Everything on fire and everyone punching each other? Business as usual.
Iron Banner Rift would be fine if they actually prioritized groups with groups and randoms with randoms. It's gonna be a boring Iron Banner. At least Saladin will fill out my missing collection.
Also if there plan is really just silly superfluous quest events without substantial new content (as in, new missions against new kinds of enemies and encounters rather than a similar arrangement of the same stuff we've been playing with), I'll keep up my hiatus from Destiny.
Pineapple on a pizza is fine, you just need the right complementary toppings (jalapenos or other spicy stuff works; going the super sweet route with BBQ sauce is another good idea).
Bungie cares about their players and other developers and publishers. They know the game is too addicting and it is ruining the livelihoods of millions while destroying other games and it's chances at sale. So instead of doing completely what people want and giving everybody all the goods all at once, they do enough to get people to talk about and or still play the game. It is a win win situation for everybody. Players get to go outside and play other games, other games gets to be played and they get to take their dandy ass time working on what's next.
Well, I guess I'm going to bed then. Playing Destiny again today wasn't as weird as I thought it'd be. Probably because I didn't touch King's Fall lol. Goodnight, guys. Enjoy whatever you eat.
Bungie cares about their players and other developers and publishers. They know the game is too addicting and it is ruining the livelihoods of millions while destroying other games and it's chances at sale. So instead of doing completely what people want and giving everybody all the goods all at once, they do enough to get people to talk about and or still play the game. It is a win win situation for everybody. Players get to go outside and play other games, other games gets to be played and they get to take their dandy ass time working on what's next.
Wait, Iron Banner will be rift? You mean the game mode where spawn trapping is easy? I actually think I might skip this Iron Banner. This mode is absolutely dreadful solo.
Well, I guess I'm going to bed then. Playing Destiny again today wasn't as weird as I thought it'd be. Probably because I didn't touch King's Fall lol. Goodnight, guys. Enjoy whatever you eat.
Thanks for running with us tonight! Crota was meh but VoG is always a good time until Death died at confluxes. We would have done flawless no doubt if it wasn't for him !
Bungie cares about their players and other developers and publishers. They know the game is too addicting and it is ruining the livelihoods of millions while destroying other games and it's chances at sale. So instead of doing completely what people want and giving everybody all the goods all at once, they do enough to get people to talk about and or still play the game. It is a win win situation for everybody. Players get to go outside and play other games, other games gets to be played and they get to take their dandy ass time working on what's next.
I think the Destiny 2 tweet has more to do with marketing framing than anything. A big fall expansion by any other name is still a big fall expansion, whether they call it "Destiny 2" or not.
So it really Destiny 2 then? When I think of Destiny 2, I'm imagining that some things will carry over, but that it will essentially be a "fresh start" for everyone back at level 1 or something similar. Honestly, the only thing that would really get me back into Destiny is Destiny 2: a completely new game with updated visuals, gameplay, and other such things.
If you think people are worried on the future of the game because of this short essay then you haven't been paying attention.
Also im pretty sure most people here knows how to compartmentalize things so when it comes to Destiny they are "sad"/frustrated/disappointed but are pretty happy people in life in general (or not and that may have nothing do with Destiny).
Also nice job quoting that post above only for you to proceed to post this condescending bullshit, good shit 👍
Oh did your emotional attachment and saltiness get triggered by me moving Zozo's post to another page?
When I read someone posting about how the Valentine's Day event is a waste of their time and a horrible decision by Bungie I feel the need to call them out a bit. Because the event hasn't happened yet so their time hasn't been wasted. They actually have weeks to make convince themselves to not play that content and therefore save themselves from all that time wasting. And throwing judgement out before the event happens is also a little ridiculous, unless of course this is a time traveling DGAF member.
I also think that we gamers in general do a poor job of compartmentalizing. If so we wouldn't still be angry after turning the game off after getting lagged out in a Trials match. And we likely wouldn't be so emotionally attached and feel so entitled to what the developer decides to do with their game.
Valentine's Day event doesn't sound like anything ultra exciting to me either. But I'm not going to post about how people at Bungie should lose their job.
Oh did your emotional attachment and saltiness get triggered by me moving Zozo's post to another page?
When I read someone posting about how the Valentine's Day event is a waste of their time and a horrible decision by Bungie I feel the need to call them out a bit. Because the event hasn't happened yet so their time hasn't been wasted. They actually have weeks to make convince themselves to not play that content and therefore save themselves from all that time wasting. And throwing judgement out before the event happens is also a little ridiculous, unless of course this is a time traveling DGAF member.
