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Destiny |OT40| Killed by the Architects

Come at me bro.


edit: Heavy is screwing me, it's only 330. Class item is 333. Everything else is 335.

What did you run today to get there?

What's the challenge mode for KF this week?


Anyone need to run the new stuff from the start? I have an alt I never did the TTK story missions with, so I can't get to the dreadnaught with it to start the mission, haha. Doh.

I don't need to run TTK, just the new stuff.

It would've been more exciting if they forego the streams and just dropped it all at once. "Hey we added a quest, more exotic updates, and this whole new microtransaction stuff."

I mean...I don't like the MT stuff but you know what I mean.

Exactly. Bungie still hasn't mastered the concept of under promising and over delivering. And based on the reported problems with the engine it is something they should have learned a long time ago. I mean this update was more a patch than a legit content update.

They update a year 1 activity that should have been in y2 when y2 started (along with the other 2 raids).

They update year 1 weapons to year 2 values that again should have already been y2.

They go back and forth with weapons so much nothing feels special/differentiated from one another and their method for balancing (which they more or less confirmed in the last stream) of taking the most used weapons and nerfing them because they want to force garbage weapons on everyone is insulting.

But hey, you can get bigger numbers and there is new stuff at Eververse.
Exactly. Bungie still hasn't mastered the concept of under promising and over delivering. And based on the reported problems with the engine it is something they should have learned a long time ago. I mean this update was more a patch than a legit content update.

They update a year 1 activity that should have been in y2 when y2 started (along with the other 2 raids).

They update year 1 weapons to year 2 values.

They go back and forth with weapons so much nothing feels special/differentiated from one another and there method for balancing (which they more or less confirmed in the last stream) of taking the most used weapons and nerfing them because they want to force garbage weapons on everyone is insulting.

But hey, you can get bigger numbers and there is new stuff at Eververse.

Right, and sparsing it out over 3 weeks as if it's a huge update like TTK which iirc they did streams over a couple weeks too(And for HoW too), just...didn't work for this update. Like....it would've been beneficial and I wouldn't have radiated the rage of the sun if they had just came out and said 'Oh and by the way we're putting out a big update tomorrow, check out this trailer.'

Simply put, this update under delivered for the amount of stuff they showed off and over the amount of weeks they did it for.

Yes, me and other Destiny fans have this need of 'knowing' what's coming out at all times, but really we don't want to know because we'll end up disappointed. Unless you just drop it all at once and be like 'BAM.' And Bungie has fallen into that trap...I'm not saying communication is a bad thing. Riot does it with League of Legends. But Riot also consistently delivers updates in comparison, and for bungie to stay quiet for long swathes of time, and to come out and make a big deal about an update like this is only going to lead to disappointment because the majority of content was simply reskinned/upped in levels. Added to the fact that half of that content is in someway tied to microtransactions(2 armor sets, the chroma system, 12 whole emotes, etc.) only leads to sour that communication that they are giving for this sparse update.

Destiny is a great game. I just feel it's not getting the love it deserves. And for the love of god drop the global balancing philosophy bungie. And they did damn great things like making infusion 1:1, incremental engram LL decryption, and buffing Hawkmoon. Those things are great because they make those things more fun comparatively to before. I applaud them for that. They need to continue in that direction. It's ok for unique weapons to feel strong. It's ok to make levelling easy.
What did you run today to get there?

What's the challenge mode for KF this week?

All I did was rank up a few faction packages, turn in a couple exotic engrams, and then run the hard raid 3x with my usual group. I did a couple Challenge of the Elders at the end but they didn't actually raise my LL at all.

Challenge mode is Golgoroth.
With the whole dawn of the age of microtransactions thing, I'm amazed that we still can't customize more than one emote slot. I'd seriously buy three of the new premium emotes, too.


With the whole dawn of the age of microtransactions thing, I'm amazed that we still can't customize more than one emote slot. I'd seriously buy three of the new premium emotes, too.

Probably gonna happen when they drop last gen. I imagine one of the things preventing an emote wheel is the memory to hold (player limit ) x (amount of custom emotes active at once)


Hey everyone! So how is the update? How are people getting to such high LL so fast? Is it easy to get the full set of Taken Gear?
Within the first 10 minutes of starting the update, I already saw a few guardians out there decked out with full Taken gear. This was just after the update went live earlier today. I guess if you don't mind paying for those boxes, then you may get them quickly.


PoE 41 - blue armor and dumb package with infusable armor.

Nightfall (tough, by the way) - 17 Strange Coins, teammate got the same.

Yeah, great reunion with Destiny. Honestly, I don't often make these negative posts about this game, but this update seems pretty damn disappointing.

