Now I'm wondering if I should return to TTK as I read a lot positive reviews. But as my buddies stopped playing Destiny is it also fun for solo play? The ending of vanilla Destiny felt like there's just raiding and grinding for days/weeks in the endgame to get a slightly better weapon. And the first DLCs felt even worse with the new upgrade mechanism...
It is fun... to a certain point.
I've mostly played solo, and only done coop in strikes to be able to compare the experiences. Basically I'm pretty sure Bungie only even tested the game in coop because running some heroic missions solo is like 20x harder. Like yesterday's heroic story was Oryx and it had...
1) Horde enemies that teleport out of the way when you shoot at them, so a handful are nearly guaranteed to get up in your face even when you have a weapon (like my pulse rifle) that can delete them if they don't teleport.
2) Snipers who take you down to 5% life in a single hit, and if you kill them 3 homing missiles come at you.
3) Regenerating shield commanders who rush to melee you (and they hurt, shotgun necessary) but if you get away they can
infinitely spam massive projectiles that travel through walls, take out half your health, and blind you.
4) Other commanders that shoot fire that leaves burning spots on the ground.
5) Guys holding shields so you have to shoot their feet first, then they have a lot of HP so maybe 3 bursts to the weak spot from pulse rifle to kill them. If they get anywhere near close to you they can do a shield blast which nearly kills you.
6) Oryx himself shooting projectiles, melee one-shot you if you get too close, and a grasp thing that severely hurts you from the ground you're on no matter where you are if you don't keep moving.
I made it all the way to almost winning, but then they had the shield-holding guys and the commanders in a tiny circle with no cover and I couldn't kill them fast enough even with a smoke grenade that turned me invisible to give me a chance to reload ammo & health. I have actually sat around trying to think of a more cheap and spammy collection of enemies in any game I've ever played and I can't think of any. The teleportation and goes-through-walls stuff is what really puts it over the top.
And yet if you played with two friends, you wouldn't have more enemies or stronger enemies. So that's 1/3 the enemies to kill, 1/3 the enemies focused on you at any given time, Oryx not paying attention to you 2/3 the time, 2/3 less ammo required (yes I did run out once solo and had to run around in danger trying to collect), and infinite respawns (in solo 1 death = start form the beginning... with the amount of ammo you had at death) so long as you can reach each other and be alive for 2 seconds. It is sooooooooooooooooooooo much easier, and it is blatantly obvious that they designed every mission for coop rather than solo.
Actually if every level had matchmaking available this would be a 9/10 game for me, but as it is I'd give it 7/10 because you have to round up someone to play with every time you want to go for a decently-rewarding
anything that is based on fighting Taken.