I also think that we gamers in general do a poor job of compartmentalizing. If so we wouldn't still be angry after turning the game off after getting lagged out in a Trials match. And we likely wouldn't be so emotionally attached and feel so entitled to what the developer decides to do with their game.
Valentine's Day event doesn't sound like anything ultra exciting to me either. But I'm not going to post about how people at Bungie should lose their job.
I don't get how compartmentalizing and getting kicked out of a Trials match deal with each other. What makes getting kicked out of Trials infuriating is that we don't have the ability to rejoin our match.
Crucible lag is its own subject. While it gets frustrating, the hardcore deal with it but still play the game.
I hope they do make the PvP experience better, per BWU. It'll be good for current and future, I'd think.
Didn't play Rift much, but from my limited experience I know a LOT of people quit in this mode. :/
Hope there'll be some IB DGAF trains. I'd really like that IB Scout Rifle. ^_^
I'm shocked that this tweet by Derek Caroll hasn't already been posted, but here's the link (he has a couple of other tweets before and after this one):
I'm shocked that this tweet by Derek Caroll hasn't already been posted, but here's the link (he has a couple of other tweets before and after this one):
They really need to work on communication, both with their coworkers in the studio and with the players. Good on him for just coming out and saying it instead of being obtuse like with the weapon balance kerfuffle.
Frenden, what's your review of the iPad pro? There are so many apps like Destiny Loadouts that are only on iOS so I'm looking into tablets. If not an iPad then I might have to go with a Wacom of some sort.
I woke up about 8am CST this morning thinking it was Friday. I even opened Destiny app and checked Xur and his stuff not showing made me realize it's only Thursday. Well, 2 more hours and now he'll really be here.
I wouldn't mind a Twilight Garrison for ps4. And the Grav Forfeit for xb1. Don't need anything for the Warlock that I know of. Those 2 would still be cool to try out.
They really need to work on communication, both with their coworkers in the studio and with the players. Good on him for just coming out and saying it instead of being obtuse like with the weapon balance kerfuffle.
Yeah, I now wonder if they go blind with rage every time they can't comment on some issue or perceived slight by the community because of shareholders, although Vonderhaar's communication about Black Ops 3's changes and design choices makes me think we should place complaints over these communication issues at the feet of Jason Jones/Harold Ryan and not Bobby Kotick. The community uproar about Activision controlling too much of the game is just ignorant at this point. Yes, Activision probably made them keep last-gen, made them do a whole host of less than cool things as their publisher, but the candidness employed by Vonderhaar, the Diablo 3 team, and Hearthstone's developer towards their game's flaws creates a situation where the only one responsible for all of this is Bungie.
Yeah, I now wonder if they go blind with rage every time they can't comment on some issue or perceived slight by the community because of shareholders, although Vonderhaar's communication about Black Ops 3's changes and design choices makes me think we should place complaints over these communication issues at the feet of Jason Jones/Harold Ryan and not Bobby Kotick. The community uproar about Activision controlling too much of the game is just ignorant at this point. Yes, Activision probably made them keep last-gen, made them do a whole host of less than cool things as their publisher, but the candidness employed by Vonderhaar, the Diablo 3 team, and Hearthstone's developer towards their game's flaws creates a situation where the only one responsible for all of this is Bungie.
Don't see why anyone would blame Activision. This is clearly a Bungie issue through and through, and it's embarrassing that Derek Carroll wasn't aware of how they were changing matchmaking that made him look like a liar. There are some serious communication issues in Bungie, this isn't the first time something has happened like this and it won't be the last time.
I do like that they're trying to make PvP A better place. I appreciate that.
But I also want to know a few things.
1) what's the eta for said PvP changes, early, mid or late February?
2) is the eta for the big content? (Sept is just assumed?)
3) what is being worked on as far as our next big content? Any rough details would work. Anything to get our minds hyped.
I love PvP (well, it was more fun back in the day but when it doesn't lag, it's still fairly enjoyable today) so any attempts at improving it is a plus for me.
I do like that they're trying to make PvP A better place. I appreciate that.
But I also want to know a few things.
1) what's the eta for said PvP changes, early, mid or late February?
2) is the eta for the big content? (Sept is just assumed?)
