So after my game against Nghtly and Co. I get matched against luminosity and Co. Fuck I need to stop playing solo.
Anybody got room for one on a IB train? PSN-Dthomp
Want to start one? I've got about an hour or so of time.So after my game against Nghtly and Co. I get matched against luminosity and Co. Fuck I need to stop playing solo.
Want to start one? I've got about an hour or so of time.
Well, hello there: matchmade into playing against a DGAF team
Tell your team to push. I fell asleep that match lol. Control shouldn't go to the timer haha. ;p
I know right. Gg, I played terribly. Though that knife headshot I managed was pretty sweet (and suicidal).
I was impressed with that rocket too haha.
Must be because I'm not on itGG guys. Gaf train too strong.
Kinda lame this update is all recycled content. From PoE to 'new' armor/weapons to exotics.
Not a single piece of actual new content aside from the one armor set. Atleast throw in the new exotics that have been in the database forever or something.
GGs, gents! Really curious to see the sandbox stuff here too.GGs fellas. Every time I play anything but hunter I realize how bad I am with other classes. Gunslinger just works so well with my playstyle. I'll be curious to see if the sandbox/balance changes will make other classes more appealing and if it will hurt the ones I like.
GGs fellas. Every time I play anything but hunter I realize how bad I am with other classes. Gunslinger just works so well with my playstyle. I'll be curious to see if the sandbox/balance changes will make other classes more appealing and if it will hurt the ones I like.
Dat artbook! I would've been tempted to try and preorder one if only it didn't come with a figure. Hate figures in Collector's Editions... I'll settle for the deluxe.Guys why did I just pre-order a $260 Final Fantasy game? What has happened to my impulse control?
To clarify from the stream, we can get a maximum of 3 Sterling Treasure boxes per week, without paying extra?
They come from Level 41 PoE once a week, Weekly Crucible participation once a week, and Postmaster once a week. No more chances or avenues to get more in the week by playing more of something or farming, correct?
Also, I wonder if the Postmaster's treasure box will continue to come in even if you don't sign on for weeks, or if it requires some activity.
Three a week, account wide. Yep.
The one from the postmaster will work like weekly Variks rewards (once you get to HoJ rank 3), you'll have to log-in each week to collect them, they won't stack.
Without Kadey, it stops being "Sexy" and it turns into a sausage fest.
Is there SBMM if you are really bad? Asking for a friend.
Division will have a "gear score" in the game when they bring in incursions but for some reason it's not in the game yet. The difficulty of Challenging mode would be much more clear if they included the gear score. Massive really should have put a recommended gear score on the challenging modes.
Deej said nothing about the old exotics going to Instagram, so I am hoping that the Instagram will go live again after next week's stream.Are we really not getting the new exotics in the April update? That's probably what I was most excited about, trying the new perks out.
Grimoire card begging? Sad.Morning DGAF. I had a dream LnKn contacted me about my own grimoire card. I had him put the following as the text:
"Yeaaa! Shock Cit-Nooooooooooooo!"
"Ape pls"
IB was rough last night. I ran with Turtle and Manny and it was a constant struggle. I'll be down for more tonight if anyone is interested.
Someone on Reddit had a great post about moving the spawns and tweaking some stuff on the map to make it playable a while ago. Bungie would never realistically eliminate it from the playlists, but those changes would have helped. It really is miserable to spawn, run fifteen seconds, and then get insta-sniped.Cathedral of Dusk is the ultimate buzz killer, fuck everything about that map
Fingers crossed, but not getting my hopes too high considering the way they're doing things. This is the week gear is being shown and talked about. Maybe a glimpse of hope in today's update.Deej said nothing about the old exotics going to Instagram, so I am hoping that the Instagram will go live again after next week's stream.
They're obviously holding onto VoG and Crota's End to update some time before the next big expansion, so my hopes are low too. They might save the new exotics for mid-summer. Kind of shitty since they advertised TTK with many of these new exotics like the Void and Firelord and Astrocyte Verse in the press materials/preview vids.Fingers crossed, but not getting my hopes too high considering the way they're doing things. This is the week gear is being shown and talked about. Maybe a glimpse of hope in today's update.
