That stream annihilated my enthusiasm for RoI. Reskinned areas has to be every Destiny veteran's worst case scenario.
While they hinted at something more, this really left the focus on the stuff I want to avoid.
Y'all surprised?
I'm not surprised or disappointed. They showed off some of what they said they would, left rest to our imagination. As long as future streams are much more substantial, which I expect they will be.
Wait is the new xpac going to be compromised of a reskinned cosmodrone+new area? I dont count the social hub when assigning a monetary worth because those are completely useless.
How much does it cost again? $20?
Errbody uses Discord now. 😜I think I'm done with this game. They got my last dollar with ROI.
20 posts in the OT during the stream, lol. So hyped.
Wait is the new xpac going to be compromised of a reskinned cosmodrone+new area? I dont count the social hub when assigning a monetary worth because those are completely useless.
How much does it cost again? $20?
I have all 3 weekly IB bounties completed from last time. Should I wait to turn them in until the last day?
Welp.... that was a Bungie stream alright.
New Raid and higher light level. Based on the fact that story is focused around Saladin I would hope for some cool pvp content also, but they have been silent on that front.
So a bunch of people have posted here and there asking about another flawless raid. I should be able to sherpa another one this weekend same as last week, but let's go ahead and start a fresh group just to keep things clear. I should be available starting Sunday afternoon, EST time.
Let's roughly say 3 pm EST Sunday, but the time can be moved around depending on everyone's availability. Just quote this post if you want to participate.
1.) Drizzay
2.) PSN:TheNegativeDude/SlimySnake
3.) PSN: Lifendz
Snow and Gally sparrow. Pretty much it.I missed it, could you give me a tl;dr?
I missed it, could you give me a tl;dr?
New Raid and higher light level. Based on the fact that story is focused around Saladin I would hope for some cool pvp content also, but they have been silent on that front.
Added my name. Eff it. Might as well get this platinum.
You're in good hands. Crota normal =cake
Maybe there's a actual reason why Bungie employees never posts on here anymore. 👀
We should say nothing but positive things so they will grace us with their presence.
Totally agree.I'm not saying that? But saying people should be fired and just being negative as fuck would lead them to not even show up on here.
I spotted a new helmet in the sparrow trailer. Looks like a Warlock?
Maybe there's a actual reason why Bungie employees never posts on here anymore. 👀
I missed the stream, but honestly at this point I'm more looking forward to see how many crucible maps we're going to be getting. I'm sure I'll have a good time with this content FOR A WEEKEND despite it being most likely sparse.
Oh there's definitely a reason lol
Well, at least there's a healthy pvp community... Right?FTFY
Maybe there's a actual reason why Bungie employees never posts on here anymore. 👀
Maybe there's a actual reason why Bungie employees never posts on here anymore. 👀