By the way, Telesto absolutely shreds on the Nightfall.
Boy did it feel good running raids with Smart Loot (TM) enabled.

Feels like this update was mainly to fix most of the dumb decisions made in Y2.
All I did was rank up a few faction packages, turn in a couple exotic engrams, and then run the hard raid 3x with my usual group. I did a couple Challenge of the Elders at the end but they didn't actually raise my LL at all.

Challenge mode is Golgoroth.


I assumed the raid and challenge mode was the main path.

Golgorth that fucker!


All right if we can get a third. Last section can get a bit sticky.

My Friends List has disappeared on me.

I'd like to get my light level a bit higher so I can decrypt the exotic engrams hiding in my vault.
I can help you guys if you still haven't found a 3rd. Give me 5mins


Thanks for the raiding guys, sorry for the scrubbiness, I only raid pretty infrequently.

Kings Fall is the kinda thing that seems like a great idea in the beginning, but I always seem to regret it later on.


My first impressions of the update are mixed. I just got the Taken sword, which was a nice surprise. I'll give it a whirl tomorrow.

Fighting Taken in the Prison of Elders is as fun as I hoped it would be, in the level 41 matchmaking version. They're an enjoyable enemy to fight and put up a good challenge. Nice change of pace; I liked that they mixed a bit of Hive in with the Taken in that arena.

There are some fundamental underlying issues to PoE that were not addressed, and I had hoped they would. The game flow is still really off. Variks holds up the start of a round with his idea of a pep talk in the hallway. My fireteam repeatedly cleared enemies and then sat around waiting for mines to show up. Long pauses between rounds. All three of us go back to the airlock, where Variks tells us to go back to the airlock. PoE has a lot of room for polish and there's still a lot of untapped potential there.

The new strike and missions were fun, if short. I didn't even realize when I'd cleared the first mission, as it was basically a long hallway shootout. The strike was similarly brief, with one door to unlock, a room or two, and then the boss. I though from the name - Blighted Chalice - there would be some kind of mechanic, but if there was, I missed it.

Still, its nice to have a few new activities in the mix. None of the mission, the strike or the PoE run dropped anything above the light level of any of my gear; it was all dismantled. I'm light level 302.

I'm feeling the 1,000 Yard Stare ammo cut, and I don't like it. It's two and a half clips and leaves me scrounging for ammo too often, making the bosses more of a chore than they are otherwise. I feel like they cut a well balanced gun, forcing me to consider other guns I 1) don't like, and 2) are of lower light level. It's the nerf that's had the most adverse negative impact on me since shotguns were fully neutered. (I haven't tried using one today; I dropped the category from my weapon rotation since the last time they had damage reduced. I'll try one tomorrow.)

Does the High Caliber Rounds perk impact how often we stagger enemies? It feels like the MIDA is staggering enemies less often, but I haven't really played in a few months. But something felt...off?

Also. This section is going to make me feel like an asshole, but I feel like I need to say it.

Something really bothered me about the sterling treasure box, and it took a while to realize what it was: I don't want free loot from this game just for showing up. I want loot that feels earned from enjoyable activities, or from a great drop. Having it sitting in the mailbox because of the weekly reset is an enormous turn off, in no small part because it's there as a hook for chroma, a system made awkward and overly complex to sell more chroma to whales.

TTK was a big step in the right direction in terms of plating up rewards for activities and quest lines (despite the poor drop design for endgame activities). This is a huge step backward.

Just as bad is the giant flashy box opening animation. That's fun and appropriate when you earn something and you want to have an elaborate presentation of the reward. But as some free grab bag, it's annoying and just delays opening the box. (It feels like some of the presentation in my kids F2P tablet games.)

At any rate, I've taken to just deleting everything from the treasure boxes, the items, chroma and all. I really dislike everything about the treasure boxes and chroma, so I'm going to ignore them.

So, yeah. The sandbox update has left me feeling frustrated, the monetizaton hooks are disruptive, and despite an evening of playing, I got no items above my current (not very high) light level. But, it was nice to run some new activities, and I'm looking forward to playing more, particularly the PoE challenge mode, tomorrow night. I missed this game and it's good to be back.

But really? The most fun I ever had with Destiny was when shotguns were awesome. I'd do just about anything to get them back. :(


Hopping on now.
Kadey sent me an invite to PoE 41. Want to run that real quick?
Also. This section is going to make me feel like an asshole, but I feel like I need to say it.

