Rollo Tomasi
Most of you know me as dorssom, and I don't post as often as I should, but I just wanted to say thanks to the whole DGAF community. I love playing with you all, and have had a lot of fun and memorable times over the past two years. There is plenty of salt around here, but at its core a lot of love for this game as well. I've even been having fun in the crucible (hopping onto Kadey trains) and I never thought that would happen! (Doubles with randoms can go straight to hell though.)
Shout out especially to my reset crew: LTWOOD, Kreepmode, hawkian, T-44, JohnOfMars, and more recently WipedOut, TranceAddix, and GutZ31. You all are great players and more importantly, great people. Thanks for letting me hang with ya'll.
And tonight I got this!
Congrats dorssom! Welcome to Guardlan Lordship.