Tuesday-Thursday is a super slow time for Destiny PvP streamers. They need to come up with something that makes those days worth playing.
That's not the problem right now. The issue is that they nerfed the effective range of shotgun, and in heroic strikes or nightfalls, where before it was doable using a shotgun, now is suicide trying to get that close to enemies, because you die in 3-4 hits no matter what light level you are.
Especially in Nightfall, it's even worse.
Damage isn't the problem. It's the range nerfs, which shouldn't have been touched for PvE.
That's not the problem right now. The issue is that they nerfed the effective range of shotgun, and in heroic strikes or nightfalls, where before it was doable using a shotgun, now is suicide trying to get that close to enemies, because you die in 3-4 hits no matter what light level you are.
Especially in Nightfall, it's even worse.
Damage isn't the problem. It's the range nerfs, which shouldn't have been touched for PvE.
Damage is definitely the problem Breezy.
If they went back to double damage, the range really wouldn't be a problem. They still wouldn't be viable in like, raid encounters though because they're tailored to sniper rifles.
The range is a complete joke. It feels like the shotgun pellets only travel 5 feet and the fall to the ground. I kinda hate that shotguns are super hard hitting at extremely close ranges, but beyond that they don't even make a dent.
I have a novel Idea.... why not have separate guns for PVE and PVP. Meaning that PVE guns won't work in Crucible and vice versa.
When I play with shotguns in PvE range is inconsequential. I just prefer to bum rush and point blank shoot fools. The damage nerf has pushed me away from shotguns
I have a novel Idea.... why not have separate guns for PVE and PVP. Meaning that PVE guns won't work in Crucible and vice versa.
Short answer: It's Bungie's game, and that's how they like it.
They have always had a strong desire for players to have a unified experience across PvE/PvP. The best we'll get is perks that do extra damage to certain enemiesSHANKBURN
It's deeply ingrained in them. Same as how they believe everyone should lose 50% of their Crucible games.
I have a novel Idea.... why not have separate guns for PVE and PVP. Meaning that PVE guns won't work in Crucible and vice versa.
The issue I see with that is it puts too much of a divide between PVP and PVE. Using the loot you collect in PVE is what makes the PVP what it is. The side effect of that is imbalances.
And I hate this raid for having that stupid shit. "Boss is invulnerable until damage phase than you snipe him boy how much fun". Literally every KF boss.
That's most raid encounters in this game.
Atleast for VoG and Crotas End there's more opportunities to use shotguns
KF is just a snipefest.
Atleast for VoG and Crotas End there's more opportunities to use shotguns
KF is just a snipefest.
Unified experience my ass.
This game would be so good if not for their backwards beliefs.
Man, this makes me wish we had a watered down Warpriest and a supe'd up Alak-hul switch places so the Alak-hul encounter was part of the raid, and Warpriest just got some extra abilities as you fought him in a strike, and his walls didn't disappear as you fought him or something.
A 6 man version of Alak-hul would have been amazing.
There'd be nothing wrong with having PvP-only weapons and vice versa. It'd be beneficial if anything. More carrots to chase, PvP balance can be focused on, and PvE balance would be it's own thing.
Yeah I could see that. They could try and work it out like how WoW had specific items that worked for PVP, but were not suited for PVE.
Whats the possibility that major crucible changes would just take way too much rewriting of deep engine code that it just isn't feasible?
Yeah I could see that. They could try and work it out like how WoW had specific items that worked for PVP, but were not suited for PVE.
Whats the possibility that major crucible changes would just take way too much rewriting of deep engine code that it just isn't feasible?
Very high I imagine. Very, very high.
Consider that Destiny doesn't really differentiate from PvE to PvP at all.
Everything about Destiny is made to traverse all aspects of the game. All weapons, abilities, equipment, etc... are meant to work in every facet of the game.
So asking for an overhaul isn't even really a thing. What you're asking for is for Bungie to build a PvP "mode" from the ground up.
