Unconfirmed Member
I might have to do something, if I'm not back drizz don't worry about it. Emphasis on might.
I can come back in that time. I'll be back in an hour.
Edit: I'm back, I'll have to keep my voice low since it's late.
An hour or two. Time isn't too much of a problem, I just won't be about to speak as clear as I'd like for call outs. Unless trials is still on tomorrow? I'm game for playing right now and multiple attempts.
Okay, that would be optimal. Night lads.
Anyone for crucible? Or hell, trials even.
You get a 3rd for trials and I may be willing to run a bit tonight...maybe....
The dream is dad
Finally picked up my Thesan from Mr. Gunsmith. It has Army of One, Braced Frame, and Range Finder. I can't believe this is going to get buffed.
That's fine, we can trials tomorrow and clear some bounties at least. I'm kind of half asleep right now just taking care of some of my quest stuff
Isn't this what destiny players have been doing since October![]()
PvE content will, as always, be fun for like 3 days - then it's the same Strike/PoE/CoO drill with static and predictable enemy placements and spawn times and locations.Went out with a good win on the crappiest map in the game. Good games everyone.
Spring update. Will do as much as possible and then weekends are crucible trains again. Might even do trains depending on quickly all this new content lasts.
Any word on what time the update kicks in tomorrow?
The return of the age of Hawkmoon + Fusion Rifle awaits us - the cycle will be complete.
How long will it take for Drizzay to get the void and solar lords?
Watch them be time-gated
Still not 100% sure these will be in. That reddit post is all speculation no?
Now you know that Ape and Magik are legit great players.
Ape always puts in work when I play crucible with him.
Majority of the credit goes to Ape as he was doing a lot of the callouts and strategies. I simply played my part as a support player.
Khaled is that you?
Btw Magik and Ape, you guys down for round two?
How long will it take for Drizzay to get the void and solar lords?
Watch them be time-gated
Too bad Thunderlord became mostly irrelevant in year 2.
Drizzay's Thunderlord in Y2 isJade Rabbit
Does he use 3ofCoins? How on earth is Drake still missing that?
Does he use 3ofCoins? How on earth is Drake still missing that?
anyone out there still have a HM Warpope checkpoint?
There's this thing in Destiny called RNG, I'm sure you've heard about it
He's also missing a 320 ghost drop so all his chars are still 319.
Ji66a should have hm totems CM.
Muchos Gracias, you have a urge to help out at all?
yes, I just made the video I posted into gifs. Give me a break, I just found out how to do it.
Depends on the time, if I'm online send me a message or invite..
The return of the age of Hawkmoon + Fusion Rifle awaits us - the cycle will be complete.
Still not 100% sure these will be in. That reddit post is all speculation no?
anyone out there still have a HM Warpope checkpoint?
I'm going to try and run Warpope x2 tonight on homeboyds account if anyone is interested in helping a brother out.
In other words HELP!
Edit: Ghazzaro is in. So we basically need 4 more people.
There's this thing in Destiny called RNG, I'm sure you've heard about it
He's also missing a 320 ghost drop so all his chars are still 319.
Ji66a should have hm totems CM.
Also Dark Souls 3 will be available on Steam in 7.5 hours.....
I can help if I'm not busy doing some last minute mercury virgin attempts. That will all depend on helper availability, so we'll see.
Also Dark Souls 3 will be available on Steam in 7.5 hours.....
He didn't play 7 Crimson Doubles matches? Doc pls.
Good luck!
I did play 7.
On Grave's account.
Because he said he really wanted a chocolate ghost.
So he got a 320 chocolate ghost.
Then he infused it into a raid ghost.
Even though he already had another 320 raid ghost.
True story.