Something really bothered me about the sterling treasure box, and it took a while to realize what it was: I don't want free loot from this game just for showing up. I want loot that feels earned from enjoyable activities, or from a great drop. Having it sitting in the mailbox because of the weekly reset is an enormous turn off, in no small part because it's there as a hook for chroma, a system made awkward and overly complex to sell more chroma to whales.
It shouldn't because that's a very reasonable reaction to what happened. The 'best' shaders and armor are now just gimmes and microtransactions?
Also. This section is going to make me feel like an asshole, but I feel like I need to say it.

But really? The most fun I ever had with Destiny was when shotguns were awesome. I'd do just about anything to get them back. :(

Trust me Ghaleon, we all know I'm the biggest asshole to Destiny when it comes to it. We ALL know.(I'll tone it down though.)

And yeah, shotguns were the most fun I had too. Running in there, shotgun ablazing, shotgunning and punching and reloading was so exhilarating.

Now I want a hand cannon where you load in the bullets one by one. Make it really fun. Reloading in the middle of the fight. Go full Revolver Ocelot.
Nice that makes sense. Yea whenever you have time if you can explain which activities in order I should be doing for my first character and then going forward to repeat with #2-3

Here's a brief outline of what I'd recommend. Start initially with only one character. You'll want to get him as high as possible then infuse that progress into your next alt. Repeat for your 3rd character.

  1. If you have materials to donate, level up a few factions. Assuming your character is close to 320, whatever gear you get should be mid-320s. It's best to do this early since the faction rewards cap at 330. You want to use them as a boost before running the Hard raid, so that your raid drops can start extending into the upper 320s.
  2. Nightfalls are another chance for 320-330 gear, similar to ranking factions, so that's an option if you're short on materials. Personally I didn't do any NFalls.
  3. If you saved exotic engrams, decrypt one for your lowest light gear slot, e.g. if your special weapon slot has the lowest light and you have an exotic engram then decrypt it and equip whatever you get. How many exotics you decrypt depends on how many you have saved. I'd recommend saving most of them for later, especially if you only have one engram for a certain gear slot (i.e. don't use all your helmets). That way you can fill in the gaps later that you don't get from raid drops.
  4. Run the raid on your first character. Make sure to equip all your highest light gear. Don't be afraid to infuse your high light items (ex: a 327 faction auto rifle) into the gear you actually wanna use (ex: Hung Jury). You want to be as high light as possible each time you clear an encounter since the LL of drops will be determined by your character's current LL. We never saw anyone get a drop more than 6 light above their current level.
  5. Equip or infuse every higher light item as soon as you get it, before clearing the next encounter. With some decent luck your first character should reach mid-320s.
  6. Once you finish the raid, transfer your highest light weapons and ghost to your second character. Then infuse all of your highest light armor and artifact from your first character into your second character. Definitely keep something if you really like the stats/perks but otherwise infuse it all. This includes exotics since 1:1 infusion means it's easy to replace something using the kiosk.
  7. Now run the raid on your second character, but you'll start at mid-320's so your gear drops will be high-320s, low 330s. With decent luck your second character should reach low 330s.
  8. Transfer weapons + ghost to your 3rd character, and infuse all of your highest light armor from your second character. Your third guy should start the raid at the same LL where your 2nd character finished (I started our last raid at 331).
  9. Once I hit 332, every drop since has been 334-335. Now's also the time to cash in any remaining exotic engrams, especially if they match a low light gear slot. When you get multiple high light items for the same gear slot (e.g. I got two 335 artifacts from our third challenge mode), you can now pass them back to your initial alts. Except they'll be receiving higher light gear than what they initially donated. That's why my first two characters could hit 333 after my last character had hit 334.

A couple random notes: All faction rewards will drop at 330 once you're over that LL. Exotic engrams should decrypt above your current level, but I did get a 334 Praxic Fire when I was 334. You can run Challenge of Elders for additional 335 drops from both the end game rewards screen, and the High Score + Cumulative Score rewards.

Anyway, hope this helps. It's not nearly as confusing as I made it sound, but I wanted to include enough detail. The progression system is so much better now that everyone will reach high level before long, but this method works really well for anyone that wants to expedite the process and start getting max light drops ASAP. Let me know if anyone has questions.


They just needed to make the 100% turn into a 50% buff, not back down to 10% or around there that they are at now.
Aye, that would do it.

It shouldn't because that's a very reasonable reaction to what happened. The 'best' shaders and armor are now just gimmes and microtransactions?
What really gets me is how unnecessary it is. If they sold chroma like a shader, a permanent item, I'd straight up buy it for a few bucks a color. Bam. But instead they build this big system that drags actual loot into the mix, to facilitate chroma as a consumable.

