Destiny pretty much after the vanilla game after finishing the vault of glass multiple times with my buddies. Came back every now and then for the first DLCs but found them not worth the price.

Now I'm wondering if I should return to TTK as I read a lot positive reviews. But as my buddies stopped playing Destiny is it also fun for solo play? The ending of vanilla Destiny felt like there's just raiding and grinding for days/weeks in the endgame to get a slightly better weapon. And the first DLCs felt even worse with the new upgrade mechanism...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Now I'm wondering if I should return to TTK as I read a lot positive reviews. But as my buddies stopped playing Destiny is it also fun for solo play? The ending of vanilla Destiny felt like there's just raiding and grinding for days/weeks in the endgame to get a slightly better weapon. And the first DLCs felt even worse with the new upgrade mechanism...
It is fun... to a certain point.

I've mostly played solo, and only done coop in strikes to be able to compare the experiences. Basically I'm pretty sure Bungie only even tested the game in coop because running some heroic missions solo is like 20x harder. Like yesterday's heroic story was Oryx and it had...

1) Horde enemies that teleport out of the way when you shoot at them, so a handful are nearly guaranteed to get up in your face even when you have a weapon (like my pulse rifle) that can delete them if they don't teleport.
2) Snipers who take you down to 5% life in a single hit, and if you kill them 3 homing missiles come at you.
3) Regenerating shield commanders who rush to melee you (and they hurt, shotgun necessary) but if you get away they can infinitely spam massive projectiles that travel through walls, take out half your health, and blind you.
4) Other commanders that shoot fire that leaves burning spots on the ground.
5) Guys holding shields so you have to shoot their feet first, then they have a lot of HP so maybe 3 bursts to the weak spot from pulse rifle to kill them. If they get anywhere near close to you they can do a shield blast which nearly kills you.
6) Oryx himself shooting projectiles, melee one-shot you if you get too close, and a grasp thing that severely hurts you from the ground you're on no matter where you are if you don't keep moving.

I made it all the way to almost winning, but then they had the shield-holding guys and the commanders in a tiny circle with no cover and I couldn't kill them fast enough even with a smoke grenade that turned me invisible to give me a chance to reload ammo & health. I have actually sat around trying to think of a more cheap and spammy collection of enemies in any game I've ever played and I can't think of any. The teleportation and goes-through-walls stuff is what really puts it over the top.

And yet if you played with two friends, you wouldn't have more enemies or stronger enemies. So that's 1/3 the enemies to kill, 1/3 the enemies focused on you at any given time, Oryx not paying attention to you 2/3 the time, 2/3 less ammo required (yes I did run out once solo and had to run around in danger trying to collect), and infinite respawns (in solo 1 death = start form the beginning... with the amount of ammo you had at death) so long as you can reach each other and be alive for 2 seconds. It is sooooooooooooooooooooo much easier, and it is blatantly obvious that they designed every mission for coop rather than solo.

Actually if every level had matchmaking available this would be a 9/10 game for me, but as it is I'd give it 7/10 because you have to round up someone to play with every time you want to go for a decently-rewarding anything that is based on fighting Taken.

Bold One

My friend and fellow gaffer who'd been grinding the IB ranks couldnt get on due to the outage,

This is the sort of thing that has earned Bungie so much ire among and outside the community

serious dick-moves like this poisonous to the brand, absolute cuntishness
Hey guys,

I need your help/opinion. I stopped playing Destiny pretty much after the vanilla game after finishing the vault of glass multiple times with my buddies. Came back every now and then for the first DLCs but found them not worth the price.

Now I'm wondering if I should return to TTK as I read a lot positive reviews. But as my buddies stopped playing Destiny is it also fun for solo play? The ending of vanilla Destiny felt like there's just raiding and grinding for days/weeks in the endgame to get a slightly better weapon. And the first DLCs felt even worse with the new upgrade mechanism...

IMHo the story missions in the first part of the campaign, and the quest part of the second campaign, are pretty good. Much much better than vanilla.

If you want to go past the solo/campaign stuff back into raiding, then there is a much smaller pool of people playing now, and it's harder to get groups etc. That said, the people that are still playing are typically pretty die hard destiny'ers.

The good side of that is they tend to know what they're doing, the bad side is they just want to blast through the raid as quick as possible.

There's probably a slight bump just now as Christmas players come on board and start levelling up...

If you have spare time, and can get a disk version with TTK thrown in pretty cheaply, then it's probably worth it just for the solo/story content.

