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Destiny |OT40| Killed by the Architects


Trying to solo CoE and I made it to Round 2; which doesn't seem that bad at all either. Anyone want to teamup and do a few runs to try and get the bounties/loot?

PSN: phantom8324

I've just soloed it twice now in order to get the 90k points cumulative points portion of the Elders' Sigil done and yeah it's easily manageable.

Soloing the second room was much easier than when I did it with a group, I have no idea why but people seem to really love that far left corner of the room, even though they're likey to get cornered by the Wizards and fire there.
The rewards are nice for challenge. I completed challenge 5 times and got Lord of Wolves, bow and dregs. Either I'm lucky in that aspect or the drops are real.

But my rng is general sucks.

Hunter has all 320 armor except gloves. Turn I weekly 90k challenge and I get another set of gloves.

I am down for 1 nightfall. My girlfriend is running late so I can sneak that in right now.


Maybe its placebo effect. But Hawkmoon feels so much better and its not only the range stat.
It is the range stat. The thing is, "range" doesn't mean what you think it does in this game.

You would think it means how far away from a target you can be and still do full damage but no. Like yea but that's not even the most important part.

- Snipers: Range is a determinant in aim assistance.
- Fusion Rifles: Range determines the Coke radius for your bolts (more range = tighter cone = better chance of landing a full hit)

- Hand Cannons: range determines the likelihood of your shots to actually register. Low range hand cannons = "phantom bullets", the bane of Y2 HCs and the single worst decision Bungie has ever made.

Basically boosting a HCs range is the best and most aggressive buff you can give it. Not because it can change the distance at which you can engage, but rather because it makes hitting things more consistent and reliable.

Been using HM in PvE, super effectively. Is it better than Hung Jury? Not really, that thing never misses and has Firefly and a bigger mag and never runs out of ammo and is more stable and fires more quickly. And it doesn't use your Exotic slot.

But the point is Hawkmoon is *viable*. I don't need it to be optimal; I'm just happy with it being viable. That's enough for me.

Every HC should get a range buff tbh. I have a single useable legendary HC (Finnala's with all range perks), it's a tragedy. I had an amazing Vanity (LitC+Outlaw) but with no range...it's unusable.

Btw let me give Bungie credit: for once nerfs seem to not be excessive. Arminius/Doctrine and TLW are still viable after the nerf - maybe they're learning to be gradual.


Finally got to sink my teeth into the April update a bit.

I thought Legendary engrams were supposed to be decrypting at Attack/Defense that is higher than our Light Level? No such luck for me.

Sterling Chests seem like a total snooze. My first one didn't even give me an armor piece for my class. The second and third one gave me armor with garbage perks and stats bonuses I didn't really want (Strength). I guess the new armor looks cool but it will seemingly take forever to get a set with decent stats/perks.....you are basically paying real money for random engrams if you buy that junk with silver.

The new Prison of Elders seems alright. Nothing to complain about but not much love either.

How is Challenge of Elders? What are the rewards like?


I've just soloed it twice now in order to get the 90k points cumulative points portion of the Elders' Sigil done and yeah it's easily manageable.

Soloing the second room was much easier than when I did it with a group, I have no idea why but people seem to really love that far left corner of the room, even though they're likey to get cornered by the Wizards and fire there.
Yeah, soloing was pretty easy. Finished with ~30k. I can get an extra 5k from Sunsinger orbs. I need to find out what triggers the annoyance tier that drops score. Doubt I can get to 45k per clear without assists.


Range is the be all and end all on hand cannons. You have to hit the range cap of 62 to negate 90% of the phantom bullets. You can only hit that cap on a few archetypes IF they have Rifled or Reinforced as perks.

All other rolls will exhibit phantom bullets and mysterious RNG hit registration because the bloom cone widens out too quickly on hand cannons as a class. Only max range seems to affect this.

Hawkmoon doesn't hit the 62 cap after the buff. Not even close, really. A good roll on a Peril or Eyasluna will eat it alive at medium range or better. And, at all ranges, Hawkmoon is more likely to have RNG bullets occur.

Hawkmoon is better than it was, but it still sucks.


I just gave Suros a shot. Not feeling it. Still gets outclassed by scouts and PRs most of the time. I haven't tried Doctrine post patch. Is it dead, Jim?


After playing the new update quite a bit I can say:
- I like the challenge of elders and new taken bosses for PoE & the new strike
- The progression system is much better.
- I hate the special ammo change in PvE
- The new "quests" are a joke
- The heavy ammo & stability nerf really hurt the qullims terminus, I think. Most other KF weapons are still crap even with the buffs, and now the qullims feels subpar as well.