3) what is being worked on as far as our next big content? Any rough details would work. Anything to get our minds hyped.
I love PvP (well, it was more fun back in the day but when it doesn't lag, it's still fairly enjoyable today) so any attempts at improving it is a plus for me.
I'd bet big bucks the PvP update hits with the Crimson Doubles event. That or middle of March with the big content hitting in April/May. I'm now really starting to believe the rumors that Destiny 2 won't be coming this year, at least, in the way we think of a proper Destiny 2. Can you imagine if they announce Destiny 2 at E3, release it in September, and the game is panned universally due to a lack of time in the oven? Fans would be running in the streets with bloodlust. I still think the two major issues with D2's development are over whether or not they should split the game's PvP/PvE into two separate arenas of the game and how to keep players rewarded for time in custom games without taking them out of the tight feedback loop of rewards they have now.
For the first time, I'm not really excited for iron banner. Mostly because the lag was so bad last time. I actually do like rift as a regular mode, it used to be my favourite mode before I discovered control. Probably will be destroyed by fireteams who stick together tough, and the spawn trapping is real.
But at least the PS cloak will be purchasable from saladin so yay
When the actual incarnation of what I would call Destiny 2 happens, you'll know it. It does not "a large expansion" make. If you don't feel like playing any Destiny until then, whenever then is, that makes perfect sense to me no matter how much or how little you've played so far. It doesn't have to be a big deal. I know it will suck to leave the community behind and that other games still come up short in certain regards when your isolate their moment-to-moment gameplay. It is essentially inevitable that this will happen at some point for every single person playing the game for any amount of time.
Destiny is not a game, at least on the PvE side, that you can just continuously play for indefinite periods at any intensity level and remain consistently entertained. It is absolutely impossible for it to maintain that kind of activity, and this is not so much a failing as an intrinsic conceit of its design. If you play anything even close to one or more 3-hour session per week, you can already put yourself into a minority- and I know a fair few of you that have notched up quite a few more than my own 1187 hours. While it might seem at first thought like it really should be able to entertain you equally well for as long as you want, I'd say the same fact is true of any typical $60 new release, or more accurately any game at all using the unimaginatively-named "buy 2 play" model. You buy it, you play it until you don't feel like playing it anymore, and then you stop. "Unfortunately" for Bungie:
1) Destiny has absolutely rock-solid, satisfying, best-in-class shooter gameplay
2) Many gameplay metaphors and tropes are borrowed from social-centric games, most obviously traditional loot-grind MMORPGs ("parties," "towns," quests, RNG rolls per character in party, raids, and so on)
3) DLC (or "expansions" in the parlance borrowed someone dishonestly from traditional PC RPGs)
Essentially, the gameplay paired with the familiar systemic elements and cooperative multiplayer encounters make the game incredibly fucking addictive, to the point where it's paradoxically simple to want to play it more than it can ever, ever possibly be able to accommodate. Meanwhile, DLC periodically refreshes the playerbase and encourages huge spikes and dips in activity over time. If you can get into the PvP you can of course squeeze many more hours out of it.
It just feels like it's remarkably easy to forget the financial model the game uses altogether and (consciously or subconsciously) compare it to games with required monthly fees in an unflattering way, whereas I contend that using such a model would have nullified its chances for the degree of success it has already achieved. Destiny can deliver a very similar tug toward playing it all the goddamn time to the exclusion of any other games in your possession... but in reality, a game like this has a completely different value proposition from a game with a monthly fee. In the latter, for as long as you are paying, even excluding the initial purchase price, you expect to get "your money's worth," somehow, each month that you are paying to play it- and a reasonable expectation it should be. But eventually, there will reach a natural point where you don't want to play Destiny anymore, tied not to the eventuality of all the accumulated money you've spent on a recurring basis as a total value over time, but to the simple curve that is your personal lessening of enjoyment over time- like you'd experience with any single player game.
What really gets me is the microtransactions. Not that Bungie is offering them; that the playerbase (and especially the vaunted hardcore component) is buying them. Reading over today's pages I begame desperately curious to know how much money those I saw roiling had spent upon Silver.
Personally, I haven't bought any Silver yet. I don't consider it a point of pride and it's not out of cheapness, nor do I begrudge anyone who is happy with their purchases from Eververse thus far. But Silver is best viewed as unconditional approval of what Bungie is doing with their game and for that matter, their franchise. I know that is often hard to conceptualize from a consumer point of view, and to many it feels like you just "spent money on emotes." And I can sympathize with the "shut up and take my money!"-esque sensation when viewing something you just-have-to-have-right-now.
