In all seriousness. Can someone explain to me how a playerbase knowing about matchmaking tweeking would impact the statistical data?
Like, Lars said he needed unbiased data, but how would anything change if we knew?
What data would have been tainted here?
Taken King had plenty of content. I got my money's worth.
Instead, can you please, please retool things. Fix King's Fall loot drops. Double drop rates. Put Iron Banner on a fixed schedule. Make some Year 1 strikes be the Nightfall. Don't even update them. Just use content there. Reward players.
I'm actually more pissed about that than anything else from the update.Shhh. Look at the purple ball in the tower. It's so kawaii right?
I don't understand why Destiny, a game with 0 ranked playlists, needs skill based matchmaking.
Even Treyarch dropped that shit in under 24 hours in BO3 due to user backlash.
THAT SAID, I've never been able to mentally get into games that much. I'm always aware I'm playing a game. I may get tense or sweaty hands or something, but I just can't get immersed in a game
unless it's spooky
and then I just don't play it
I genuinely do not mean this as an insult or anything, but this sort of cognitive dissonance fascinates me.
I GET it, I just think it's amazing. Shooting demonic looking ALIENS on a gazillion-mile long spaceship near Saturn your brain is OK with. But when hoodied thug doesn't go down in a few shots from an MP5 your brain is like "hold up". Interesting stuff.]
I am really sure now there is skill based matchmaking. Reason also i think the connections are extra bad now because the matchmaking doesnt focus enough on conntection.
I mean with a group i play who all play alot we have everytime some close matches. Last night i played with people who were very low light level and dont play alot of Crucible and the enemies i came across were super bad. Lot of killstreaks 4 or 5 mercy's Ones those low light level guys left and some other guys came onine the matches were instant more close again.
I agree with you in regards to the current footage of enemies with armoured stats but not armoured character models being bullet-sponges, that can be rectified by altering the models to make them look more protected.Yeah watched a bit of a video just now and the player had to pump half a dozen rounds of smg rounds into an unarmored dude 2 feet from him. I don't like bullet sponges at all in any context but like you said I can explain it away a lot better with Destiny when the enemies are aliens as opposed to the Division where it's people.
Maybe it's a comment in the meta situation, since the Division has an exclusive marketing deal with Xbox and Destiny has one with PlayStation.Only need the first 3 panels because they show the Xbone version
reverse savage? double savage?
Because some people complained on reddit about having to carry a team for one game. Like you said, Destiny does not have any ranked playlist and Trials is good enough for sweaty games. There wasn't a need for it to be in every crucible match.
Why are people such bitches about this? I swear the people who want SBMM removed are good players who just want to pub stomp. As a lesser player I'd much rather play people closer to my skill level than get just stomped on.
Why are people such bitches about this? I swear the people who want SBMM removed are good players who just want to pub stomp. As a lesser player I'd much rather play people closer to my skill level than get just stomped on.
Because skill-based weighting seems to out_weight connection quality, so you end up with shit like this happening more often:
If they can find a way to get close matches without pairing you up with people halfway across the globe I'm down.
I mean maybe they thought detailing how the skill algorithm works in matchmaking would lead people to alter their gaming habits to game the system (like throwing a bunch of matches going AFK in private to cut combat rating and then be matched against scrubs who you can murder when you turn your stream on or something).I'm actually more pissed about that than anything else from the update.
We have yet another instance of Bungie flat out lying to it's playerbase, and only coming out with the Truth because the community was super persistent on it.
Shit's gotten way past old.
Why are people such bitches about this? I swear the people who want SBMM removed are good players who just want to pub stomp. As a lesser player I'd much rather play people closer to my skill level than get just stomped on.
Treyarch just knows how to make a online PVP game.
I'm actually more pissed about that than anything else from the update.
We have yet another instance of Bungie flat out lying to it's playerbase, and only coming out with the Truth because the community was super persistent on it.
Shit's gotten way past old.
Matches being sweaty is a good thing. But the cost of that is lag, which means it isn't worth it at all. I'd rather pubstomp or get raped in a fair (low latency) match than have a curated 1.0 K/D 50% wins full-balance environment where every match was a piece of shit because of lag - which is where we are now.Because some people complained on reddit about having to carry a team for one game. Like you said, Destiny does not have any ranked playlist and Trials is good enough for sweaty games. There wasn't a need for it to be in every crucible match.
Sometimes I swear we aren't even playing Destiny. Destiny (Bungie) is playing us.In all seriousness. Can someone explain to me how a playerbase knowing about matchmaking tweeking would impact the statistical data?
Like, Lars said he needed unbiased data, but how would anything change if we knew?
What data would have been tainted here?
To be fair, it took them 4 goes to get it right though, the others felt janky as hell.
They said they recreated mid town Manhattan 1:1.
I'll play it just to see that. And the guns. And hopefully hearing Frenden jokes. And Fig swearing.
But they said they are going to be more transparent from now on.
Have i ever told you the definition of insanity?
This is what I don't get...
Why in the fuck can't they just tell us what crimson doubles is now? Godamn bungie. Your shit is too fucking cryptic. Just fucking tell us what the fuck is happening.
I agree with you in regards to the current footage of enemies with armoured stats but not armoured character models being bullet-sponges, that can be rectified by altering the models to make them look more protected.
From what I've gleamed from checking out the Division over the last week (game was waaaaay off my radar) Massive has said that this game is an RPG first and foremost, and as such we're going to see some RPG tropes in it, such as high armour/shield-stat enemy types that will soak up damage.
They do need to be better presented as such though, I agree.
1 or 2 spots for HM Daughters and Oryx starting ASAP. Just finished a run, going to do one or two more assuming we can fill out the group.
This is what I don't get...
Why in the fuck can't they just tell us what crimson doubles is now? Godamn bungie. Your shit is too fucking cryptic. Just fucking tell us what the fuck is happening.
I'd love to see you stream a 2-3 man Oryx kill. I know you're way past the skill required to solo Oryx but it's a matter of luck and having crazy patience for the planets (ammo and pathfinding) to align for that to happen so it isn't worth the hassle.1 or 2 spots for HM Daughters and Oryx starting ASAP. Just finished a run, going to do one or two more assuming we can fill out the group.
I'll tag along, give me a sec to log on.
Rift Iron Banner?
Well, at least now my team can ignore just one objective rather than three.
Why are people such bitches about this? I swear the people who want SBMM removed are good players who just want to pub stomp. As a lesser player I'd much rather play people closer to my skill level than get just stomped on.
Matches being sweaty is a good thing. But the cost of that is lag, which means it isn't worth it at all. I'd rather pubstomp or get raped in a fair (low latency) match than have a curated 1.0 K/D 50% wins full-balance environment where every match was a piece of shit because of lag - which is where we are now.