First they gave it something like 10% buff (forgot this exact number), then a 100% buff, then a 50% nerf (forgot exact) that basically made it go back to a 10% buff in the end.
They should have made it so the 100% buff was a 50% buff, that would have been pretty good IMO. Obviously 100% was OP as heck but hey it made PvE really fun.
Join on me, working on it right now.Anybody want to do a NF?
Anybody want to do a NF?
Last time I farmed Omnigul, I brought a full auto 310 New Monarchy Shotgun. Enemies in this strike are light level 80. The major wizards that spawn beside Omnigul at the bottom of the hill took an entire 5 shell magazine sometimes to kill from point blank range. 4 shells at the very least.
Like, I'd love to have a full "Hive" set of gear where my Helmet gives me bonus super energy for Hive kills. My Gloves create orbs from Thrall melee kills. My Chest causes Hive enemies to drop 1.2X as much ammo, and my boots create orbs when I kill Knights with Heavy weapons.
In Destiny, you don't get more powerful. You just are able to do full damage to more enemies.
Would love for this to happen. Like in Monster Hunter. I craft sets for different monsters I need to fight and in different arenas. Going up against a poison monster, craft poison resist. Have a really powerful damage boost set with a fire weakness? Better not go up against Rathalos in that thing.
Or go the Diablo route with perks that compliment your class. Like Use all this gear and weapons for my Defender, these for my Sunbreaker.
I want interesting choices to make with my gearing.
Bungie took baby steps this way with Artifacts and Ghosts, but the perks are so weak and bland that it doesn't matter.
The Zone Control train rolls on; 48 on GG and 25 on DTR
Using snipers has more to do with encounter design than the relative strength of a weapon type.It was more fun then than it is now.
And yellow bars sure as hell were a threat. Remember Skolas before they removed the majors from it and tied the spawns to his health? It was a goddamn nightmare. Shotguns were a high risk, high reward weapon in the second half of year one. Now they're just high risk.
Shotguns are supposed to be powerful as fuck. Excuse the gory comparison, but you shoot a 12 gauge at any living thing within ten feet IRL you're going to cut it in half. Sprinting through fire and sliding into shotty range of a captain and burning his ass never got old. They felt like how you expect shotguns to feel. The lightswitch modifier was in play pretty often in Nightfalls & PoE too, so the risk was even higher.
The sword comparison is overstated. As it stands currently, there isn't any situation in PvE save for maybe the dunking at the beginning of King's Fall, where anyone uses anything but a Sniper. Because there's no reason to. Swords are heavies, give you third person situational awareness, require no reloads, and give you an option to actually tank damage. There's no reason they can't both be powerful.
Using snipers has more to do with encounter design than the relative strength of a weapon type.
You mention Skolas as an example of Shotties being a good fit...but that just reminds me of the fact that it was an activity we were at a severe level penalty for and people still managed to beat Skolas using shotguns and ignore every mechanic in the fight.
Shotguns dealt with Majors more quickly than Gjallarhorn did, and I'm not even exaggerating. I could Swordbreaker-melt Praetorian waaaay more quickly than I'd have been able to with a machine gun or with rockets.
I mean I don't really care either way, I don't do much PvE anyways. but I strongly believe shotguns made an easy game just stupidly trivial back in the day unless you had like a 33% damage penalty for being under leveled.
I keep meaning to give that a try when it comes around.
2 NFs. 2 295 Ghost shells. Lol.
Appreciate the help. This week was a fun NF.
2 NFs. 2 295 Ghost shells. Lol.
Appreciate the help. This week was a fun NF.
Trying to level Homeboyds alt, anyone want to help speed run some missions with me?
TomorrowIf PC had remote play today and it worked for my work's wifi!
When is that coming out anyways, i need to try it haha
But I had too! I can't handle all these socksWiped quit changing your avatar.
But I had too! I can't handle all these socks
Login with your vita and help homeslice with these missions
Are we raiding? 11:15 too late for this old man to start, unless we are just doing WPx3 onlyman I totes would if I didn't have somewhere to be in like 15 min. I can maybe help out tonight though before raid shenanigans.
Funny enough, I get better drops from Shaxx bounties than actually doing the NF. I got 4 Horseman, Party Crasher +1 and a bunch of Strange Coins, which is honestly all I really want at this point. I'm not even mad, I kind of understand why there might have been a higher drop rate for ghost shells, since there aren't that many avenues to pick one up and at the beginning of TTK, a lot of people were probably stuck with a 280 ghost. I do wish Bungie would adjust the drop rates at this point.The increase in shell giveaway was way too much. It's sad.
I do maybe 2-3 shaxx bounties each week unintentionally by just playing pvp (which is the way it should be for some rewards) and 66% of the time it's a crappy ghost shell.
Are we raiding? 11:15 too late for this old man to start, unless we are just doing WPx3 only
Wiped quit changing your avatar.
Funny enough, I get better drops from Shaxx bounties than actually doing the NF. I got 4 Horseman, Party Crasher +1 and a bunch of Strange Coins, which is honestly all I really want at this point. I'm not even mad, I kind of understand why there might have been a higher drop rate for ghost shells, since there aren't that many avenues to pick one up and at the beginning of TTK, a lot of people were probably stuck with a 280 ghost. I do wish Bungie would adjust the drop rates at this point.
Want me to change mine?
Jill stays.
I almost find it to be heresy when people change avatars on GAF (excluding seasons)![]()
I almost find it to be heresy when people change avatars on GAF (excluding seasons)![]()
Alright, I gotta change back to Link then.
I changed my name & didn't change my avatar.
Who knows anyone by their username
everyone calls me Mercury or Freddie. Maybe even both. Mercury Freddie.
I remember you as the guy who raided with me one time and ran around saying "godspeed" all the time, lol.
I don't.....I don't think I ever did that. I mean, I've done stupid things in GAF raids, but saying 'godspeed' is not one of them. That's too anime for me
I swear it was you, haha.
I change mine once every 6 or so weeks. It's always gonna be a Sanji pic anyway.I almost find it to be heresy when people change avatars on GAF (excluding seasons)![]()
I swear it was you, haha.
was this during crotas end
cause that's something I would say during the first part
Early KF. I even remember you said it during Totems.
generic?!nami is the one with the generic blonde anime character.
Todd is the one with the generic farmer anime character
math is the one with the RL pic
This is why I always pick Charmander.
You'll be in Oak's lab.
Till the end of time.
I'm about due to change this avatar. Started a new on the other day. Need to clean up the values and chop out the background.
Sent a fr.Anyone up for nightfall?need it x3
Psn v1br4t1ons