But other than animators' man-hours, emotes don't cost Bungie any money or even dedicated resources to make. More broadly, Silver doesn't exist; it isn't a currency, nor is it a "wallet" that merely converts your actual money for use in a virtual store (like Playstation Points or whatever they call that). To buy Silver is to intentionally devalue your own money in support specifically of the efforts of Bungie as a developer. What you then spend the Silver on is irrelevant- tokens of appreciation for your donation.
A helpful way to envision this is to pretend that every single emote (and every other item ever subsequently sold by Eververse) costs only 1 Silver, with the remaining cost labeled a Bungie Tax collected in recognition and continuing support of the Bungie for Destiny Foundation. This is what makes pricing the "special" emotes different so completely brilliant. From a development standpoint, the difference between one emote and another is almost or exactly nothing. Even if you do factor in the extended length and animation complexity of Legendary emotes, on the scale of a game's entire development lifecycle it is negligible. But if you release them in a batch and pick the two that are an animator's best work that round or expected to be more popular with fans, and slap on a higher Bungie Tax before putting them in the shop window, it's, well, almost literally free money from their perspective.
Please don't buy any Silver if you want to see dramatic, sweeping changes or reversals of course for the development of this product. There's a danger that people imagine they are giving Bungie money to then spend specifically to develop something in the future that will be "worth it," or consider their purchases to have the actual real-world value of the money equivalent to the Silver spent on them. It will never be this way.
The absolute worst side effect that I witness is what I would call the Malcontentedness Savings Account. Players who spend money on microtransactions and continue to play but then find themselves unhappy with the lack, quality, or slow pace of updates will feel disproportionately more unhappy as a function of how much they've spent, either due to the illusion that their money came with a note about what to spend it on, or simply due to the sunk cost fallacy. Thus does the amplitude of the complaints by those spenders increase over time. If you manage to get yourself into this scenario, future events that involve microtransactions will be especially disturbing to you- "they expect me to spend more money?"
Whether or not you keep playing, and regardless of how much you discuss the game online, the money you spend is your most effective form of communication with Bungie. If you absolutely despair over the course of the game's evolution and then buy that really awesome emote, it is all null and void. If you want them to seriously alter course, hit them where it actually hurts: their recurring revenue.
It may seem cynical to view the game in such dry, dollars-and-cents terms, but I'm presenting it just as someone who doesn't really get worked up over videogames even during the direst of developmental disappointments, and generally understands why. I hope I've expressed to many of you by voice in-game, but also within these threads, how much I care about this community and how excellent a group of people to just hang out and game with we have established here. But the truth is that things I see- not at all unique to my experience with Destiny, but perhaps seen here in its purest form- do put me off from my own hobby. We bemoan the deadedness of this thread or forecast the community dying a slow death, when on the quietest night here I still see more average-per-page activity than any other community for any other game I've ever been a part of post-launch, including games in the past as well as Destiny's current competitors for your free time
(I know that there exist some bigger, and I do not play the games you're thinking of nor have any desire to)
. We lunge like hyenas at the tiniest press leaks or scraps of speculation about the development history and future of the game as though it's a logical riddle to be solved, as though having this information at our fingertips will somehow enhance the experience. We speculate as to what level in the corporate hierarchy was responsible for any decision we dislike, employing further scrutiny than any movie producer on a commercially successful film would ever face, rather than just viewing the entire enterprise as a game being worked on by actual people. I do want to mention again, I'm not at all just talking about Destiny. I wish gaming didn't have to be like this.
Bungie cares about their players and other developers and publishers. They know the game is too addicting and it is ruining the livelihoods of millions while destroying other games and it's chances at sale. So instead of doing completely what people want and giving everybody all the goods all at once, they do enough to get people to talk about and or still play the game. It is a win win situation for everybody. Players get to go outside and play other games, other games gets to be played and they get to take their dandy ass time working on what's next.
I laughed, and the truth is, you're not all that far off from reality. Like I said, it's not realistic for it to hold your attention forever, and that IS by design. Bungie caught lightning in a bottle and for whatever embarrassing reputation the game may have, it was a monstrously popular release. They, quite frankly, can afford to fuck around and that's our fault.
