John are you gonna play tonight? Its been a while since you enjoyed Mercury's view.
I need redemption John. Plus, the Elo climb...
I have no idea why i'm a red bar right now
I've done 25 and gotten Lord of Wolves, Dreg's, five class items, and no ghost.Seriously? The drop rate of the HoW exotics seemed insanely high. I did one CoE and got the LoW.
I will bring all of you down to my level so you know what it feels like. One by one! First Pandora, now Jafku!
I miss old, OP Sunbreakers. Titan is back to feeling like a paper tank.
Getting to 335 is just to make it easier to gather materials and armor at this point, I'm more focused on the real endgame: FASHION!
I decided to pull the trigger and try getting back into the game, re: my previous post about wanting to get the Legendary Edition after not having played since vanilla.
And I forgot how beautiful this game could be. Seamlessly walking from the Moon's surface to an underground silo with these little pops of detail, selling the idea of something that is both futuristic for our time but outdated for the game's.
My character still had the Bad Seed Down and Invective, so I'm using those. Are either of those still viable once ascended?
I popped into the Crucible and have been enjoying that, but I get wrecked easily. Is there a gear disparity even when playing modes that don't have a level disparity? It doesn't feel like the weapons are normalized completely. Should I wait until I hit level cap again?
Would be nice if these exotics dropped at 335. Keep getting 334.
Anyone up for POE farming?
Hey that golgoroth challenge was fun as heck though.You displease me.
Hey that golgoroth challenge was fun as heck though.
It was like gym class. Gotta take a lap.Best part of the raid last night IMO.
Don't really hear anyone talking about the Zen Meteor. Guess it has fallen into novelty column of exotics.
The xp needed to level gear is still an absurd amount isn't it? They need to tweak that a bit to be more like weapons.
I'll review it once I eventually get one.Don't really hear anyone talking about the Zen Meteor. Guess it has fallen into novelty column of exotics.
Haha. I still don't forgive you for stealing my Zen Meteor![]()
What controller are you using on PS? I should be switching in the next week and the one thing I'm not looking forward to is using that PS controller. I know I can use the Xbone controller with a chronus but no headset unless USB. Just curious what your set up was.All Year 1 weapons have been "left behind" so you won't be able to ascend those weapons into Year 2 viability. As for Crucbile, there is no gear/light level disparity in regular Crucible but it can feel that way when people have better guns (and probably more playtime) than you. People with god rolled weapons can kill you faster because the weapon perks are better, not because it's higher light or anything like that.
And yeah, totally agree about appreciating the art direction. Sometimes I go wander around the planets just to remind myself of all the great little details. The Moon in particular has a really distinctive feeling, with the 2001-esque creepy music and the Swiss cheese subterranean tunnels.
Looking quite the badass, if I do say so myself!
Does it make you feel better knowing that I infused the 333 one I stole into something else because I got a 335 from an engram?![]()
Purifier Robes as a Stormcaller tho.
Yeah lmao. WutPurifier Robes as a Stormcaller tho.
I haven't even leveled mine up or fired it all. The perk sounds pretty lameDon't really hear anyone talking about the Zen Meteor. Guess it has fallen into novelty column of exotics.
Does it make you feel better knowing that I infused the 333 one I stole into something else because I got a 335 from an engram?![]()
Honestly destiny is ultimately an endgame fashion simThat pic was purely for looks!!!
I haven't even leveled mine up or fired it all. The perk sounds pretty lame
They should have made it proc off precision hits instead of just kills. At least it then it could potentially be useful for boss fights.
That's the dreamI wish they would just remove the leveling up requirement for weapons and armor. It's just an unnecessary grind, just give us gear that is ready-to-go, fighting RNGesus is a big enough grind in itself.
Don't really hear anyone talking about the Zen Meteor. Guess it has fallen into novelty column of exotics.
Hmm, a Party Crasher dropped for me last night in PvP and it has rifled barrel like the Conspiracy Theory we all got from doing that one TTK quest, along with Aggressive Ballistics, but AB's got nerfed bad
The fire rate is much faster than the Conspiracy Theory and it does a sliver less damage, so I'll probably infuse my 335 Conspiracy Theory into my new Party Crasher because I tired of waiting for what feels like hours for the CP to fire a second shot, it's caused so many damn deaths for me.
¯\_(ツnot really no.
Come on weteha, let's play some stuff so I can steal all your loot.
Killing a Minotaur in one shot with a big explosion is a sight to behold thoughYeah it never really stood a chance. PvP balancing strikes again. The "rapid" requirement is pretty strict for the perk to proc then you only have 5 seconds to find something worthwhile to shoot with the bonus round. I saw a streamer get 3 head shots pretty darn quick but wasn't fast enough to proc Dynamite.
Didn't want people "final rounding" in Crucible I assume, there's no PvE reason to make the perk that situational. Even in PvE, when would you ever want to kill 3 trash just to do extra damage to one big enemy? You can do more DPS just focusing on the big guy. I can't think of any use for it.
Bungie can rest easy knowing that it feels the same in PvE as it does in PvP sitting in the vault.That would be too OP. All your favorite PvE weapons are nerfed for PvP.
Killing a Minotaur in one shot with a big explosion is a sight to behold though
Ok, so spent some time with the update.
Strike and story mission are too short (although Ghost is on form with humour at least) and pretty disappointing, but I feel like I've made more progress in 2 hours than I probably did in 2 weeks when I last played TTK.
Some very good additions, although to be honest, it's been a while since TTK came out, I expected a fair bit of this would have been implemented sooner.
Honestly destiny is ultimately an endgame fashion sim![]()
I don't get people who feel reaching max light quickly is a bad thing. It's like what keeps you playing is a higher number?
This update is like HoW: you can forget about the stupid boring grind and focus on playing the game how you want it. Having multiple sets of armor look and perform the way you want them to without FarmVille style inventory management.
I like having Int Dis Void armor with sniper ammo buff for PvE Hunter. But also Dis Str shotgun ammo for PvP. And having competitive LL Trials and IB armor sets. Being able to max out gunsmith weapons for the heck of it. And doing it in a reasonable amount of time.
And when I get all the armor sets and loadouts how I want them, game over? No, now you play the game and forget about loot forever. That was the beauty of HoW: we weren't chasing anything. We had everything we wanted. It was just joyful Control trains every day where everybody had the best weapons and armor <3
Taken King honestly ruined the game - been saying so since it came out (at length). This update manages to fix many (but not all) the myriad ways they made the game worse.