"Buy an Emote."We know one of the Triumphs will be purchasing X amount of Silver.
"Buy an Emote."We know one of the Triumphs will be purchasing X amount of Silver.
Haha sorryI actually hope they bring back the triumphs.
There must be a skeleton crew working on this DLC if there's only 1 new strike with 12 months in between DLCs.
Always thought it's a damn shame that Shaxx does the commentary during IB matches. It'd be great to have Saladbar tell us to "FIGHT BACK".People seemed to be confusing Saladins voice for that of Shaxx when saying it doesn't sound right in the trailer.
Saladin = Keith Ferguson
Shaxx = Lennie James (Morgan in Walking Dead)
Sounds like Salad to me.
There must be a skeleton crew working on this DLC if there's only 1 new strike with 12 months in between DLCs.
Missed the stream: I take it there are no other big reveals, with all the leaks we had?
Only the triumph thing coming back?
Missed the stream: I take it there are no other big reveals, with all the leaks we had?
Only the triumph thing coming back?
I think the y2 triumph talk is pure speculation. I don't remember hearing that during the stream.
I don't think they said anything about year 2 Triumphs, the only stuff that they discussed that we didn't see in the leaks was more lore.And Deej's beard.
Haha, ok so Deej really had nothing to say I suppose. ^^
Oh, that's nice that they confirmed this!They confirmed last gen has been dropped, and the price is $30.
I'm gonna hold off on pre-ordering in case a collector's edition is announced. This stream seemed like the place to do it though so not really expecting one honestly.
I am in the same boat. I doubt we get a CE for this release and its more like HOW and TDB.
I'm curious if they will reveal more about the traveler and if the speaker will be involved in any of the new story line. I swear Bungie has forgotten about that giant sphere floating above the city.
Prior to today's stream I watched a few of the old ones and in one they mentioned how there's a lot of Dark Souls fans among the Destiny team.
Today they reiterated that with what seems like Destiny's own bonfire & fire keeper at the Peak's "mausoleum".
Looks like it strandels in between
Yeah, that was in the Raid-Along King's Fall stream. They talked about how Pistons area was inspired by Sen's Fortress. There are tons of Souls references, from the Praise the Sun emote that Eris used to do (and now you can buy), to the perk on Heart of Praxic Fire, to the Aclyophage Symbiote helmet and its flavor text as a reference to Solaire's quest line. I'm sure there are more. The design of Terminus on Venus always felt very Souls-esque to me, how you can see it so clearly way off in the distance and then actually go there. Like seeing Duke's Archive or something.
edit: also the Pistons area being inspired by Sen's made me laugh because Luke has previously said that it was actually inspired by Double Dragon (jumping section before final boss where pistons shot out of walls and knocked you to your death). Similar to how the VoG jump puzzle was (obviously) based on Mega Man 2 disappearing blocks. The pistons are actually much more similar to Double Dragon than Sen's anyway.
Hot Stuff
Update 2.3.0 coming soon.
New OT banner hype?
What's wrong with them?
They appear to be bugged and aren't dropping for a lot of people.What's wrong with them?
When is the maintenance over? I can't play destiny :-(
They don't drop and they fuck up your Postmaster notifications.
They appear to be bugged and not dropping for a lot of people.
There was a recent thread on Reddit about it and Cozmo posted and said he would bring it up to the Dev team.
When is the maintenance over? I can't play destiny :-(
This doctor makes house calls!! Thank youQuoting people who asked to make sure they notice...
People can quote this post for Discord link:
Quote for Discord
Bungie Help said:Today's maintenance is being extended by 1 hour until 1PM PDT. Thank you for your patience.