They're obviously holding onto VoG and Crota's End to update some time before the next big expansion, so my hopes are low too. They might save the new exotics for mid-summer.
Not gonna lie (or rage). But really sad that Bungie has abandoned cosmetic only Microtranscations. Bungie always seemed above that, but I guess not.
Totally forgot about the other variations of the Thunderlord. They never mentioned them at all.They're obviously holding onto VoG and Crota's End to update some time before the next big expansion, so my hopes are low too. They might save the new exotics for mid-summer. Kind of shitty since they advertised TTK with many of these new exotics like the Void and Firelord and Astrocyte Verse in the press materials/preview vids.
Cathedral of Dusk is the ultimate buzz killer, fuck everything about that map
60FPS would look amazing
They're obviously holding onto VoG and Crota's End to update some time before the next big expansion, so my hopes are low too. They might save the new exotics for mid-summer. Kind of shitty since they advertised TTK with many of these new exotics like the Void and Firelord and Astrocyte Verse in the press materials/preview vids.
Actual expansions will always be about new content rather than recycling old content (barring the argument that running through a level backwards is not new and reskinning old guns is not new.) They definitely wouldn't include it as a day one kind of thing, but maybe after that, yes. When you do the math on their "16 weeks of content" for PoE that takes us to early/mid-August.I'm afraid that they'll hold them back for the Destiny 3.0 expansion this fall, same with the possible return of VOG and CE.
It would be a dick move but let's just say they don't exactly get my vote of confidence right now
Actual expansions will always be about new content rather than recycling old content (barring the argument that running through a level backwards is not new and reskinning old guns is not new.) They definitely wouldn't include it as a day one kind of thing, but maybe after that, yes. When you do the math on their "16 weeks of content" for PoE that takes us to early/mid-August.
Bungie sends SBMM to rain on the scrubs and the pros alike. If your stats are bad then you will get matched into lobbies with mostly other bad-stat players, but it also depends on connection quality of available players to keep your queue time low.
Will saved legendary and exotic engrams decrypt at pre-April update levels (as always for legendaries), or can saved exotic engrams drop the 'up-to-335' variants if you wait to decrypt them post-update?
[...]Does this mean any exotics that are currently in year 2's pool are stuck at 320[...]
[Year 1 Legendaries brought forward?] What about exotics? If I already own a Patience and Time (and have it unlocked in the kiosk), do I have to get another to drop (or buy a new one from the kiosk) to get it to 335?
- In order to get the full taken "shader" look, you have to use all 4 pieces correct? So, if I want to use an exotic armor piece, does that mean 3 pieces will have the taken look and the exotic just won't (same if I only had acquired 3 of the 4 taken pieces)? Or does it turn off the taken look all together unless all 4 pieces are worn together?
The Taken armor pieces are just that: armor pieces that have the Taken appearance by default. It wasn't clear how or even if actual shaders would affect their appearance but wearing other armor wouldn't affect the appearance of the Taken armor. In your example the exotic armor just wouldn't appear Taken but the Taken armor still would.
- When they mentioned the Trials-like card for PoE; How exactly does this work for PoE and what are the rewards for turning it (the "trials-like card") in once completed? Or did that go out the window with the mis-info re: checkpoints not actually being a thing?
There were two goals: achieve high score in a single run (30k points) and cumulative score over all PoE runs during a week (90k points). Afaik the rewards include the new PoE gear like the Her Fury sniper they've shown, which can drop at up to 335 Light but not guaranteed. The CP-reversal wasn't related to the progression card itself.
- Are the 41 MM and 42 Challenge modes both only 3 rounds each?
Presumably yes. They only played the 42 but it makes sense that the lower level wouldn't be more rounds. Maybe someone remembers if they said otherwise.