All in all a good, free update, even if it is a little lacking on the content side. Still salty about the special ammo nerf, though. I hope bungie steps up their game with post launch support with the fall expansion and Destiny 2.
Probably gonna dial back my destiny time quite a bit after playing the new update some more.
I'm glad I'm getting new games soon (Ratchet, Uncharted, Fire Emblem) because I haven't played many other games since starting destiny and that I can start my PhD soon, which will drastically reduce my free time anyway.
I just gave Suros a shot. Not feeling it. Still gets outclassed by scouts and PRs most of the time. I haven't tried Doctrine post patch. Is it dead, Jim?

It's stability is still fucked. The reticle doesn't realign fast enough for the next shot. Which leads to too much compensation. I tried it in PvP for a few games. Nirwen still king for me.
The new Prison of Elders seems alright. Nothing to complain about but not much love either.

How is Challenge of Elders? What are the rewards like?
Challenge of Elders is MUCH better than the level 41 PoE. It's shorter (just three boss fights) and really easy. The loot isn't too bad either (I got jack shit for doing lvl 41). You can do it as much as you want for RNG post-game drops which include class items, ghost and HoW exotics.

I wish Bungie would count Challenge for the weekly treasure box so we wouldn't need to do the level 41 version at all.


Anyone need to do Nightfall? Just need to do it two more times. I wanna get it done today so that I could finally start Dark Souls 3 tomorrow.


Anyone use Hawkmoon in pvp? Good? Bad?
It's not amazing in PvP. Close range you still want TLW. Medium to long range you still want PDX/Hawksaw/Grasp or a MIDA.

In PvE? It's not the best option out there but definitely viable. It's got a really good mag and shots are registering reliably. Plus it packs a punch. I loved it for Challenge of the Elders- I was one shotting most enemies and racking up that precision bonus. Super fun and satisfying fun. Hung Jury is still better. But Hawkmoon is useable.


Ah I didn't see it. Thanks.
That really sucks. I really want to use a hand cannon in pvp besides TLW. Any recommendations into what gun and what perks I should be looking for?
Iron Banner: Finnala's Peril
Crucibke random drop: Eyasaluna

Either of these, properly rolled, can be fun to use. Just make sure you get tons of range on them. They won't be optimal but maybe viable if you're as good a player as Frenden.


What changed with special ammo in PvE?

I've only read about changes to special ammo in crucible.

They reduced max held sniper and shotgun ammo by 5-7 rounds, reduced the 1000 yard stare amount even further and "increased drop rate" of green bricks.
I was able to carry at least 24 sniper shots before the update with both sniper boots and chest. With exotics like twilight garrison it was even more.
Now I'm getting 18 spindle shots max with sniper gear, generally less because the new dropped gear doesn't have the optimal perks my old stuff had. That doesn't even last for two thirds of a single warpriest damage round. Then you start looking around and realize not a single green brick has been dropped. Great, use a synth, but still only have a tiny amount of shots.

The supposed increase of special ammo bricks is useless and it didn't feel like an increase at all. I was constantly looking around for ammo, hoping the game would drop me some greens (which it often didn't). And when you actually get greens you only get 4 or 5 shots back instead of 6 to 8, so you need even more green bricks to get your sniper shots filled back up. Ugh, so annoying.


I really liked destiny, put about 7 - 8 days time into it - have had problems getting fireteams together - certainly my own problem because I play at really odd hours.

for example I've run the kingsfall once (to completion), VoG once, and never could find people to run crota (but watched it on youtube)

I was really excited about this update and played for a few hours today - was fortunate enough to get the taken ship - and one piece of taken armor.

Played about an hour of the court of oryx - of about 20 drops 1 was more than 300 (my character is 312)

I ran the lvl 41 CoE with matchmaking - I didn't get the taken version but it was fun running it again.

I am so bummed that the level 42+ CoE doesn't have matchmaking. I don't understand the reasoning - it feels exclusionary

I say this knowing I should look for grouping sites - and have been helped here before (xbone) - but it is a serious flaw to exclude people from content.

why do I have to use external sites to play a game I've both paid for and supported with my time?

I am not a stranger to mmorpgs - every one for the last 20+ years has some method to join users in game. (even meridian 59 had a great guild system)

I hate to sound down on the game because I really liked my time with destiny - just blows my mind that some of the most fun I've had I'm pretty much excluded from if I don't use an external site to find a group.
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