Hey guys, I've been out of the Destiny loop for around 4 months, and I just started playing again. When I left, I was at LL318 and had done pretty much everything there was to do, but now that I'm back I'm finding myself stuck and haven't been able to increase my LL at all so far. I've been doing Crucible and Strikes, mostly, since my old raiding crew doesn't play anymore. What avenues should I be going down to increase my light, if Crucible and Strikes simply isn't working?
I'm on PS4, by the way.
Hey guys, I've been out of the Destiny loop for around 4 months, and I just started playing again. When I left, I was at LL318 and had done pretty much everything there was to do, but now that I'm back I'm finding myself stuck and haven't been able to increase my LL at all so far. I've been doing Crucible and Strikes, mostly, since my old raiding crew doesn't play anymore. What avenues should I be going down to increase my light, if Crucible and Strikes simply isn't working?
I'm on PS4, by the way.
So which of these grasp rolls is worth holding on to. Until omnigul comes around again in a farmable form.
1. OES, counter balance, handmade, third eye
2. OES, secret round, feather mag, third eye (dismantle?!?)
3. ORES, partial refund, perfect balance or braced frame, glass half full
4. ORS, counter balance, fitted stock or hand laid stock and grenadier
5. ORES, secret round, fitted stock, feeding frenzy
None stand out as God rolls but a few seem decent. What order would you rank them?
1 and 4, dismantle the rest.
Fitted or handlaid for number 4?
If you get any exotic engrams keep them until you are at least 330 ll. Better chance of 335 ones. With the new April update exotics and faction packages can decript up to 6 ll above your current oneHuh, alright. Thanks guys.
So far the two exotic engrams I've gotten have decrypted to LL 314 and 319 shit.
Strikes - Updated 6/20/16 to add missing notes
Heroic Strikes now include a randomly-selected group of three modifiers
One modifier will be applied from each of the following lists
Group 1: Small Arms; Specialist; Brawler; Catapult
Group 2: Airborne; Thermal Burn; Arc Burn; Void Burn
Group 3: Juggler; Commander; Ironclad; Exposure; Chaff; Angry
Trickle will not be applied to Heroic Strikes
So far the two exotic engrams I've gotten have decrypted to LL 314 and 319 shit.
If you get any exotic engrams keep them until you are at least 330 ll. Better chance of 335 ones.
Nice, that's been on my wishlist since TKK launch. Catapult + void burn pls lol
I remember a CoE a while back with catapult, and you basically got your grenades instantly. As long as you were getting kills, you were throwing grenades 100% of the time. It was soooo much fun.Cannot even imagine how quickly a void walker with T5 dis, The Hunger, and Embrace The Void would get their grenades back it's already every 4s with a kill now.
Tomorrow: 1:15pm eastern (or 15 mins after event goes live)
Iron Banner Train - with your host - Tyler!
Grasp everywhere...lol
Due to the same issue that prevented players from joining matches in Trials of Osiris, we are also cancelling Iron Banner for this week.
Iron Banner cancelled
Tyler please update your image.
Also, I am now sad.
The issue of some people not being able to join games seems like a ridiculous reason to cancel the event.
Are these people not able to join any matchmaking games?
I can understand cancelling IB as its not around too often, so the people having these problems would not be happy missing IB, but trials? It's around once a week, I don't see how missing one week is going to really hurt these few people, but instead bungie decided that everyone had to feel the same pain, so now no one can play trials or IB until they fix this bug. It's unbelievable how many bugs that were caused with this update. I've never seen this many bugs before come from a patch. This patch seems to be adding more problems than the April update did, and this is much smaller than that was.
Lol you obviously haven't played the division.I can understand cancelling IB as its not around too often, so the people having these problems would not be happy missing IB, but trials? It's around once a week, I don't see how missing one week is going to really hurt these few people, but instead bungie decided that everyone had to feel the same pain, so now no one can play trials or IB until they fix this bug. It's unbelievable how many bugs that were caused with this update. I've never seen this many bugs before come from a patch. This patch seems to be adding more problems than the April update did, and this is much smaller than that was.
You know what, I forgot about that game. I take that back. Division was awful when it came to bugs. This is the most bugs in a destiny patch that I've ever seen.Lol you obviously haven't played the division.
I assume somewhere around 0.04%.I wonder what percent of the Destiny population this issue is affecting.
Iron Banner cancelled