Getting to max light level is a massive grind BUT it doesn't matter too much now, it's not like the big difference between 29 and 30, it is much more gradual.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I have no idea why Bungie is so hesitant with loot drops
I mean this Iron Banner since it started and the maintenance of PSN, should be a nice thing for Bungie to show the community it cares and extend it

I lurked and saw the frustration of the community
Seriously Bungie hold shitty loot in high regard
How hard is it to up drop % every day?
Start from 1% on day 1 and be 20-25% on last day
Every Rank up gives you an increase to gear/weapon light level drop
Rank 1 - 280-285
Rank 2 - 286-290
Rank 3 - 291-295
Rank 4 - 296-300
Rank 5 - 300-320

Even after all that give people tokens for winning once they reach Rank 5
Collect as many as you want, can get random amount 1-5 tokend, RNG based, no info except you, no stats screen on it

Lord Saladin can collect "Valor" coins
He will have an extra layer of rewards

Packages that are there for you to purchase and see if you can get the item you want
Weapon packages:
Primary 7 tokens; Special 5; Heavy 6
Gear packages:
Main 7; Artifacts 3; Ghost 4, Class item 3

This creates a new layer for people to chase after
Make it rain gear through rewards, if still not satisfied, let them roll and luck it out if need be

I understand exclusive gear to a platform, but then that exclusive gear is exclusive to get is just piss poor implementation

You should be giving away gear making the community complain about how much shit you have and place to put it, not we not much shit and too much space to fill up
You have hundreds on green and blue thrown into the mix
A few legendary
Main raid gear is tops with no leeway

Why not add transmorgfification?
Let people rock what they want without being shoehorned into a certain archetype of sameness, look like all of you are clones with different cloaks, bonds, or marks
Create a NPC which does this, if you have the gear it's unlocked and there for you to use
If you can create a shader, ship, emblem checklist, why not gear to
Can even menu base it to certain colors of gear drops
See only greens you've earned or maybe blues...

Hell how about letting people purchase gear they missed with this
Use Crucible or Public Time Events for tokens
Exchange for item to "glamor" into you

Can create a whole new grind with a rewarding nature
Goals for the players to reach but it doesn't feel like torture with no payoff

I mean yeah more "currency" but seriously game can still survive and prosper with them included

Seriously game needs to be "infused" with rewards galore

Also much, much love to Drizzay
Hunter 316; Warlock 314; Titan 312
With some items swapped all 3 can be 315+
Fucking amazing!


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Wow, thread is slow for a reset day. Even more so than usual.

I think Iron Banner wrecked the community
Never seen a company be so hard fucking headed and lose all the admiration and is poisoning the well on top of it

Yes there's always lull stages in a games life, but you still try to keep moving forward and adjust accordingly

From nerfs, bullshit patch updates (faked edit, re-edit of info), drops, loot hoarding from RNG side, no flow, events lackluster, drops from events uneventful, company PR coy/cunning no resolute info... I mean seriously game mechanics and community are 2 aspects are this games saving grace


Mrs. Harvey
They don't want elemental primaries anymore but there are still some along with specials and heavies. Rarely do Nightfalls have burns like before but even then rewards are subpar for the most part.
Once you reach a certain point there is no point other to play the game just for the hell of it. You have all these shards and misc items which just take up space and serve no purpose other than to rank up and get things you most likely won't use anyway. The end game during HOW felt like there was more to it.

I still have fun but I want to feel like I'm also getting something out of it other hoping I'm getting something of worth which in the end helps with nothing.

Going to do NFx3. Join.


Can create a whole new grind with a rewarding nature
Goals for the players to reach but it doesn't feel like torture with no payoff

Sorry boy, you didn't get the job.

Make no mistakes.

The MAIN PHILOSOPHY bahind design IS to feel like a torture without payoff. Goaless grinding is the MAIN PLOT.

Even the SRL was 100% made to be the gambler paradise and actual prizes are made to release unbearable burden of "Forver 310 Helmet".

They can make this game being easy to loot and make loot fall like rain.

They can change actual RNG rewards for Tokens that could let you buy some gear you ACTUALLY WANT.

They can make everything being 100% according to your playstyle and aesthetics.


If so, would you come backevery day to grind hours like an hamster to get IB shotgun with POS perks?

No, you would not.

See, that is why you lost the job.

And with 1.000.000 players logged in on 2nd January peak, we are very far from point of falloff that would make Bungie redesign the base princples.
I've more or less moved on from the PvE stuff awhile back. If I could get a TLW on my XB1 character I'd probably be done with the game altogether. I already stopped playing on PS4 since there was nothing really compelling to play for anymore (that and the netcode sucks).
Wow, thread is slow for a reset day. Even more so than usual.

There isn't much new to be gained. Nightfall isn't worth it and all endgame activities have been exhausted. Only if you are going for all characters lvl. 320 you can try to get some high level gear for infusion.

Even if House of Wolves and Dark Below were mainly shit, atleast they gave us something new to grind for a couple of months :D Now we can only wait for (even smaller) suprise content like Sparrow Racing.

I pretty much only play Trials of Osiris now on weekends as that gamemode is the best Destiny has to offer besides raiding.


Damn people got salty. These "IB was a waste of time" comments are strange to me. The question isn't "did you get loot", but rather "did you have fun playing?"

