Also Dark Souls 3 will be available on Steam in 7.5 hours....
Damn, Sorny needs to get on that Steam release time schedule.
Also Dark Souls 3 will be available on Steam in 7.5 hours....
Awesome, literally won't take anytime. So that looks like we have
1: Me
2. Ghazzaro
3. Ruthless (Tentative)
4. Drizz (Tentative)
Alts in can case someone can't make it:
So we would just need 2 more for around a 10PM EST start time
Awesome, literally won't take anytime. So that looks like we have
1: Me
2. Ghazzaro
3. Ruthless (Tentative)
4. Drizz (Tentative)
Alts in can case someone can't make it:
So we would just need 2 more for around a 10PM EST start time
Ey, count me in. Been a while and I actually need Warpreist CM drops in prep for the update.
Count me in. Haven't raided much recently, but could use the drops for trials infusions.
I can help if I'm not busy doing some last minute mercury virgin attempts. That will all depend on helper availability, so we'll see.
Also Dark Souls 3 will be available on Steam in 7.5 hours.....
I can help if I'm not busy doing some last minute mercury virgin attempts. That will all depend on helper availability, so we'll see.
Would like to make an attempt at Mercury with you if there is a helper around.
Awesome, literally won't take anytime. So that looks like we have a full crew, but would just like to get two more alts in case Drizz is busy with Lighthouse carries and if Ruthless can't make it.
WarPriest x2 or even 3 if someone needs it a third time. 10PM eastern Start.
1: Me
2. Ghazzaro
3. Ruthless (Tentative)
4. Drizz (Tentative)
5. Thing
6. Dr Law
Alts in can case someone can't make it:
I think I can spare
Man I hope we can download the patch files before 10 am PST...
Awesome, literally won't take anytime. So that looks like we have
1: Me
2. Ghazzaro
3. Ruthless (Tentative)
4. Drizz (Tentative)
Alts in can case someone can't make it:
So we would just need 2 more for around a 10PM EST start time
Grave why?!
Awesome!I'll join
I think I have the checkpoint on my Titan...
Titan and Warlock need to run it
I equipped it you once, used it, looked like shit hovering
Was like nope, also stats roll were horrible
KF ghost had better stats and perks
True Story
Happy pre-update GAF
Everyone ready?
Finishing up my taxes. Looking forward to Hawkmoon's return to glory.
Happy pre-update GAF
Everyone ready?
I got my copy of Dark Souls 3 this evening. Oh my, it is glorious. Not sure if the Destiny update is "too little, too late".Hopefully the update will bring back enough people to dilute the player population and make Trials runs slightly less sweaty for a week or two.
Have like 20+ blues on each char
Roughly 7 legendary weapons to decrypt
Then Armor, I have 30pieces, 24 Legendary, 6 Exotic
25000 Glimmer capped
191 Legendary Marks
Enough Destination materials too last me a few good months
12-15 bounties done and ready to go
Quests completed ready to be turned in for bonus rep + xp
By the way I think I learned a new funny trick its never been brought up here before or if it has I didn't pay attention, but this ammo glitch I learned is amazing, bwahahaha
I'd also really like to attempt a trials run if there's time/help/interest. I'll probably be on around 8pm EST or so.
Drizz I"ll be around tonight. Would like to make an attempt at Mercury with you if there is a helper around. At this point I've written off getting the Hic Jacet but who knows what could happen.
I equipped it you once, used it, looked like shit hovering
Was like nope, also stats roll were horrible
KF ghost had better stats and perks
True Story
Saithan has arrived safely at the Lighthouse! With aDoctrine to show for it. One important difference was that I played on his character. For people who are less interested in PvP and mainly just want the emblem/grimoire, then this is a great option. Obviously it's much easier, considering how competitive Trials can be nowadays. Many thanks to X and Inapp for a smooth trip.Rodeo
But for people who do want to learn more about PvP, it's best to play together on their own accounts. Anyone is welcome regardless of skill level. The only requirement is to give a sincere, focused effort. Listen and respond to call-outs, etc. If you can't use a mic, or you're making dinner, or you're falling asleep then it's not a good time to try. Flawless cards are never easy, and the more everyone can carry their own weight then the more realistic Mercury becomes.