In other words, if you'll pardon a blunt metaphor, they know they have lots of us by the balls and there exists a nonzero percent of the playerbase that will buy up anything they release with furious hype and righteous velocity. Mayeth their credit cards be charged violently into the night.
But hey it is certainly possible that the franchise will henceforth fail forever in the annals of videogame history and be dead and buried by this time next year. That this isn't all a bit cyclical in any sense. This is the post to point to when that happens.
Good post Hawkian. I'm in the same boat they're not getting one penny from until theres a viable tradeoff (content for my money)
Derek Carrol has apologised and pleaded the i didn't know anything defence
Oh, hey, Destiny Twitter. So, about that thing I said about "nothing changing" wrt matchmaking in December: I was wrong, plain and simple.
Changes were made behind the scenes that I wasn't aware of at the time. Now you guys have the official word from Lars in the BWU.
This is similar to how I felt when the Redbull quest got leaked. One of the images said that Destiny consumers are used to paying a premium for DLC. That's always irked me.
This is similar to how I felt when the Redbull quest got leaked. One of the images said that Destiny consumers are used to paying a premium for DLC. That's always irked me.
If I understand this correctly, you mean a Thriller emote isn't actually worth US$5, on the basis that it cost them nothing and is just a token for having donated some Bungie Tax? Stop me if I read that wrong.
The Thriller emote can actually hold a US$5 real-world value for someone. Hell, it might hold a US$100 value, like a Blacksmith shader. For some others, it offers no value and wouldn't be bought even at 1 cent. This is true of absolutely any good or service though - a new game, a tshirt, a book, an iced tea or a marketing plan.
What something costs to create or reproduce has absolutely no bearing on its value. Value is inherently and irrevocably subjective - nothing in the world, not gold and not cash and not bonds - nothing has any "worth" beyond whatever people's demand for it is. Cost just doesn't factor into the equation in the slightest.
In purchasing cosmetic DLC you're tacitly agreeing with Bungie's newfound philosophy, granted. But this doesn't change the fact that they're offering value to customers who, absent coercion or misinformation, are voluntarily making a decision to trade (cash for emotes). This is the standard working of economic agents in any market. The success or failure of such an endeavor reflects the supplier's ability to read consumer preferences and offer something people want at a price they're willing to pay.
Basically, there's much to be said about business philosophy and grand strategy motivators and stuff but at the end of the day they haven't changed their plans fundamentally: they're making stuff people want and making a profit off of it. People want their dances (as revealed in the fact that they are paying for them en masse), and to not sell stuff people wanna give you money for is dumb and irresponsible towards your shareholders.
So you're completely correct in saying they won't stop so long as people buy it. But I'd like to point out that they are indeed offering an enticing value proposition, else they wouldn't be making money with this.
Frenden, what's your review of the iPad pro? There are so many apps like Destiny Loadouts that are only on iOS so I'm looking into tablets. If not an iPad then I might have to go with a Wacom of some sort.
I bought one and returned it. It's LOLBIG. Like, holding a fifteen inch monitor big. It's super light, but awkward as hell to use. iOS scales horribly on it. It feels like using a duplo block ipad.
And the pressure sensitivity and drawing apps with the Pencil sucked. Full stop. Sucked.
I have a Cintiq Companion and love it. And Sony is supposedly sending me a VAIO Canvas to test and review soon. The latter uses Ntrig digitizers like the Surface Pro 3 and 4.
Destiny talk: Xur ain't selling Garrison and it's all I need. What else is anyone hoping for?
I bought one and returned it. It's LOLBIG. Like, holding a fifteen inch monitor big. It's super light, but awkward as hell to use. iOS scales horribly on it. It feels like using a duplo block ipad.
And the pressure sensitivity and drawing apps with the Pencil sucked. Full stop. Sucked.
I have a Cintiq Companion and love it. And Sony is supposedly sending me a VAIO Canvas to test and review soon. The latter uses Ntrig digitizers like the Surface Pro 3 and 4.
Destiny talk: Xur ain't selling Garrison and it's all I need. What else is anyone hoping for?
No Land Beyond. Last exotic weapon I need. Maybe some leg or chest engrams
Xur has:
Mk.44 Stand Asides
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps
The Ram
Chest Engram
Legacy Gauntlet Engrams
No Land Beyond. Last exotic weapon I need. Maybe some leg or chest engrams
Xur has:
Mk.44 Stand Asides
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps
The Ram
Chest Engram
Legacy Gauntlet Engrams