If you had fun with banana trains, I don't think it's a waste - good drops or no. Likewise, even if it rained 320 loot it would have been a waste of time if you didn't enjoy it.

Sometimes I feel too many of us forget the point of playing isn't progression, it's just playing for fun. And if playing isn't fun, it's time to move on.

That said - Oryx challenge anyone?


Damn people got salty. These "IB was a waste of time" comments are strange to me. The question isn't "did you get loot", but rather "did you have fun playing?"

If you had fun with banana trains, I don't think it's a waste - good drops or no. Likewise, even if it rained 320 loot it would have been a waste of time if you didn't enjoy it.

Sometimes I feel too many of us forget the point of playing isn't progression, it's just playing for fun. And if playing isn't fun, it's time to move on.

That said - Oryx challenge anyone?

Shouldn't this be where we all are by now? I mean, 320 is just numbers. It's not like you need to be 320 to do HM anything. At this point it may be load out customization, but...

But really it should be fun. FUN. :)
Damn people got salty. These "IB was a waste of time" comments are strange to me. The question isn't "did you get loot", but rather "did you have fun playing?"

If you had fun with banana trains, I don't think it's a waste - good drops or no. Likewise, even if it rained 320 loot it would have been a waste of time if you didn't enjoy it.

Sometimes I feel too many of us forget the point of playing isn't progression, it's just playing for fun. And if playing isn't fun, it's time to move on.

That said - Oryx challenge anyone?

I agree with this statement. I personally had a lot of fun with this IB and all the trains I joined on GAF. Some great hilarious moments with some of the dudes on here and imo that's what it's all about.

I do think though that Sony offering exclusive IB armor and class items the drop rates should be better. Another thing is the IB lag... I think it infuriates people who are trying to have fun in IB but can't because Bungie won't do anything about their netcode.

Those two combos will get anyone who is having fun in IB to stop playing and that's understandable. I personally find the lag a lot more infuriating then the drops.
Damn people got salty. These "IB was a waste of time" comments are strange to me. The question isn't "did you get loot", but rather "did you have fun playing?"

If you had fun with banana trains, I don't think it's a waste - good drops or no. Likewise, even if it rained 320 loot it would have been a waste of time if you didn't enjoy it.

Sometimes I feel too many of us forget the point of playing isn't progression, it's just playing for fun. And if playing isn't fun, it's time to move on.

That said - Oryx challenge anyone?

We have a spot, join us. Bring a titan.


@dice, @irrational:

Thanks for your replies. But I'm still not fully convinced to be honest to go back. At least not at full price.

I guess the decision would be way easier if my friends would return to Destiny, too.
What error are you getting? Reboot your PS4, restore licenses and make sure your psn account is set as primary.

It signs me in. I select a character then after loading it says

Nevermind its working now. Had to completely turn off the ps4

Do you have room in the raid?
I agree with this statement. I personally had a lot of fun with this IB and all the trains I joined on GAF. Some great hilarious moments with some of the dudes on here and imo that's what it's all about.

I do think though that Sony offering exclusive IB armor and class items the drop rates should be better. Another thing is the IB lag... I think it infuriates people who are trying to have fun in IB but can't because Bungie won't do anything about their netcode.

Those two combos will get anyone who is having fun in IB to stop playing and that's understandable. I personally find the lag a lot more infuriating then the drops.

After playing an entire IB (rank 5+) on XB1 and not experiencing any lag I don't think the problem is on Bungie's end. It was green bars for days on XB1 and it was a beautiful experience.


After playing an entire IB (rank 5+) on XB1 and not experiencing any lag I don't think the problem is on Bungie's end. It was green bars for days on XB1 and it was a beautiful experience.
As a person who plays on both I've been saying this since I got the PS4 almost a month ago. The Lag is real on PS4. In the 1 1/2 year playing on the bone I have never seen lag this bad so consistently.


As a person who plays on both I've been saying this since I got the PS4 almost a month ago. The Lag is real on PS4. In the 1 1/2 year playing on the bone I have never seen lag this bad so consistently.
To be fair the lag on PS4 only started about a month ago with the patch. Before that, the worst that would happen was trades, but teleporting people and 10 second kill feed delays were almost non existent


Mrs. Harvey
After playing an entire IB (rank 5+) on XB1 and not experiencing any lag I don't think the problem is on Bungie's end. It was green bars for days on XB1 and it was a beautiful experience.

I've always said MS has a better network infrastructure than Sony. Things never change.


People have moved on to other games for good. Bungie hasn't shown anything to make them stay.

Going to do NFx3 in about 20.

Thanks for the NF leech Kadey, guess i joined just about the right time :p

(not that i got anything useful from it... guess the best is the faction reputation)

Early on i had the wierdest death in Destiny so far. At shade of Oryx, after we killed it, instead of teleporting me back, it killed me, said misadventure and i couldn't even self rez. And it was also no poltergeist physics or smth, just the teleport killed me instantly. Guess i've seen it all.
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