- Will saved legendary and exotic engrams decrypt at pre-April update levels (as always for legendaries), or can saved exotic engrams drop the 'up-to-335' variants if you wait to decrypt them post-update?
Nobody knows for sure, but history suggests they'll decrypt at pre-update levels. Traditionally the gear from an engram was determined when the engram dropped which is why you always got pre-update stuff even if decrypted post-update. The only exception was unopened packages which had to be opened first to generate the engrams.
- They're showing new exotics on their instagram, assuming these are the ones that are being brought forward to 335. Does this mean any exotics that are currently in year 2's pool are stuck at 320, or can they also jump to 335 along with these instagram exotics? Can any year 2 weapons jump to 335 (I guess is the question)?
Any year 2 gear, including currently available exotics, will be able to reach 335. Either by infusion or by decrypting exotic engrams (probably ones that were acquired post-update and probably dependent on your Light level similar to how you had to be 300+ to get a chance at 310 exotic decryption).
- Does still having a year 1 version of any of the legendaries they are bringing forward have any significance at all on acquiring/using the new "335" versions? Guessing no since they now have yr 2 perks. What about exotics? If I already own a Patience and Time (and have it unlocked in the kiosk), do I have to get another to drop (or buy a new one from the kiosk) to get it to 335? Or will my old P&T just be upgraded to a version that can be upgraded to 335 without me doing anything?
No. The year 1 legendaries will be acquired through engrams with year 2 perks. Any year 1 gear you currently have is still stuck in year 1, exotic or legendary.
- Once the "hotfix" is deployed, will King's Fall Challenge Mode guarantee 335 drops? I know KF HM will be updated to have a chance to drop 335 gear, but I'm wondering specifically about the Challenge Mode, post-hotfix.
They haven't commented on Challenge Mode drops afaik. Presumably they'd get bumped to 335 but currently unconfirmed.
- The new taken guns only drop from the new strike, correct? And these can drop up to 335? Is there a taken variant of each weapon type, or was it just the shotgun and sword and did they say if these are "new" guns with different stats/perks, or are they just normal guns we've seen with taken skins?
Any strike-exclusive gear can drop up to 335. I must have missed it if he said where they'd be acquired. I haven't seen any other Taken weapons besides the two shown. They should be "new" weapons, similar to how the Taken armor are new armor pieces.
- What's the difference in the method of acquiring the weapons we saw yesterday that had the Queen emblem on them vs the "fallen" looking weapons (where they showed off the red/white chromas)? Are the fallen weapons only acquired from Variks by completing the high score challenges and the Queen's weapons are only earned from ranking up Petra? Can either of these drop from 41 MM or 42 Challenge PoE at the end of the activity (and at what possible LL)?
Not sure if they've specified this. Maybe someone else can answer better.
- Did he say mats/consumables also got an extra page of vault space?
I don't think he said but presumably yes.
- Do you have to run Tier 3 CoO only for a chance at a 335 artifact (and does it have to be your rune) or can any tier drop them, no matter who drops the rune?
Based on original CoO, you would have to use your own T3 rune for a chance at the highest light Legendary artifacts. They didn't comment specifically for the update though.
- Is exotic infusion also 1:1?
They didn't say explicitly but presumably yes.
- Did they mention what the minimum (or recommended) LL was for 41 MM PoE and 42 Challenge Mode?
Mentioned last week that PoE 41 is 260 recommended and PoE 42 is 320 recommended.
- On scoring for the Sigil, if you're on the final round and have yet to hit your desired high score, will adds infinitely respawn allowing you to get your desired score before bringing down the boss? I know there's a timer that will drop your score by 50 points each time it ticks down, but it seems worth it to take that hit to allow more waves of adds to keep spawning.
The adds were said to spawn on boss-health-based triggers, not timed triggers. So there wouldn't be an unlimited amount but based on the stream it didn't seem too demanding to hit the high score.
I think that's all I've got for now. Tyia.
Grimoire card begging? Sad.![]()