I should be available for last chance Hic Jacket runs tonight. Hopefully the update will bring back enough people to dilute the player population and make Trials runs slightly less sweaty for a week or two.
I guess you are ready!
I am looking forward to dumping all the engrams I have saved up. Didn't save any blues, but have 36 legendaries and 16 exotics. Have no idea if they will decrypt to new LL but they will help rank ol Cryppy and get some packages from him.
Lots of faction edging too.
So what did you have access to as part of the preview? lol
better perks? smfh
When does the update go live?
If what Bungie said on the stream is right, with the gold package bounty being accessible every day during trials (and the rewards being higher LL) then I can see a lot of people wanting to run trials just for that - even if they aren't very good. So I would expect many more people in there just for that reason. At least I *think* it's the gold bounty based on what they said, but don't know for sure.
Im PvE first so getting extra glimmer from Taken is worth it
Also Wormspore detector
Poppy ghost was Spinmetal, which I don't need help farming at all and kill Warlocks in Crucible for glimmer which is stupid
Dis/Str roll, while my KF ghost was Int/Dis and got my Titan to 320 and complemented it overall for global cooldown...
Tuesday 10 am PST/ 1 pm EST / 6 pm GMT
I would be extremely excited if this turns out to be the case, lol. Even if there's not a noticeable difference, it will be nice to at least get the gold bounty everyday when helping folks. That was a smart change, glad they added it.
I have a group of four first-timers looking to do King's Fall for the first time on normal (PS4). Anyone interested in joining?...or just feeling generous...
Message me on PSN - kilburni86
This is about the least nonplussed I've been for any update.
Edit The Gold bounty will refresh daily
I can't right now dude.
Saithan has arrived safely at the Lighthouse! With aDoctrine to show for it. One important difference was that I played on his character. For people who are less interested in PvP and mainly just want the emblem/grimoire, then this is a great option. Obviously it's much easier, considering how competitive Trials can be nowadays. Many thanks to X and Inapp for a smooth trip.Rodeo
But for people who do want to learn more about PvP, it's best to play together on their own accounts. Anyone is welcome regardless of skill level. The only requirement is to give a sincere, focused effort. Listen and respond to call-outs, etc. If you can't use a mic, or you're making dinner, or you're falling asleep then it's not a good time to try. Flawless cards are never easy, and the more everyone can carry their own weight then the more realistic Mercury becomes.
I should be available for last chance Hic Jacket runs tonight. Hopefully the update will bring back enough people to dilute the player population and make Trials runs slightly less sweaty for a week or two.
why's that?
I'll put you down, pretty sure Drizz is going to be tied up with Trials.
1: Me
2. Ghazzaro
3. Ruthless (Tentative)
4. Grave
5. Thingonthefloor
6. DrLawyerCop
Alts in can case someone can't make it:
1. Pandora
Is there an eta for the update or will it go live once reset hits?
Is there an eta for the update or will it go live once reset hits?
Will Dark Souls 3 be the game that will make me take a break from Destiny? Hope not.
I can also help if somebody drops
I'm assuming 1PM EST
I can help if I'm not busy doing some last minute mercury virgin attempts. That will all depend on helper availability, so we'll see.
Also Dark Souls 3 will be available on Steam in 7.5 hours.....
'When's the update' is the Destiny equivalent of 'Where's my dailies?' for Division. GAF needs a wiki feature =P
New update video?
By the way, am I the only one disappointed that this is officially titled 'April Update'? LIke, they couldn't bother to come up with something better than that?
because my internet sucks and it'll take me forever to download when I'd much rather download it before and start playing immediately with everybody else![]()
'By the way, am I the only one disappointed that this is officially titled 'April Update'? LIke, they couldn't bother to come up with something better than that?
Are we not getting the new exotics? All exotics we've seen so far have been the refurbished y1 ones.
I think if they had given it a more formal title that might have set expectations a little too high.
Are we not getting the new exotics? All exotics we've seen so far have been the refurbished y1 ones.
I don't think Bungie has confirmed or denied they will be with the update. Hopefully they're in.