If Bungie ever actually let Destiny be the loot game is what meant to be, then they could play with more perks being PvP or PvE focused.
Some of the worst perks in the game were the House of Wolves target specific perks where you could do more damage to very specific enemy units. This in itself isn't a bad thing, and could be expanded upon, but it only works if loot drops like crazy so players can actually put together an outfit that has some form of synergy.
Like, I'd love to have a full "Hive" set of gear where my Helmet gives me bonus super energy for Hive kills. My Gloves create orbs from Thrall melee kills. My Chest causes Hive enemies to drop 1.2X as much ammo, and my boots create orbs when I kill Knights with Heavy weapons.
If I knew all of those were a thing, and I could expect them to drop somewhat consistently, then I would put that set together.
As it is, gear is too few and far between, and thus no one really wants to level up more than one set. So they just find the best of the best abilities (typically for PvP, and just deal with it in PvE).
Edit: Sorry, went way far off on a tangent there...
Uncharted coming soon....What are you going to play now? :O
Uncharted coming soon....
I don't think it needs an overhaul. I just think they shouldn't be afraid to add mutlipliers to certain weapons or classes of weapons' stats specifically for PvE or crucible. They have proven this absolutely is a thing they can do with the shotgun buff last year, and it was universally loved by the playerbase. I just want more of that.
This sounds like Halo.It's not their vision for pvp at ALL, but, I'd like to see a mode with supers disabled, personal loadouts/gear perks disabled, forced same starting weapons, and fighting for power weapons (exotics) on the map as well as powerups ala Halo that could give a player access to use 1 super or something similar.
I just don't like the thought of playing pvp with so much random bullshit and being at a disadvantage because you're gear isn't as good as someone elses.
Personally, I'm not a fan of damage multipliers towards PvE enemies. Something about it screams band-aid. Like, they didn't have the foresight to actually balance the game/damage properly, so here is a quick equation adjustment to fix it for the time being.
Not that I have a particularly good idea to offer in it's place. I just don't like having a weapon that feels very powerful against a Titan, and then less/more powerful against a Captain or something else more equivocal to a Guardian.
Personally, I'm not a fan of damage multipliers towards PvE enemies. Something about it screams band-aid. Like, they didn't have the foresight to actually balance the game/damage properly, so here is a quick equation adjustment to fix it for the time being.
Not that I have a particularly good idea to offer in it's place. I just don't like having a weapon that feels very powerful against a Titan, and then less/more powerful against a Captain or something else more equivocal to a Guardian.
Yeah, I generally have no problems using shotguns in PvE.When I play with shotguns in PvE range is inconsequential. I just prefer to bum rush and point blank shoot fools. The damage nerf and the poor raid design has pushed me away from shotguns more than any other shotgun changes. That's just me though.
Warlock OP:
Still need help? I can join in for a NF or a few.2 spots for nightfall, I am at the boss.
The fact that they put elemental primaries in a highly unachievable (for the average player) location (Mercury) is still sort of shitty. Best PVE weapons (elementals) as a high-skill PVP reward. Unlike Y1 where we got Fatebringer and VoC from VoG. They need to make raid weapons worth it again.
Still need help? I can join in for a NF or a few.
HoW Shotguns in PvE did more damage than swords do now. They made PvE content trivial, yellow bars didn't mean a thing. Major or not, they'd melt in a second.
I am surprised people who like PvE preferred a sandbox where there was even less of a chance of a non-boss enemy killing you with their cheap one shots than there is now. Which is a lot to say since honestly you'll maaaaaaybe die once in a strike, and it'll be a rare sight.
HoW Shotguns in PvE did more damage than swords do now. They made PvE content trivial, yellow bars didn't mean a thing. Major or not, they'd melt in a second.
I am surprised people who like PvE preferred a sandbox where there was even less of a chance of a non-boss enemy killing you with their cheap one shots than there is now. Which is a lot to say since honestly you'll maaaaaaybe die once in a strike, and it'll be a rare sight.