I'm down biggy70686Anyone interested in a HM run, I think I have totems
1. me
2. my friend
Looking to start when full
I'm down biggy70686Anyone interested in a HM run, I think I have totems
1. me
2. my friend
Looking to start when full
Couldn't solo CoE. I have failed.
I'll join.Anyone interested in a HM run, I think I have totems
1. me
2. my friend
3. Robdraggoo
4. biggy70686
5. churmom
Looking to start when full
Just need one to get started
Anyone interested in a HM run, I think I have totems
1. me
2. my friend
3. Robdraggoo
4. biggy70686
5. churmom
Sounds about right.Learning a lot...
Oryx is confused.
Id is to blame for world suffering and Donald Trump.
My grimoire score is lacking.
Just need one to get started
Anyone interested in a HM run, I think I have totems
1. me
2. my friend
3. Robdraggoo
4. biggy70686
5. churmom
I'm gameAnyone want to run a NF?
I'm game
Sounds good, join party when readySomething came up...just need ten mins!
What's the NF?
Sunless Cell
WeTaHa and my internet. Soviet Russia style.
Sounds good, join party when ready
Anyone want to run a NF?
Sounds good, join party when ready
we need a third..join me or wiped
I'll come. I'll join in a couple of minutes
Just finished the Vault of Glass for the first. Raids are awesome but I'll I got was a Chatterwhite shader and a bunch of Ascendant shards. Feels bad man.
Just finished the Vault of Glass for the first. Raids are awesome but I'll I got was a Chatterwhite shader and a bunch of Ascendant shards. Feels bad man.
Trying again. Anyone have totems cp?
WeTaHa and my internet. Soviet Russia style.
I keep a harrowed version of the pulse with firefly just for the raid, same with the hmg. Everything else can be put into something better and more fun.Are the King's Fall weapons still any good? I have the PR with Firefly and the Scout with Rangefinder, and I cant decide whether to keep them or infuse them into something else.
WeTaHa and my internet. Soviet Russia style.
Thats the modem i have although mine is a generation older >_>
Can I get the cp as well?I can supply. I'll head to the raid now.
That WeTeHa net is no joke.
Can I get the cp as well?
Going to snag it as well.Jump on in. It's not like I can prevent you, or could I?
I don't know. Joining you may lead to me transferring the RNG luck I stole from WipedOut to you.Jump on in. It's not like I can prevent you, or could I?
Is that possible? I bet the opposing teams in Trials hate you then.
WeTaHa and my internet. Soviet Russia style.
I'm down.CoE anyone? Looking to do the 30,000/90,000 challenge on my Titan. PSN: phantom8324
Power outage. Dat third world lifeHey ocean, you're internet go out or something important come up?
Either way, GGs, thx for the runs.
Looking for folks to raid. We will be starting from Totems and will be doing the challenge (Oryx)
Starting as soon as we are full.
1. Me (taking my hunter)