I'd actually be happy to spend a few spacebucks at Eververse, but there's nothing in it I'd consider buying. Not a consumable, not a grab bag of loot. I spent money to make my Oryx hat from Festival of the Lost a keeper, and I'd love for more fun stuff like that. Something has gone really wrong in the monetization designs.
I highly regret buying The Division season pass. The game is crap.

New DLC today, Incursions (like Nightfalls but 15 waves of enemies).

1st group, 4th person kept quitting, finally got a 4th that stayed. We make it to wave 4/15 and 2 people run out into the middle of enemies and die and then we all died and then the 1 other good guy left. Group disbanded.

2nd and 3rd group KICKED me. I guess people want a gear score of 180+ even though the regular fucking mission recommends 160 and I'm 166. (Reminds me of Must have Ghorn on lfg)

4th group, we had trouble getting a 4th person as well a few times since they'd just leave right when they saw gear scores. We couldn't pass wave 1 because 2 people just ran and died.

Matchmaking = FAIL. Waste of a whole fucking hour and accomplished absolutely nothing.

Today, Destiny was a huge success compared to Division, for me. Also, Division OT, like nobody from PC ever responds to my lfg posts there so 0 luck with that shit. Mostly the same in the Discord. They like all know each other so I'm just nobody to them. I basically get ignored in the Division Community. Pretty sad. The only people that ever responds to me are DestinyGAFfers over there but all are on PS4 hahaha
There are some fundamental underlying issues to PoE that were not addressed, and I had hoped they would. The game flow is still really off. Variks holds up the start of a round with his idea of a pep talk in the hallway. My fireteam repeatedly cleared enemies and then sat around waiting for mines to show up. Long pauses between rounds. All three of us go back to the airlock, where Variks tells us to go back to the airlock.

The long breaks between rounds really kills PoE for me, especially in the new incarnation. The Lv42 Challenge could be a fun and fast romp for a chance at high light items, but you spend more time sitting around than shooting. Loading from orbit, sitting in airlocks... it's too much of a slog to support the more bite sized experience they've created. Without some speed, and without any Skolas, there's not much there for me.

anyone farming artifacts?

Are you talking about CoO Tier 3 artifacts? We farmed 15+ when the update launched but since we were all ~320 the best ones we got were 326. It's definitely a good option for people who don't raid though, since they won't have a chance at the two challenge mode artifacts per character each week.
Are you talking about CoO Tier 3 artifacts? We farmed 15+ when the update launched but since we were all ~320 the best ones we got were 326. It's definitely a good option for people who don't raid though, since they won't have a chance at the two challenge mode artifacts per character each week.

Yeah. I figured i would get a better drop at 332 thats why I was asking if anyone was trying.
Are you talking about CoO Tier 3 artifacts? We farmed 15+ when the update launched but since we were all ~320 the best ones we got were 326. It's definitely a good option for people who don't raid though, since they won't have a chance at the two challenge mode artifacts per character each week.

It seems to give about +5 artifact of what light you're at (unless of course you're 331+ then probably it ranges)
Yeah. I figured i would get a better drop at 332 thats why I was asking if anyone was trying.

Yeah, you'd definitely get something better. Probably max light. I was 332 when we cleared our last challenge mode and both artifacts that dropped were 335.

I highly regret buying The Division season pass. The game is crap.

New DLC today, Incursions (like Nightfalls but 15 waves of enemies).

1st group, 4th person kept quitting, finally got a 4th that stayed. We make it to wave 4/15 and 2 people run out into the middle of enemies and die and then we all died and then the 1 other good guy left. Group disbanded.

2nd and 3rd group KICKED me. I guess people want a gear score of 180+ even though the regular fucking mission recommends 160 and I'm 166. (Reminds me of Must have Ghorn on lfg)

4th group, we had trouble getting a 4th person as well a few times since they'd just leave right when they saw gear scores. We couldn't pass wave 1 because 2 people just ran and died.

Matchmaking = FAIL. Waste of a whole fucking hour and accomplished absolutely nothing.

Today, Destiny was a huge success compared to Division, for me. Also, Division OT, like nobody from PC ever responds to my lfg posts there so 0 luck with that shit. Mostly the same in the Discord. They like all know each other so I'm just nobody to them. I basically get ignored in the Division Community. Pretty sad. The only people that ever responds to me are DestinyGAFfers over there but all are on PS4 hahaha

I haven't logged into Division since the update downloaded, so I dunno what my gear score is but I'm sure it's not good. Although I do know a couple dudes who are pretty hardcore into it, they carried me and Unstable through our initial challenge modes. Last I talked to them they were looking for two other solid players to run the incursions. We haven't grinded nearly enough to be helpful but I could maybe hook you up with them if you're in need of quality PC teammates.
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