Okay, so, with yesterday's "New Loot to Earn" stream being mostly "New Loot to Buy", I have to ask:
WTF is Destiny?
It's a shooter, with loot, but loot rarely drops. New April loot is not something that even drops, it's something that comes via schedules and purchases, just like a gross F2P iOS game.
It's a shooter, not a subscription-based MMO, but it has such aggressive psychological hooks that create a persistent need to login, even when content can't possibly match that need.
It's a shooter, but it has only enough gear and power levels to hinder you, not to make you unique or interesting. That's all Light Level is. It's not power, it's a penalty til you reach the cap.
It's a shooter, with a massive # of missions and activities, but with only 5% of it offering any incentive or reward for end-game players, so the game actually feels tiny.
It's a shooter, with RPG elements, but the RPG elements are so thin that subclasses and gear don't offer meaningful diversification and builds.
It's shooter, where the developers are terrified of player progress, so it has more grind than any other game. Where Bungie nerfed XP gain for Year 2 and then introduced MTX purchasable XP boosts. RNG on top of RNG, but with no mitigation either from re-rolling or increased drop rate. With 80,000 currencies. With nerfed drop rates for weapon & armor parts, "to make them special."
It's a shooter, with PvE and PvP, but where the balancing is done almost exclusively to favor PvP. Despite the fact that Bungie is one of the only game devs who can make single player missions worth a damn.
WTF is this game?
It's not now what I expected or wanted. It's certainly not the game I expected from Bungie. A company that resisted for so long the trends of XP and unlocks and other gross industry practices. A company that really understood and appreciated their players. I have no idea what Destiny is or who Bungie is.