Last chance for that sniper nerf with the update. Bungie pls.
Seriously. They can't just change special ammo. They need to change the way sniper rifles work.
Last chance for that sniper nerf with the update. Bungie pls.
Fair enough. I guess I've never really quite understood why people want to wave off heavy so adamantly, so I justified it, in my head, with some sort of unspoken honor code among the community (like not using estus in Dark Souls PvP). Yet using shadestep glitches and such, in my eyes, would be in total conflict with such honor system (and for me, using them is much worse than picking up heavy).
I just want shotguns to be nerfed in PvP and buffed in pve, and sniper nerf too
Last chance for that sniper nerf with the update. Bungie pls.
How can they possibly nerf shotguns further? Chance to backfire and blow my own head off?
???How can they possibly nerf shotguns further? Chance to backfire and blow my own head off?
Please tell me you weren't here for the HoW meta. Felwinter', Matador, and Party Crasher all had insane ranges boosted by the Shot Package perk. Shot guns are in a decent space right now.???
Their range is ridiculous in PvP right now, I'm getting shot from a mile away.
Their range is ridiculous in PvP right now, I'm getting shot from a mile away.
I was around in HoW, and I know about how broken they used to be.Please tell me you weren't here for the HoW meta. Felwinter', Matador, and Party Crasher all had insane ranges boosted by the Shot Package perk. Shot guns are in a decent space right now.
Yeaapp.Last chance for that sniper nerf with the update. Bungie pls.
Shotguns have been nerfed to hell and back and are exactly where they should be, do you want them to be able to kill at titan pre patch melee range????
Their range is ridiculous in PvP right now, I'm getting shot from a mile away.
If you're getting sniped with a shotgun then you're getting teamshot from someone else, because the OHK range with a high impact shotty is around Warlock melee range. Due to the latency in this game sometimes you need to be even closer than that.
Yeah if they just went back to how sniping was in HoW it would be just fine, not sure why they changed it, I though sniping back then was perfect, or at least close to that.Sniping was fine during the HOW era. Turn down AA a lot and flinching while getting hit up.
We could write a novel based on what's wrong with PVP. Too late for Bungie to really put effort into it however. Obviously Destiny 2 is using most of their resources.
I could start an IB or whatever in a little while.
Right now FR are insanely good in the right hands, I've been tearing people up with my thesan, so if they get buffed, those people are going to be unstoppable. Although a PVE buff would be good for FR, pretty much every special weapon except snipers need a PVE buff.Shotguns are in a good place right now. Yes, even the CTD is perfectly fine. Closing the gap with a shotgun now takes a significant amount of movement and positioning skill. If you're getting beat by a shotgun in the current meta you didn't get beat by the gun(unless it's a Y1 weapon).
Any further nerf would just make them obsolete in PvP. Especially if FR get a buff...
I have mixed feelings on sniper rifles. You can beat a good sniper if you know all the lanes. If you come across one of those "God Level" sniper players...well...RIP.
The answer lay with equip speed, movement speed and definitely ADS speed. Introduce other perks to compensate. If players want to move as quickly as they do now they should will have to chose between that and all the other perks.How can they possibly nerf shotguns further? Chance to backfire and blow my own head off?
AA is down from HoW's levels, the reason sniping is so prevalent is you cant map people with Thorn/Hawkmoon anymore. Bring back HC cannon range and the sniping problem will disappear
I still use shotguns plenty in PvE :\
Really don't want to see them buffed much where they'll horrendously outclass FRs again. Buffing FRs as well isn't the answer either. I played Skolas recently and it clearly demonstrated how much power creep can change an encounter. Hopefully they'll avoid that.
AA is down from HoW's levels, the reason sniping is so prevalent is you cant map people with Thorn/Hawkmoon anymore. Bring back HC cannon range and the sniping problem will disappear
The answer lay with equip speed, movement speed and definitely ADS speed. Introduce other perks to compensate. If players want to move as quickly as they do now they should will have to chose between that and all the other perks.
Blink shotgun is still effective against the masses.
Being overpowered against an encounter is exactly how I felt with the 100% shotgun buff. The causes are different, but Skolas as a 40 Guardian brought those feelings to the forefront.Skolas nowadays has nothing to do with power creep, that's just outdated content. They'd have to bring the activity up to year 2 levels regardless of any weapon balancing.
Drizz i'm back.
Especially soapI mean.... everything is effective against the masses. They're so unwashed.
Okie doke, I just sent Macello's friend a message so we can fire it up soon. He's still online in Destiny now.
Gonna play some iron banner in a few. All the weapon nerfing fucked up the weapon variety in destiny. In vanilla destiny you had way more options on the guns to use. Even green and blue weapons were good in pvp. Now most people use the same shit and a lot of guns are just useless, especially exotics. If you're going to nerf weapons at least keep your exotics, exotic.You put a team of top players on the same level using snipers and another using blink shotguns I would bet money on the blink shotgun team. Especially with the current maps. I think overall year one maps were better for sniping.
NeOak hates furries confirmed.Whenever I read the word werewolf I cringe because of the yiffing. Please don't make cringe due to yiff.
Weapon balance is a mess because they have to do PvE balance too. So balancing for PvE or PvP will hurt the other.
NeOak hates furries confirmed.
That would end up buffing ThornNerf everything! >![]()