Tbh I posted that line on Feetie's gif in hopes that you would deliver the goods on quality fusion rifle usage
I've always loved using them, it's just that snipers are so strong like you said (especially for Trials which is all I play nowadays). I've been holding onto that Hot Swap/Braced Frame Thesan the Gunsmith sold awhile back, as well as a hot swap Trials fusion. Just need to dust them off sometime to get a better feel for how they play, such a satisfying kill when you pull it off.
Speaking of reliable posters, you could set your watch to Trout's salt. Kappa
Trust me, nobody is rooting against scrubiness more than me.
I always tell people the same thing: use whatever class and set-up you're most comfortable using. If you never snipe, it's not a good time to learn. Better to have a shotty for emergency close quarter usage. The more important stuff will be communication and teamwork which we'll talk about once we start playing. We'll just try our best and hopefully it works out. If not we'll try again another time, no worries.