What are you doing to get there?
Okay let me see if I can still piece together what I did:
Starting point:
319 on all characters, all of them missing the class item and at most 1 additional item
~15 exotic weapons (a couple of each, mostly primary and heavy)
~15 exotic armors (5 gloves, couple helmets/gloves/chest/boots)
bunch of legendary engrams (useless)
20 CoO tier 3 runes (charged)
- Ran the new quests and strike + Nightfall on 1 hunter which got me 1 item at 325 -> infused into hunter gear
- Ranked up Vanguard once and Dead Orbit 4 times on hunter (to hit rank 25), which got me a couple items at 324-326 -> infused into hunter gear
- Ran challenge of elders 3 times (30k/90k), got a weapon and chestpiece -> infused into hunter gear, by that point my hunter was 323 or 324 I think
- ran one CoO for the artifact
- ran the raid from totems to oryx on hunter, always highest light gear equipped. infusing weapons and not infusing (just equipping) armor pieces (got super unlucky with drops from warpriest (shards), golgoroth = 4 gloves and a 320 class item from sisters)
- move all the high light stuff to warlock and infuse it into warlock gear, by that point he was 326 or 327
- ran raid from totems -> oryx on warlock (better drops, always high gear equipped, not infused) -> warlock at 330 or so
- switch to titan, move stuff over and infuse, run raid -> titan at 332 or so
- run remaining nightfalls
- move everything high light to hunter, infuse all of it. hunter is at 333
- more CoO for 335 artifacts
- farm the shit out of prison of elders 42 for 335 ghost, 335 specials, exotic engrams and 335 class items -> hunter is at 334, open a lot of exotic engrams -> a lot of 334 and 335 gear
- farm the shit out of nightfall for 335 helmets, which I only had 1 of due to an engram.
that's about it.
Edit: May have gotten some numbers wrong and I ran a couple of extra CoO here and there to always keep my artifact up to date because I had sooo many runes.
Edit2: Oh I almost forgot, I also ran 10 heroic strikes for the exotic class item and got 2 strike specific drops at 330 which I infused into my weapons.
Stop WeTeHa please stop. It makes my guys look sad, still rolling in 320 land.
You were playing dark souls, you don't deserve any destiny loot