I prefer this too, but this can already be done without skinning a weapon (you could level a non conventional weapon and achieve the same effect while staying at max light). Sure there will be unavailable skins, but I'm never going to get the CoD shader and I don't see how that is different to a colored weapon that I can also choose to pay for.
This is a nihilistic view, things don't always get worse. There is a chance of a slippery slope, but so far they haven't sold anything that gives a player an edge over another player. (Arguably the sparrows do, but you could acquire equivalent ones in-game after playing for a while) I'm not going to worry about something that hasn't yet happened
This is something to be worried about if it happens, but it hasn't
It's not a matter of levelling a weapon to max level and leaving it at that. Not everyone
-wants- to do just that. This narrative of 'Who cares it's just a cosmetic' as if that somehow proves that nobody wants to make their guardian their own is wrong.
As for your second point, the slippery slope has already happened. You're simply moving the goalposts to include selling power. "So what if they sell emotes? So what if they sale cosmetic helmets? So what if they sell armor that gives you an edge in SRL racing? So what if they sell weapon skins? So what if they sell sparrows?". Again, we are in the process of the slippery slope. The reason why John posted about Call of Duty, is because they started out with cosmetics too. And look at them now, selling weapons exclusive to these bought loot boxes.
They should. The narrative you've crafted hasn't reflected the reality of the community response at this point. And as for the future, "it's a slippery slope" is something an alarmist says. It's a worst-case scenario guess, not insight. Most people on this board possess the same amount of actual knowledge regarding future microtransactions in the game - none - so this posturing for the possible "I told you so" tipping point is really silly.
What narrative? And what alarmist? Slippery slopes are real. There is proof of a slippery slope in Destiny when it comes to Microtransactions. That's fact. It's not me being alarmist or fearmongering, it's me pointing out 'Oh look it's a slippery slope.'
And again, when they first introduced the idea of Microtransactions, that's when I surmised that it could lead into a slippery slope- and there were people like you, telling me the same thing-That it'll just be emotes. You somehow turning this into a 'You just want to say "I told you so"! You're being silly!" is simply ad hominem.
It's not a matter if this is a slippery slope anymore. It's a matter of when the slope ends. And right now, there's no signs of stopping.
Again, if you want an example of maximum slope, look at call of duty. Started out with purely cosmetics, just like Destiny, and they ended up packing exclusive weapons to their MT's. Not saying Destiny will end up like that, but it's obvious Activision has their hand in Bungies cookie jar, just like they do for CoD. How far they'll reach for Destiny is yet to be seen, but make no mistake, they've started reaching.