Thanks for the run!
Thanks for the run.
Edit: damn top of the and I'm new at this!
Thanks for the run!
Dude is an animal.And this is coming from the crazy guy that moved to PS4 when he got bored playing Destiny on Xbone! If he can play other games, so can you!
Cmon there's tons of people who were like "well if you've got nothing for me I'll go play The Division!" Or whatever. A big part of the player base feels this game should somehow never ever ever ever ever stop having new things to do OR ELSE I'LL LEAVE.
Urk is just being rational. Come play, leave when you're done, come back when there's something new. Don't know how that's disparaging tbh
Checking destinytracker and just saw that my DTR crucible high skill is 50 (max) because of trials. Is this supposed to be a big deal? I kinda remember drizz posting about him getting it back in HoW.
Checking destinytracker and just saw that my DTR crucible high skill is 50 (max) because of trials. Is this supposed to be a big deal? I kinda remember drizz posting about him getting it back in HoW.
I'm very good at watching my teammates play while I'm dead! Fun with friends though. Between that, Halo, and Rocket League I'm fine until Destiny produces some worthwhile content. How's the Division? I was on the fence with that one.How's rainbow 6 treating you?
Spring break, good Friday. This would've been a good week for IB.
I'll let you know. 4 of us that used to run the raid plus Trance who was with us until we became the late evening raid party are going to run him through.
Maybe I'll take the offer up for a trials card if the map is interesting to me.
Trials with Drizz and Koro sounds like a great time.
If Koro is still up for it, we should run a card this weekend.
Next week is as well, since some schools will be next week instead.
Why does Skyshock still exist in rotation?? WTF
I'm very good at watching my teammates play while I'm dead! Fun with friends though. Between that, Halo, and Rocket League I'm fine until Destiny produces some worthwhile content. How's the Division? I was on the fence with that one.
Right on, that works for me. I can be an alt if somebody can't make it. And I'm totally up for Trials with any X1 folks whenever schedules work. It's fun getting to know you folks better at long last, haha.
For sure man. Not sure how many X1 folks are looking for Trials help, but between you, Koro, Trip, and Eric the streamer there should be plenty of potential helpers. Besides, everyone can farm Wiped's sweet sweet ELO for awhile longer. Although it did go up ~260 points in one weekend...
For sure man. Not sure how many X1 folks are looking for Trials help, but between you, Koro, Trip, and Eric the streamer there should be plenty of potential helpers. Besides, everyone can farm Wiped's sweet sweet ELO for awhile longer. Although it did go up ~260 points in one weekend...
Why does Skyshock still exist in rotation?? WTF
Trials map where you kill the enemy team with Sparrows.It should be a trials map.
Man I won't forget that. That's the first biggest sign that not only did they lose touch with their community, but with themselves. How did that even happen!? So much wrong information...
Haven't touched Destino since Saturday. Going to Raid tonight and might be done until next reset again. It's been fun playing a new game
Why does Skyshock still exist in rotation?? WTF
Anyone got the Golgoroth CP I can snag????
Still need it? Join on me, psn is Nothus.
Giving amar the cp, so I guess DJ is in!
ELO 1560 on Xb1 = Rank 24,000
ELO 1577 on PS4 = Rank 34,000.
Dude is an animal.
And people still say most of the good players are on X1 lol.
Good runs everyone! Weteha, Pandora, Light_Knight, Nico and Kadab.
See I don't get why I'm called out on this. Ji66a is Mr. Destiny. Dude has been rocking 6 Alts and runs everything on both consoles. He is the real animal.
Even xplicit is more of an animal than me.
They all left for PS4![]()
1239h - 262h deleted
Makes up 7 weeks 2 days 15 hours 2 minutes 54 seconds.
6 active and 1 deleted characters.
Now Luke Smith is telling people on Twitter to play other games too.
So weird that Bungie is going full "play other games" on twitter the day before they start to reveal their big Spring content infusion.
I think Bungie rather have less people playing their game so they don't get as much criticism.
They need to takes notes from division on the rotating stock of what the vendors are selling. It doesn't have to be daily but a weekly reset would be niceBungie is doing that so they can throw the content hammer at us next month and hit us with that 6-month BOOM. Look at all this stuff you can do!
Tomorrow should be interesting to say the least.
But yea, lots of other games isn't a bad thing at all. I think they just have so much political crap that inhibits them from giving us info. At least that's what it seems like to me.
This 3-week Twitch video thing seems to be how they will continue to do things since it's obviously a pattern. Especially now that they're partnered.
They need to takes notes from division on the rotating stock of what the vendors are selling. It doesn't have to be daily but a weekly reset would be nice
They need to takes notes from division on the rotating stock of what the vendors are selling. It doesn't have to be daily but a weekly reset would be nice
If I recall correctly, I actually did my run without dying. While you scrubbed up.
Light_Knight 1, Pandora 0, don't hate.
P.S. Kadey, since you're SF fan, any interest in T7?
Just cleaned up in Rumble, the daily PvP, on freaking widows court. Shotgun Sunsinger FTW. Managed to even get both heavies once lol
Good runs everyone! Weteha, Pandora, Light_Knight, Nico and Kadab.
I apologize for my scrubby jumping...... I swear I am better than that..... Well at least better than Light_Knight.
It's a start but I'm talking about all the other vendors. If they are not going to change then at least bring back the reforging.They already do this in Year 2for the real money vendor.
It was really more of a shout out to the destiny sock rates in conjunction with simultaneous non-destiny game sock rates. Are these individuals also doing laundry on other games at these rates?See I don't get why I'm called out on this. Ji66a is Mr. Destiny. Dude has been rocking 6 Alts and runs everything on both consoles. He is the real animal.
Even xplicit is more of an animal than me.